= Nintendo Wii Devices = Nintendo produced many different devices for their Wii and Wii-U products. This file tries to list and describe all of these sorted by their model number. As there is no official documentation by Nintendo, there is no guarantee that this list is complete or correct. Feedback and contributions are welcome! This file tries to describe which devices exist and how their look differs from each other depending on the model number. However, this file does not describe any wire/wireless protocols or other software behavior. This file only describes the mechanics and physical views of the devices. See the DEV_* files for further information and communication details. == Device Identification == On each device you can always find a model number like "RVL-003", "WUP-005", ... These are always present and identify the type of device. However, there might be multiple revisions of a device that behave differently even though they have the same model number. Hence, you can often find additional numbers that identify the device revision. But these numbers aren't found on all devices and might be inconsistent. We haven't exactly figured out what all of these mean and we need much more data from people who own such devices. Therefore, please notify us if you have different devices that aren't listed here so we can extend this list continously. == Device List == Following a list of all devices with their respective model number and other device identifications. First, a list of Wii related products, then Wii U products. Many products work with both, Wii and Wii U, but Nintendo uses a different numbering scheme so we split them up here. === Nintendo Wii Products === Wii products have model numbers starting with "RVL". It probably stands for "ReVoLution" which was the codename of the Wii. RVL-001 Product: Wii Console Label: Wii Model: RVL-001 (EUR) Revision: C/RVL-EUR-1 Color: Black Year: 2006 Description: This is the Wii console. It exists in different colors but they seem to be the same hardware otherwise. It is unclear whether it was revised for multiple revisions or whether they differ according to the country-code. No differences have been discovered and it seems safe to assume that they are all the same. Additional Numbers: >ABS+PMMA< RVL-002 Product: Wii Console Power Supply Label: Wii Power Supply Model: RVL-002 (EUR) Revision: C/RVL-A-AD-EUR Color: Grey Year: 2006 Description: The main power supply for the Wii Console. The cold-plug differs depending on the country-code. No other differences have been found. Additional Numbers: D9PKU22 RVL-003 Product: Wii Remote Label: Wii Model: RVL-003 Revision: RVL(F)-1 Color: White Year: 2006 Description: This is the first Wii Remote controller that was produced together with the main console. No country-code has been found and only one revision is known. This is the version _without_ the builtin Motion Plus peripheral. Additional Numbers: B1UF123 >ABS< f7-4 [R] 204NY20600402 RVL-004 Product: Wii Remote Nunchuck Extension Label: Model: RVL-004 Revision: Color: White, Black Year: 2006 Description: The Nunchuck is an extension controller for the Wii Remote. It is connected with a cable and features 2 buttons and a joystick. No country-codes are known, neither does it have a revision number. Even the ACN code seems to be equal between all devices so there was probably only one type produced and never been revised. Additional Numbers: RVL-005 Product: Wii Remote Classic Controller Extension RVL-006 Product: Wii Optical Disc RVL-007 Product: Wii Optical Disc Case RVL-008 RVL-009 Product: Wii Cinch A/V Cable Label: Model: RVL-009 Revision: Color: Grey Year: 2006 Description: Standard connector for the Wii Console to a TV via analog signal. 6 pins on both ends. Simple adapter for A/V-Multi-Out to 3 cable cinch. Additional Numbers: RVL-010 Product: Wii S-Video S-VHS A/V Cable RVL-011 Product: Wii Component A/V Cable RVL-012 Product: Wii D-Terminal A/V Cable RVL-013 Product: Wii RGB A/V Cable RVL-014 Product: Wii Sensor Bar Label: Wii Sensor Bar Model: RVL-014 Revision: Color: Grey/Black Year: 2006 Description: Standard sensor bar with cable to connect to the console. The connector features 3 pins, but probably only 2 are used. The sensor bar has LEDs on both sides which are used to send infrared signals to the Wii Remotes for location tracking. Additional Numbers: RVL-015 Product: Wii USB Ethernet Adapter RVL-016 Product: Wii Sensor Bar Stand Label: Model: RVL-016 Revision: Color: Transparent/Grey Year: 2006 Description: Stand for Wii Sensor Bar. Additional Numbers: RVL-017 Product: Wii Console Stand Label: Wii Model: RVL-017 Revision: Color: Grey/Black Year: 2006 Description: Stand for Wii Console so the Console can stand safely on its side. Additional Numbers: RVL-018 Product: Wii Remote Wrist Strap Label: Model: RVL-018 Revision: Color: Grey Year: 2006 Description: Wrist strap for the Wii Remote. Comes in different colors and looks but always has the same model number. Additional Numbers: >ABS< m1-8 (found on white RVL-003) >ABS< H1-7 (found on white RVL-036 early revision) >ABS< t1-9 (found on black RVL-036 early revision) >ABS< m1E-8 (found on cyan RVL-036 late revision) RVL-019 Product: Wii Console Stand Plate Label: Model: RVL-019 Revision: Color: Transparent Year: 2006 Description: Stand plate for RVL-017 Wii Mounting. Additional Numbers: >PC< f5-1 RVL-020 Product: Wii SD-Memory Card 512 MB RVL-021 Product: Wii Balance Board RVL-022 Product: Wii Remote Jacket Label: Model: RVL-022 Revision: Color: Transparent, Black Year: 2006 Description: Jacket for Wii Remotes. Exists in different revisions. One for the classic RVL-003 remote, one for the new RVL-036 remote with gap for the sync-button. Additional Numbers: >VMQ< ma13-6 (without Sync-button gap) >VMQ< ha62-6 (with Sync-button gap) RVL-023 Product: Wii Zapper RVL-024 Product: Wii Wheel Label: Model: RVL-024 Revision: RVL-A-J-EUR Color: White Year: Description: Wheel peripheral for Wii Remotes. Additional Numbers: RVL-025 Product: Wii Balance Board Foot Extensions RVL-026 Product: Wii Motion Plus Extension Label: Model: RVL-026 Revision: Color: White Year: Description: Motion Plus extension for standard Wii Remote. Additional Numbers: C98M201 RVL-027 Product: Wii Remote with Motion Plus Jacket Label: Model: RVL-027 Revision: Color: Transparent Year: Description: Like the normal jacket RVL-022 but big enough for Wii Remotes with the Motion Plus extension attached. Additional Numbers: >VMQ< Lma51-1 RVL-028 RVL-029 Product: Wii Speak RVL-030 Product: Wii Lenses Cleaning Disk RVL-031 Product: Wii Lenses Cleaning Liquid RVL-032 Product: Wii Lenses Cleaning Pad RVL-033 Product: Wii SD Memory Card 2GB RVL-034 Product: Wii Cleaning Pad RVL-035 RVL-036 Product: Wii Remote Plus Label: Wii Model: RVL-036 Revisions: LMA-RVL-WR/M-C0 (White, early revision) LMB-RVL-WR/F-C0 (Black, early revision) LMA-RVL-WR/Z-C4 (Cyan, late revision) Color: White, Black, Cyan Year: Description: Wii Remote with built-in motion plus extension. Comes in two different revisions. One is mostly the same as the old Wii Remote RVL-003 with a plugged in Motion Plus extension. The late revision has changed a bit. It is more strict about the protocol, advertises a different name and changes some other bits. It seems like it is a whole new revision of the Wii Remote with the Motion Plus sensor really built-in instead of only attached internally. It also changed the Bluetooth chip from Broadcom to CSR, which explains why it differs so much. Probably also comes with different bug-fixes and _may_ contain compatibility fixes for the Wii-U. Additional Numbers: White, early revision: [R] 011WWA100008 D8RT510 >ABS< M5-1 Black, early revision: [R] 204WW21004200 D05F210 >ABS< f9-3 Cyan, late revision: [R] 007WWCUL0716 F1DTE40 >ABS< M1-2 === Nintendo Wii U Products === Wii U products have model numbers starting with "WUP". It may stand for "Wii U Project". WUP-001 Product: Wii U Console Label: Wii U Model: WUP-001(03) (white, 8GB) Revision: LTA1-WUP-S-EUR-C0 (white, 8GB) Color: White Year: 2012 Description: Wii U Console. Available in different colors and with different amount of internal storage. Apart from that, no differences were found. Additional Numbers: CA1-AGGA01 WUP-002 Product: Wii U AC Adapter Label: Wii U AC Adapter Model: WUP-002 (EUR) Revision: WUP-A-ADMM-EUR-C0 Color: Grey Year: 2012 Description: AC Adapter for main Wii U Console Additional Numbers: MKF913J01 WUP-003 WUP-004 WUP-005 Product: Wii U Pro Controller Label: Model: WUP-005 Revision: LTB-WUP-A-RC-EUR-C0 Color: Black Year: 2012 Description: Additional Numbers: F0TM101 WUP-006 WUP-007 WUP-008 Product: Wii HDMI Cable Label: Model: WUP-008 Revision: Color: Grey Year: 2012 Description: Wii U HDMI cable for audio/video transmission. Additional Numbers: WUP-009 WUP-010 Product: Wii U Gamepad Label: Wii U Model: WUP-010 (EUR) Revision: LTA-WUP-A-DH-EUR-C0 Color: White Year: 2012 Description: Gamepad for Wii U Console. Additional Numbers: BAA1-AA01 WUP-011 Product: Wii U Gamepad AC Adapter Label: AC Adapter Model: WUP-011 (EUR) Revision: WUP-A-ADMM-EUR-P0 Color: Grey Year: 2012 Description: AC Adapter for Wii U Gamepad. Additional Numbers: MFF906J01 WUP-012 WUP-013 WUP-014 WUP-015 Product: Wii U Gamepad Stylus Label: Model: WUP-015 Revision: Color: White Year: 2012 Description: Stylus pen found on the back of the Wii U Gamepad. Additional Numbers: t12 WUP-016 WUP-017 WUP-018 Product: Wii U Pro Controller USB Cable Label: Model: WUP-018 Revision: Color: Grey Year: 2012 Description: USB-Cable for Wii U Pro Controller for charging. Additional Numbers: