// Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016, Alberto Corona // All rights reserved. This file is part of yabs, distributed under the BSD // 3-Clause license. For full terms please see the LICENSE file. extern crate error_chain; extern crate toml; extern crate walkdir; extern crate ansi_term; extern crate serde_json; extern crate log; extern crate regex; error_chain! { types { YabsError, YabsErrorKind, Result; } foreign_links { Io(::std::io::Error); TomlDe(::toml::de::Error); WalkDir(::walkdir::Error); SetLog(::log::SetLoggerError); UTF8(::std::string::FromUtf8Error); Regex(::regex::Error); } errors { NoAssumedToml(path: String) { description("no assumed toml file found") display("could not find assumed toml file in '{}' or in any parent directory", path) } Command(cmd: String, status: i32) { description("command exited unsuccessfully") display("command '{}' exited with status '{}'", cmd, status) } DirExists(path: ::std::path::PathBuf) { description("directory already exists") display("directory '{}' already exists", path.display()) } TargetNotFound(ttype: String, name: String) { description("target not found") display("no {} with name '{}' found", ttype, name) } } }