# YA6502 — Yet Another 6502 CPU emulator YA6502 is a straightforward implementation of a 6502 CPU emulator, built as a playground for learning Rust and to be used in an Atari 2600 emulator. This package is work in progress; not all 6502 features are supported at the moment. # Getting started To use the 6502 CPU in your project, you need to provide an implementation of the `Memory` trait that represents an address space of your emulated hardware. To get started quickly, you can use `ya6502::memory::SimpleRam`. Having that, instantiate your CPU and make it run: ``` use ya6502::Cpu; use ya6502::memory::SimpleRam; let memory = Box::new(SimpleRam::new()); // (Populate the memory here.) let cpu = Cpu::new(memory); cpu.reset(); loop { cpu.tick()?; } ``` That's it!