#![warn(rust_2018_idioms)] use bytes::{Bytes, BytesMut}; use futures_channel::mpsc; use futures_util::{ future, join, pin_mut, stream, try_join, Future, FutureExt, SinkExt, StreamExt, TryStreamExt, }; use pin_project_lite::pin_project; use std::fmt::Write; use std::pin::Pin; use std::task::{Context, Poll}; use std::time::Duration; use tokio::net::TcpStream; use tokio::time; use tokio_postgres::error::SqlState; use tokio_postgres::tls::{NoTls, NoTlsStream}; use tokio_postgres::types::{Kind, Type}; use tokio_postgres::{ AsyncMessage, Client, Config, Connection, Error, IsolationLevel, SimpleQueryMessage, }; mod binary_copy; mod parse; #[cfg(feature = "runtime")] mod runtime; mod types; pin_project! { /// Polls `F` at most `polls_left` times returning `Some(F::Output)` if /// [`Future`] returned [`Poll::Ready`] or [`None`] otherwise. struct Cancellable { #[pin] fut: F, polls_left: usize, } } impl Future for Cancellable { type Output = Option; fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { let this = self.project(); match this.fut.poll(ctx) { Poll::Ready(r) => Poll::Ready(Some(r)), Poll::Pending => { *this.polls_left = this.polls_left.saturating_sub(1); if *this.polls_left == 0 { Poll::Ready(None) } else { Poll::Pending } } } } } async fn connect_raw(s: &str) -> Result<(Client, Connection), Error> { let socket = TcpStream::connect("").await.unwrap(); let config = s.parse::().unwrap(); config.connect_raw(socket, NoTls).await } async fn connect(s: &str) -> Client { let (client, connection) = connect_raw(s).await.unwrap(); let connection = connection.map(|r| r.unwrap()); tokio::spawn(connection); client } async fn current_transaction_id(client: &Client) -> i64 { client .query("SELECT txid_current()", &[]) .await .unwrap() .pop() .unwrap() .get::<_, i64>("txid_current") } async fn in_transaction(client: &Client) -> bool { current_transaction_id(client).await == current_transaction_id(client).await } #[tokio::test] async fn plain_password_missing() { connect_raw("user=pass_user dbname=postgres") .await .err() .unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn plain_password_wrong() { match connect_raw("user=pass_user password=foo dbname=postgres").await { Ok(_) => panic!("unexpected success"), Err(ref e) if e.code() == Some(&SqlState::INVALID_PASSWORD) => {} Err(e) => panic!("{}", e), } } #[tokio::test] async fn plain_password_ok() { connect("user=pass_user password=password dbname=postgres").await; } #[tokio::test] async fn md5_password_missing() { connect_raw("user=md5_user dbname=postgres") .await .err() .unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn md5_password_wrong() { match connect_raw("user=md5_user password=foo dbname=postgres").await { Ok(_) => panic!("unexpected success"), Err(ref e) if e.code() == Some(&SqlState::INVALID_PASSWORD) => {} Err(e) => panic!("{}", e), } } #[tokio::test] async fn md5_password_ok() { connect("user=md5_user password=password dbname=postgres").await; } #[tokio::test] async fn scram_password_missing() { connect_raw("user=scram_user dbname=postgres") .await .err() .unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn scram_password_wrong() { match connect_raw("user=scram_user password=foo dbname=postgres").await { Ok(_) => panic!("unexpected success"), Err(ref e) if e.code() == Some(&SqlState::INVALID_PASSWORD) => {} Err(e) => panic!("{}", e), } } #[tokio::test] async fn scram_password_ok() { connect("user=scram_user password=password dbname=postgres").await; } #[tokio::test] async fn pipelined_prepare() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; let prepare1 = client.prepare("SELECT $1::HSTORE[]"); let prepare2 = client.prepare("SELECT $1::BIGINT"); let (statement1, statement2) = try_join!(prepare1, prepare2).unwrap(); assert_eq!(statement1.params()[0].name(), "_hstore"); assert_eq!(statement1.columns()[0].type_().name(), "_hstore"); assert_eq!(statement2.params()[0], Type::INT8); assert_eq!(statement2.columns()[0].type_(), &Type::INT8); } #[tokio::test] async fn insert_select() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (id SERIAL, name TEXT)") .await .unwrap(); let insert = client.prepare("INSERT INTO foo (name) VALUES ($1), ($2)"); let select = client.prepare("SELECT id, name FROM foo ORDER BY id"); let (insert, select) = try_join!(insert, select).unwrap(); let insert = client.execute(&insert, &[&"alice", &"bob"]); let select = client.query(&select, &[]); let (_, rows) = try_join!(insert, select).unwrap(); assert_eq!(rows.len(), 2); assert_eq!(rows[0].get::<_, i32>(0), 1); assert_eq!(rows[0].get::<_, &str>(1), "alice"); assert_eq!(rows[1].get::<_, i32>(0), 2); assert_eq!(rows[1].get::<_, &str>(1), "bob"); } #[tokio::test] async fn custom_enum() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TYPE pg_temp.mood AS ENUM ( 'sad', 'ok', 'happy' )", ) .await .unwrap(); let select = client.prepare("SELECT $1::mood").await.unwrap(); let ty = &select.params()[0]; assert_eq!("mood", ty.name()); assert_eq!( &Kind::Enum(vec![ "sad".to_string(), "ok".to_string(), "happy".to_string(), ]), ty.kind(), ); } #[tokio::test] async fn custom_domain() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute("CREATE DOMAIN pg_temp.session_id AS bytea CHECK(octet_length(VALUE) = 16)") .await .unwrap(); let select = client.prepare("SELECT $1::session_id").await.unwrap(); let ty = &select.params()[0]; assert_eq!("session_id", ty.name()); assert_eq!(&Kind::Domain(Type::BYTEA), ty.kind()); } #[tokio::test] async fn custom_array() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; let select = client.prepare("SELECT $1::HSTORE[]").await.unwrap(); let ty = &select.params()[0]; assert_eq!("_hstore", ty.name()); match ty.kind() { Kind::Array(ty) => { assert_eq!("hstore", ty.name()); assert_eq!(&Kind::Simple, ty.kind()); } _ => panic!("unexpected kind"), } } #[tokio::test] async fn custom_composite() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TYPE pg_temp.inventory_item AS ( name TEXT, supplier INTEGER, price NUMERIC )", ) .await .unwrap(); let select = client.prepare("SELECT $1::inventory_item").await.unwrap(); let ty = &select.params()[0]; assert_eq!(ty.name(), "inventory_item"); match ty.kind() { Kind::Composite(fields) => { assert_eq!(fields[0].name(), "name"); assert_eq!(fields[0].type_(), &Type::TEXT); assert_eq!(fields[1].name(), "supplier"); assert_eq!(fields[1].type_(), &Type::INT4); assert_eq!(fields[2].name(), "price"); assert_eq!(fields[2].type_(), &Type::NUMERIC); } _ => panic!("unexpected kind"), } } #[tokio::test] async fn custom_range() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TYPE pg_temp.floatrange AS RANGE ( subtype = float8, subtype_diff = float8mi )", ) .await .unwrap(); let select = client.prepare("SELECT $1::floatrange").await.unwrap(); let ty = &select.params()[0]; assert_eq!("floatrange", ty.name()); assert_eq!(&Kind::Range(Type::FLOAT8), ty.kind()); } #[tokio::test] async fn simple_query() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; let messages = client .simple_query( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo ( id SERIAL, name TEXT ); INSERT INTO foo (name) VALUES ('steven'), ('joe'); SELECT * FROM foo ORDER BY id;", ) .await .unwrap(); match messages[0] { SimpleQueryMessage::CommandComplete(0) => {} _ => panic!("unexpected message"), } match messages[1] { SimpleQueryMessage::CommandComplete(2) => {} _ => panic!("unexpected message"), } match &messages[2] { SimpleQueryMessage::Row(row) => { assert_eq!(row.columns().get(0).map(|c| c.name()), Some("id")); assert_eq!(row.columns().get(1).map(|c| c.name()), Some("name")); assert_eq!(row.get(0), Some("1")); assert_eq!(row.get(1), Some("steven")); } _ => panic!("unexpected message"), } match &messages[3] { SimpleQueryMessage::Row(row) => { assert_eq!(row.columns().get(0).map(|c| c.name()), Some("id")); assert_eq!(row.columns().get(1).map(|c| c.name()), Some("name")); assert_eq!(row.get(0), Some("2")); assert_eq!(row.get(1), Some("joe")); } _ => panic!("unexpected message"), } match messages[4] { SimpleQueryMessage::CommandComplete(2) => {} _ => panic!("unexpected message"), } assert_eq!(messages.len(), 5); } #[tokio::test] async fn cancel_query_raw() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; let socket = TcpStream::connect("").await.unwrap(); let cancel_token = client.cancel_token(); let cancel = cancel_token.cancel_query_raw(socket, NoTls); let cancel = time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).then(|()| cancel); let sleep = client.batch_execute("SELECT pg_sleep(100)"); match join!(sleep, cancel) { (Err(ref e), Ok(())) if e.code() == Some(&SqlState::QUERY_CANCELED) => {} t => panic!("unexpected return: {:?}", t), } } #[tokio::test] async fn transaction_commit() { let mut client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo( id SERIAL, name TEXT )", ) .await .unwrap(); let transaction = client.transaction().await.unwrap(); transaction .batch_execute("INSERT INTO foo (name) VALUES ('steven')") .await .unwrap(); transaction.commit().await.unwrap(); let stmt = client.prepare("SELECT name FROM foo").await.unwrap(); let rows = client.query(&stmt, &[]).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(rows.len(), 1); assert_eq!(rows[0].get::<_, &str>(0), "steven"); } #[tokio::test] async fn transaction_rollback() { let mut client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo( id SERIAL, name TEXT )", ) .await .unwrap(); let transaction = client.transaction().await.unwrap(); transaction .batch_execute("INSERT INTO foo (name) VALUES ('steven')") .await .unwrap(); transaction.rollback().await.unwrap(); let stmt = client.prepare("SELECT name FROM foo").await.unwrap(); let rows = client.query(&stmt, &[]).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(rows.len(), 0); } #[tokio::test] async fn transaction_future_cancellation() { let mut client = connect("user=postgres").await; for i in 0.. { let done = { let txn = client.transaction(); let fut = Cancellable { fut: txn, polls_left: i, }; fut.await .map(|res| res.expect("transaction failed")) .is_some() }; assert!(!in_transaction(&client).await); if done { break; } } } #[tokio::test] async fn transaction_commit_future_cancellation() { let mut client = connect("user=postgres").await; for i in 0.. { let done = { let txn = client.transaction().await.unwrap(); let commit = txn.commit(); let fut = Cancellable { fut: commit, polls_left: i, }; fut.await .map(|res| res.expect("transaction failed")) .is_some() }; assert!(!in_transaction(&client).await); if done { break; } } } #[tokio::test] async fn transaction_rollback_future_cancellation() { let mut client = connect("user=postgres").await; for i in 0.. { let done = { let txn = client.transaction().await.unwrap(); let rollback = txn.rollback(); let fut = Cancellable { fut: rollback, polls_left: i, }; fut.await .map(|res| res.expect("transaction failed")) .is_some() }; assert!(!in_transaction(&client).await); if done { break; } } } #[tokio::test] async fn transaction_rollback_drop() { let mut client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo( id SERIAL, name TEXT )", ) .await .unwrap(); let transaction = client.transaction().await.unwrap(); transaction .batch_execute("INSERT INTO foo (name) VALUES ('steven')") .await .unwrap(); drop(transaction); let stmt = client.prepare("SELECT name FROM foo").await.unwrap(); let rows = client.query(&stmt, &[]).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(rows.len(), 0); } #[tokio::test] async fn transaction_builder() { let mut client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo( id SERIAL, name TEXT )", ) .await .unwrap(); let transaction = client .build_transaction() .isolation_level(IsolationLevel::Serializable) .read_only(true) .deferrable(true) .start() .await .unwrap(); transaction .batch_execute("INSERT INTO foo (name) VALUES ('steven')") .await .unwrap(); transaction.commit().await.unwrap(); let stmt = client.prepare("SELECT name FROM foo").await.unwrap(); let rows = client.query(&stmt, &[]).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(rows.len(), 1); assert_eq!(rows[0].get::<_, &str>(0), "steven"); } #[tokio::test] async fn copy_in() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo ( id INTEGER, name TEXT )", ) .await .unwrap(); let mut stream = stream::iter( vec![ Bytes::from_static(b"1\tjim\n"), Bytes::from_static(b"2\tjoe\n"), ] .into_iter() .map(Ok::<_, Error>), ); let sink = client.copy_in("COPY foo FROM STDIN").await.unwrap(); pin_mut!(sink); sink.send_all(&mut stream).await.unwrap(); let rows = sink.finish().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(rows, 2); let rows = client .query("SELECT id, name FROM foo ORDER BY id", &[]) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(rows.len(), 2); assert_eq!(rows[0].get::<_, i32>(0), 1); assert_eq!(rows[0].get::<_, &str>(1), "jim"); assert_eq!(rows[1].get::<_, i32>(0), 2); assert_eq!(rows[1].get::<_, &str>(1), "joe"); } #[tokio::test] async fn copy_in_large() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo ( id INTEGER, name TEXT )", ) .await .unwrap(); let a = Bytes::from_static(b"0\tname0\n"); let mut b = BytesMut::new(); for i in 1..5_000 { writeln!(b, "{0}\tname{0}", i).unwrap(); } let mut c = BytesMut::new(); for i in 5_000..10_000 { writeln!(c, "{0}\tname{0}", i).unwrap(); } let mut stream = stream::iter( vec![a, b.freeze(), c.freeze()] .into_iter() .map(Ok::<_, Error>), ); let sink = client.copy_in("COPY foo FROM STDIN").await.unwrap(); pin_mut!(sink); sink.send_all(&mut stream).await.unwrap(); let rows = sink.finish().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(rows, 10_000); } #[tokio::test] async fn copy_in_error() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo ( id INTEGER, name TEXT )", ) .await .unwrap(); { let sink = client.copy_in("COPY foo FROM STDIN").await.unwrap(); pin_mut!(sink); sink.send(Bytes::from_static(b"1\tsteven")).await.unwrap(); } let rows = client .query("SELECT id, name FROM foo ORDER BY id", &[]) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(rows.len(), 0); } #[tokio::test] async fn copy_out() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo ( id SERIAL, name TEXT ); INSERT INTO foo (name) VALUES ('jim'), ('joe');", ) .await .unwrap(); let stmt = client.prepare("COPY foo TO STDOUT").await.unwrap(); let data = client .copy_out(&stmt) .await .unwrap() .try_fold(BytesMut::new(), |mut buf, chunk| async move { buf.extend_from_slice(&chunk); Ok(buf) }) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(&data[..], b"1\tjim\n2\tjoe\n"); } #[tokio::test] async fn notices() { let long_name = "x".repeat(65); let (client, mut connection) = connect_raw(&format!("user=postgres application_name={}", long_name,)) .await .unwrap(); let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded(); let stream = stream::poll_fn(move |cx| connection.poll_message(cx)).map_err(|e| panic!("{}", e)); let connection = stream.forward(tx).map(|r| r.unwrap()); tokio::spawn(connection); client .batch_execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS noexistdb") .await .unwrap(); drop(client); let notices = rx .filter_map(|m| match m { AsyncMessage::Notice(n) => future::ready(Some(n)), _ => future::ready(None), }) .collect::>() .await; assert_eq!(notices.len(), 2); assert_eq!( notices[0].message(), "identifier \"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\" \ will be truncated to \"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\"" ); assert_eq!( notices[1].message(), "database \"noexistdb\" does not exist, skipping" ); } #[tokio::test] async fn notifications() { let (client, mut connection) = connect_raw("user=postgres").await.unwrap(); let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded(); let stream = stream::poll_fn(move |cx| connection.poll_message(cx)).map_err(|e| panic!("{}", e)); let connection = stream.forward(tx).map(|r| r.unwrap()); tokio::spawn(connection); client .batch_execute( "LISTEN test_notifications; NOTIFY test_notifications, 'hello'; NOTIFY test_notifications, 'world';", ) .await .unwrap(); drop(client); let notifications = rx .filter_map(|m| match m { AsyncMessage::Notification(n) => future::ready(Some(n)), _ => future::ready(None), }) .collect::>() .await; assert_eq!(notifications.len(), 2); assert_eq!(notifications[0].channel(), "test_notifications"); assert_eq!(notifications[0].payload(), "hello"); assert_eq!(notifications[1].channel(), "test_notifications"); assert_eq!(notifications[1].payload(), "world"); } #[tokio::test] async fn query_portal() { let mut client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo ( id SERIAL, name TEXT ); INSERT INTO foo (name) VALUES ('alice'), ('bob'), ('charlie');", ) .await .unwrap(); let stmt = client .prepare("SELECT id, name FROM foo ORDER BY id") .await .unwrap(); let transaction = client.transaction().await.unwrap(); let portal = transaction.bind(&stmt, &[]).await.unwrap(); let f1 = transaction.query_portal(&portal, 2); let f2 = transaction.query_portal(&portal, 2); let f3 = transaction.query_portal(&portal, 2); let (r1, r2, r3) = try_join!(f1, f2, f3).unwrap(); assert_eq!(r1.len(), 2); assert_eq!(r1[0].get::<_, i32>(0), 1); assert_eq!(r1[0].get::<_, &str>(1), "alice"); assert_eq!(r1[1].get::<_, i32>(0), 2); assert_eq!(r1[1].get::<_, &str>(1), "bob"); assert_eq!(r2.len(), 1); assert_eq!(r2[0].get::<_, i32>(0), 3); assert_eq!(r2[0].get::<_, &str>(1), "charlie"); assert_eq!(r3.len(), 0); } #[tokio::test] async fn require_channel_binding() { connect_raw("user=postgres channel_binding=require") .await .err() .unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn prefer_channel_binding() { connect("user=postgres channel_binding=prefer").await; } #[tokio::test] async fn disable_channel_binding() { connect("user=postgres channel_binding=disable").await; } #[tokio::test] async fn check_send() { fn is_send(_: &T) {} let f = connect("user=postgres"); is_send(&f); let mut client = f.await; let f = client.prepare("SELECT $1::TEXT"); is_send(&f); let stmt = f.await.unwrap(); let f = client.query(&stmt, &[&"hello"]); is_send(&f); drop(f); let f = client.execute(&stmt, &[&"hello"]); is_send(&f); drop(f); let f = client.transaction(); is_send(&f); let trans = f.await.unwrap(); let f = trans.query(&stmt, &[&"hello"]); is_send(&f); drop(f); let f = trans.execute(&stmt, &[&"hello"]); is_send(&f); drop(f); } #[tokio::test] async fn query_one() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( " CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo ( name TEXT ); INSERT INTO foo (name) VALUES ('alice'), ('bob'), ('carol'); ", ) .await .unwrap(); client .query_one("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE name = 'dave'", &[]) .await .err() .unwrap(); client .query_one("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE name = 'alice'", &[]) .await .unwrap(); client .query_one("SELECT * FROM foo", &[]) .await .err() .unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn query_opt() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( " CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo ( name TEXT ); INSERT INTO foo (name) VALUES ('alice'), ('bob'), ('carol'); ", ) .await .unwrap(); assert!(client .query_opt("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE name = 'dave'", &[]) .await .unwrap() .is_none()); client .query_opt("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE name = 'alice'", &[]) .await .unwrap() .unwrap(); client .query_one("SELECT * FROM foo", &[]) .await .err() .unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn deferred_constraint() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( " CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t ( i INT, UNIQUE (i) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED ); ", ) .await .unwrap(); client .execute("INSERT INTO t (i) VALUES (1)", &[]) .await .unwrap(); client .execute("INSERT INTO t (i) VALUES (1)", &[]) .await .unwrap_err(); }