use postgres_types::to_sql_checked; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::error::Error; use std::f32; use std::f64; use std::fmt; use std::net::IpAddr; use std::result; use std::str::FromStr; use std::time::{Duration, UNIX_EPOCH}; use tokio_postgres::types::{FromSql, FromSqlOwned, IsNull, Kind, PgLsn, ToSql, Type, WrongType}; use crate::connect; use bytes::BytesMut; #[cfg(feature = "with-bit-vec-0_6")] mod bit_vec_06; #[cfg(feature = "with-chrono-0_4")] mod chrono_04; #[cfg(feature = "with-eui48-0_4")] mod eui48_04; #[cfg(feature = "with-eui48-1")] mod eui48_1; #[cfg(feature = "with-geo-types-0_6")] mod geo_types_06; #[cfg(feature = "with-geo-types-0_7")] mod geo_types_07; #[cfg(feature = "with-serde_json-1")] mod serde_json_1; #[cfg(feature = "with-smol_str-01")] mod smol_str_01; #[cfg(feature = "with-time-0_2")] mod time_02; #[cfg(feature = "with-time-0_3")] mod time_03; #[cfg(feature = "with-uuid-0_8")] mod uuid_08; #[cfg(feature = "with-uuid-1")] mod uuid_1; async fn test_type(sql_type: &str, checks: &[(T, S)]) where T: PartialEq + for<'a> FromSqlOwned + ToSql + Sync, S: fmt::Display, { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; for (val, repr) in checks { let rows = client .query(&*format!("SELECT {}::{}", repr, sql_type), &[]) .await .unwrap(); let result = rows[0].get(0); assert_eq!(val, &result); let rows = client .query(&*format!("SELECT $1::{}", sql_type), &[&val]) .await .unwrap(); let result = rows[0].get(0); assert_eq!(val, &result); } } #[tokio::test] async fn test_bool_params() { test_type( "BOOL", &[(Some(true), "'t'"), (Some(false), "'f'"), (None, "NULL")], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_i8_params() { test_type("\"char\"", &[(Some('a' as i8), "'a'"), (None, "NULL")]).await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_name_params() { test_type( "NAME", &[ (Some("hello world".to_owned()), "'hello world'"), ( Some("イロハニホヘト チリヌルヲ".to_owned()), "'イロハニホヘト チリヌルヲ'", ), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_i16_params() { test_type( "SMALLINT", &[ (Some(15001i16), "15001"), (Some(-15001i16), "-15001"), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_i32_params() { test_type( "INT", &[ (Some(2_147_483_548i32), "2147483548"), (Some(-2_147_483_548i32), "-2147483548"), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_oid_params() { test_type( "OID", &[ (Some(2_147_483_548u32), "2147483548"), (Some(4_000_000_000), "4000000000"), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_i64_params() { test_type( "BIGINT", &[ (Some(9_223_372_036_854_775_708i64), "9223372036854775708"), (Some(-9_223_372_036_854_775_708i64), "-9223372036854775708"), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_lsn_params() { test_type( "PG_LSN", &[ (Some(PgLsn::from_str("2B/1757980").unwrap()), "'2B/1757980'"), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await } #[tokio::test] async fn test_f32_params() { test_type( "REAL", &[ (Some(f32::INFINITY), "'infinity'"), (Some(f32::NEG_INFINITY), "'-infinity'"), (Some(1000.55), "1000.55"), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_f64_params() { test_type( "DOUBLE PRECISION", &[ (Some(f64::INFINITY), "'infinity'"), (Some(f64::NEG_INFINITY), "'-infinity'"), (Some(10000.55), "10000.55"), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_varchar_params() { test_type( "VARCHAR", &[ (Some("hello world".to_owned()), "'hello world'"), ( Some("イロハニホヘト チリヌルヲ".to_owned()), "'イロハニホヘト チリヌルヲ'", ), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_text_params() { test_type( "TEXT", &[ (Some("hello world".to_owned()), "'hello world'"), ( Some("イロハニホヘト チリヌルヲ".to_owned()), "'イロハニホヘト チリヌルヲ'", ), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_borrowed_text() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; let stmt = client.prepare("SELECT 'foo'").await.unwrap(); let rows = client.query(&stmt, &[]).await.unwrap(); let s: &str = rows[0].get(0); assert_eq!(s, "foo"); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_bpchar_params() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, b CHAR(5) )", ) .await .unwrap(); let stmt = client .prepare("INSERT INTO foo (b) VALUES ($1), ($2), ($3)") .await .unwrap(); client .execute(&stmt, &[&"12345", &"123", &None::<&'static str>]) .await .unwrap(); let stmt = client .prepare("SELECT b FROM foo ORDER BY id") .await .unwrap(); let rows = client .query(&stmt, &[]) .await .unwrap() .into_iter() .map(|row| row.get(0)) .collect::>>(); assert_eq!( vec![Some("12345".to_owned()), Some("123 ".to_owned()), None], rows, ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_citext_params() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, b CITEXT )", ) .await .unwrap(); let stmt = client .prepare("INSERT INTO foo (b) VALUES ($1), ($2), ($3)") .await .unwrap(); client .execute(&stmt, &[&"foobar", &"FooBar", &None::<&'static str>]) .await .unwrap(); let stmt = client .prepare("SELECT b FROM foo WHERE b = 'FOOBAR' ORDER BY id") .await .unwrap(); let rows = client .query(&stmt, &[]) .await .unwrap() .into_iter() .map(|row| row.get(0)) .collect::>(); assert_eq!(vec!["foobar".to_string(), "FooBar".to_string()], rows,); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_bytea_params() { test_type( "BYTEA", &[ (Some(vec![0u8, 1, 2, 3, 254, 255]), "'\\x00010203feff'"), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_borrowed_bytea() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; let stmt = client.prepare("SELECT 'foo'::BYTEA").await.unwrap(); let rows = client.query(&stmt, &[]).await.unwrap(); let s: &[u8] = rows[0].get(0); assert_eq!(s, b"foo"); } macro_rules! make_map { ($($k:expr => $v:expr),+) => ({ let mut map = HashMap::new(); $(map.insert($k, $v);)+ map }) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_hstore_params() { test_type( "hstore", &[ ( Some(make_map!("a".to_owned() => Some("1".to_owned()))), "'a=>1'", ), ( Some(make_map!("hello".to_owned() => Some("world!".to_owned()), "hola".to_owned() => Some("mundo!".to_owned()), "what".to_owned() => None)), "'hello=>world!,hola=>mundo!,what=>NULL'", ), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_array_vec_params() { test_type( "integer[]", &[ (Some(vec![1i32, 2i32]), "ARRAY[1,2]"), (Some(vec![1i32]), "ARRAY[1]"), (Some(vec![]), "ARRAY[]"), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[cfg(feature = "array-impls")] #[tokio::test] async fn test_array_array_params() { test_type("integer[]", &[(Some([1i32, 2i32]), "ARRAY[1,2]")]).await; test_type("text[]", &[(Some(["peter".to_string()]), "ARRAY['peter']")]).await; test_type( "integer[]", &[(Some([] as [i32; 0]), "ARRAY[]"), (None, "NULL")], ) .await; } #[allow(clippy::eq_op)] async fn test_nan_param(sql_type: &str) where T: PartialEq + ToSql + FromSqlOwned, { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; let stmt = client .prepare(&format!("SELECT 'NaN'::{}", sql_type)) .await .unwrap(); let rows = client.query(&stmt, &[]).await.unwrap(); let val: T = rows[0].get(0); assert!(val != val); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_f32_nan_param() { test_nan_param::("REAL").await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_f64_nan_param() { test_nan_param::("DOUBLE PRECISION").await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_pg_database_datname() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; let stmt = client .prepare("SELECT datname FROM pg_database") .await .unwrap(); let rows = client.query(&stmt, &[]).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(rows[0].get::<_, &str>(0), "postgres"); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_slice() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, f TEXT ); INSERT INTO foo (f) VALUES ('a'), ('b'), ('c'), ('d');", ) .await .unwrap(); let stmt = client .prepare("SELECT f FROM foo WHERE id = ANY($1)") .await .unwrap(); let rows = client .query(&stmt, &[&&[1i32, 3, 4][..]]) .await .unwrap() .into_iter() .map(|r| r.get(0)) .collect::>(); assert_eq!(vec!["a".to_owned(), "c".to_owned(), "d".to_owned()], rows); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_slice_wrong_type() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY )", ) .await .unwrap(); let stmt = client .prepare("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id = ANY($1)") .await .unwrap(); let err = client.query(&stmt, &[&&[&"hi"][..]]).await.err().unwrap(); match err.source() { Some(e) if => {} _ => panic!("Unexpected error {:?}", err), }; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_slice_range() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; let stmt = client.prepare("SELECT $1::INT8RANGE").await.unwrap(); let err = client.query(&stmt, &[&&[&1i64][..]]).await.err().unwrap(); match err.source() { Some(e) if => {} _ => panic!("Unexpected error {:?}", err), }; } #[tokio::test] async fn domain() { #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] struct SessionId(Vec); impl ToSql for SessionId { fn to_sql( &self, ty: &Type, out: &mut BytesMut, ) -> result::Result> { let inner = match *ty.kind() { Kind::Domain(ref inner) => inner, _ => unreachable!(), }; self.0.to_sql(inner, out) } fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool { == "session_id" && matches!(ty.kind(), Kind::Domain(_)) } to_sql_checked!(); } impl<'a> FromSql<'a> for SessionId { fn from_sql(ty: &Type, raw: &[u8]) -> result::Result> { Vec::::from_sql(ty, raw).map(SessionId) } fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool { // This is super weird! as FromSql>::accepts(ty) } } let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( " CREATE DOMAIN pg_temp.session_id AS bytea CHECK(octet_length(VALUE) = 16); CREATE TABLE (id pg_temp.session_id); ", ) .await .unwrap(); let id = SessionId(b"0123456789abcdef".to_vec()); let stmt = client .prepare("INSERT INTO (id) VALUES ($1)") .await .unwrap(); client.execute(&stmt, &[&id]).await.unwrap(); let stmt = client.prepare("SELECT id FROM").await.unwrap(); let rows = client.query(&stmt, &[]).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(id, rows[0].get(0)); } #[tokio::test] async fn composite() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute( "CREATE TYPE pg_temp.inventory_item AS ( name TEXT, supplier INTEGER, price NUMERIC )", ) .await .unwrap(); let stmt = client.prepare("SELECT $1::inventory_item").await.unwrap(); let type_ = &stmt.params()[0]; assert_eq!(, "inventory_item"); match *type_.kind() { Kind::Composite(ref fields) => { assert_eq!(fields[0].name(), "name"); assert_eq!(fields[0].type_(), &Type::TEXT); assert_eq!(fields[1].name(), "supplier"); assert_eq!(fields[1].type_(), &Type::INT4); assert_eq!(fields[2].name(), "price"); assert_eq!(fields[2].type_(), &Type::NUMERIC); } ref t => panic!("bad type {:?}", t), } } #[tokio::test] async fn enum_() { let client = connect("user=postgres").await; client .batch_execute("CREATE TYPE pg_temp.mood AS ENUM ('sad', 'ok', 'happy')") .await .unwrap(); let stmt = client.prepare("SELECT $1::mood").await.unwrap(); let type_ = &stmt.params()[0]; assert_eq!(, "mood"); match *type_.kind() { Kind::Enum(ref variants) => { assert_eq!( variants, &["sad".to_owned(), "ok".to_owned(), "happy".to_owned()] ); } _ => panic!("bad type"), } } #[tokio::test] async fn system_time() { test_type( "TIMESTAMP", &[ ( Some(UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_millis(1_010)), "'1970-01-01 00:00:01.01'", ), ( Some(UNIX_EPOCH - Duration::from_millis(1_010)), "'1969-12-31 23:59:58.99'", ), ( Some(UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_millis(946_684_800 * 1000 + 1_010)), "'2000-01-01 00:00:01.01'", ), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn inet() { test_type( "INET", &[ (Some("".parse::().unwrap()), "''"), ( Some("".parse::().unwrap()), "''", ), ( Some( "2001:4f8:3:ba:2e0:81ff:fe22:d1f1" .parse::() .unwrap(), ), "'2001:4f8:3:ba:2e0:81ff:fe22:d1f1'", ), ( Some( "2001:4f8:3:ba:2e0:81ff:fe22:d1f1" .parse::() .unwrap(), ), "'2001:4f8:3:ba:2e0:81ff:fe22:d1f1/128'", ), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn ltree() { test_type( "ltree", &[(Some("b.c.d".to_owned()), "'b.c.d'"), (None, "NULL")], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn ltree_any() { test_type( "ltree[]", &[ (Some(vec![]), "ARRAY[]"), (Some(vec!["a.b.c".to_string()]), "ARRAY['a.b.c']"), ( Some(vec!["a.b.c".to_string(), "e.f.g".to_string()]), "ARRAY['a.b.c','e.f.g']", ), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn lquery() { test_type( "lquery", &[ (Some("b.c.d".to_owned()), "'b.c.d'"), (Some("b.c.*".to_owned()), "'b.c.*'"), (Some("b.*{1,2}.d|e".to_owned()), "'b.*{1,2}.d|e'"), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn lquery_any() { test_type( "lquery[]", &[ (Some(vec![]), "ARRAY[]"), (Some(vec!["b.c.*".to_string()]), "ARRAY['b.c.*']"), ( Some(vec!["b.c.*".to_string(), "b.*{1,2}.d|e".to_string()]), "ARRAY['b.c.*','b.*{1,2}.d|e']", ), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn ltxtquery() { test_type( "ltxtquery", &[ (Some("b & c & d".to_owned()), "'b & c & d'"), (Some("b@* & !c".to_owned()), "'b@* & !c'"), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn ltxtquery_any() { test_type( "ltxtquery[]", &[ (Some(vec![]), "ARRAY[]"), (Some(vec!["b & c & d".to_string()]), "ARRAY['b & c & d']"), ( Some(vec!["b & c & d".to_string(), "b@* & !c".to_string()]), "ARRAY['b & c & d','b@* & !c']", ), (None, "NULL"), ], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn oidvector() { test_type( "oidvector", // NB: postgres does not support empty oidarrays! All empty arrays are normalized to zero dimensions, but the // oidvectorrecv function requires exactly one dimension. &[(Some(vec![0u32, 1, 2]), "ARRAY[0,1,2]"), (None, "NULL")], ) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn int2vector() { test_type( "int2vector", // NB: postgres does not support empty int2vectors! All empty arrays are normalized to zero dimensions, but the // oidvectorrecv function requires exactly one dimension. &[(Some(vec![0i16, 1, 2]), "ARRAY[0,1,2]"), (None, "NULL")], ) .await; }