# v0.7.0 * MSRV for the minimal build is now 1.70. This is to migrate to `yaml-rust2` instead of `yaml-rust`. * Migrate to `yaml-rust2` as `yaml-rust` is unmaintained. # v0.6.0 * `serde_yaml` 0.9 is now supported. 0.8 is no longer supported. * Re-export `serde_yaml` to be able to use it from dependent crates to prevent dependency hell. # v0.5.1 * Properly transform `.inf` and `.nan` when using the `serde_yaml` feature. # v0.5.0 * MSRV bumped to 1.41. While the code update is just for a small code simplification, in order to simplify CI, updating makes sense. # v0.4.1 * Add usage documentation. # v0.4.0 * Remove `error-chain`. # v0.3.0 * Updated dependencies. # v0.2.1 * `docs.rs` now builds with the `serde_yaml` feature. # v0.2.0 * `serde_yaml-0.7` is now required. # v0.1.0 * Initial public release.