use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Formatter}; use std::fs::read_to_string; use glob::glob; use serde::Deserialize; use std::error::Error; use yarte_lexer::{ alt, ascii, asciis, do_parse, error::Result, is_empty, map, map_err, not_true, parse, path, pipes, tac, tag, ws, Ascii, Cursor, Ki, KiError, Kinder, LexError, SToken, Span, }; #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct Fixture<'a, Kind: Ki<'a>> { #[serde(borrow)] src: &'a str, #[serde(borrow)] exp: Vec>, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct FixturePanic<'a>(#[serde(borrow)] &'a str); fn comment<'a, K: Ki<'a>>(i: Cursor<'a>) -> Result<&'a str, K::Error> { const E: Ascii = ascii!('!'); const B: &[Ascii] = asciis!("--"); const END_B: &[Ascii] = asciis!("--}}"); const END_A: &[Ascii] = asciis!("}}"); let (c, _) = tac(i, E)?; let (c, expected) = if c.starts_with(B) { (c.adv_ascii(B), END_B) } else { (c, END_A) }; let mut at = 0; loop { if c.adv_starts_with(at, expected) { break Ok((c.adv(at + expected.len()), &[])); } else { at += 1; if at >= c.len() { break Err(LexError::Next( K::Error::UNCOMPLETED, Span::from_cursor(i, c), )); } } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize)] enum MyKindAfter<'a> { Partial(&'a str), Some, Str(&'a str), } impl<'a> Kinder<'a> for MyKindAfter<'a> { type Error = MyError; const OPEN: Ascii = ascii!('{'); const CLOSE: Ascii = ascii!('}'); const OPEN_EXPR: Ascii = ascii!('{'); const CLOSE_EXPR: Ascii = ascii!('}'); const OPEN_BLOCK: Ascii = ascii!('{'); const CLOSE_BLOCK: Ascii = ascii!('}'); const WS: Ascii = ascii!('~'); const WS_AFTER: bool = true; fn parse(i: Cursor<'a>) -> Result { const PARTIAL: Ascii = ascii!('>'); let ws = |i| pipes!(i, ws: is_empty: not_true); do_parse!(i, tac[PARTIAL] => ws => p= path => ws => (MyKindAfter::Partial(p)) ) } fn comment(i: Cursor<'a>) -> Result<&'a str, Self::Error> { comment::(i) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize)] enum MyKind<'a> { Partial(&'a str), Some, Str(&'a str), } impl<'a> Kinder<'a> for MyKind<'a> { type Error = MyError; const OPEN: Ascii = ascii!('{'); const CLOSE: Ascii = ascii!('}'); const OPEN_EXPR: Ascii = ascii!('{'); const CLOSE_EXPR: Ascii = ascii!('}'); const OPEN_BLOCK: Ascii = ascii!('{'); const CLOSE_BLOCK: Ascii = ascii!('}'); const WS: Ascii = ascii!('~'); const WS_AFTER: bool = false; fn parse(i: Cursor<'a>) -> Result { alt!(i, some | partial) } fn comment(i: Cursor<'a>) -> Result<&'a str, Self::Error> { comment::(i) } } fn partial(i: Cursor) -> Result { const PARTIAL: Ascii = ascii!('>'); let ws = |i| pipes!(i, ws: is_empty: not_true); do_parse!(i, tac[PARTIAL] => ws => p= path => ws => (MyKind::Partial(p)) ) } fn some(i: Cursor) -> Result { const SOME: &[Ascii] = asciis!("some"); let tag = |i| pipes!(i, tag[SOME]:map_err[|_| MyError::Some]); let ws = |i| pipes!(i, ws:is_empty:not_true:map[|_| MyKind::Some]); do_parse!(i, tag => ws => (MyKind::Some)) } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize)] enum MyKindBlock<'a> { Partial(&'a str), Some, Str(&'a str), } impl<'a> Kinder<'a> for MyKindBlock<'a> { type Error = MyError; const OPEN: Ascii = ascii!('{'); const CLOSE: Ascii = ascii!('}'); const OPEN_EXPR: Ascii = ascii!('{'); const CLOSE_EXPR: Ascii = ascii!('}'); const OPEN_BLOCK: Ascii = ascii!('%'); const CLOSE_BLOCK: Ascii = ascii!('%'); const WS: Ascii = ascii!('~'); const WS_AFTER: bool = true; fn parse(i: Cursor<'a>) -> Result { const PARTIAL: Ascii = ascii!('>'); let ws = |i| pipes!(i, ws: is_empty: not_true); do_parse!(i, tac[PARTIAL] => ws => p= path => ws => (MyKindBlock::Partial(p)) ) } fn comment(i: Cursor<'a>) -> Result<&'a str, Self::Error> { comment::(i) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] enum MyError { Some, Str(&'static str), StrO(String), } impl Display for MyError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { Debug::fmt(self, f) } } impl Error for MyError {} impl KiError for MyError { const EMPTY: Self = MyError::Some; const UNCOMPLETED: Self = MyError::Some; const PATH: Self = MyError::Some; const WHITESPACE: Self = MyError::Some; fn str(s: &'static str) -> Self { MyError::Str(s) } fn char(_: char) -> Self { MyError::Some } fn string(s: String) -> Self { MyError::StrO(s) } } macro_rules! features { ($name:ident: $path:literal $kind:ty) => { #[test] fn $name() { for entry in glob($path).expect("Failed to read glob pattern") { let name = entry.expect("File name"); eprintln!("\n{:?}\n", name); let src = read_to_string(name).expect("Valid file"); let fixtures: Vec> = ron::from_str(&src).expect("Valid Fixtures"); for (i, Fixture { src, exp }) in fixtures.into_iter().enumerate() { let res = parse::<$kind>(unsafe { Cursor::new(src, 0) }).expect("Valid parse"); eprintln!("{:2}:\nBASE {:?} \nEXPR {:?}", i, exp, res); assert_eq!(res, exp); } } } }; ($name:ident: $path:literal $kind:ty, $($t:tt)*) => { features!($name: $path $kind); features!($($t)*); }; () => {} } features!( test_after_block_features: "./tests/fixtures/features/**/*.ron" MyKindBlock, test_after_same_features: "./tests/fixtures/features/**/*.ron" MyKindAfter, test_after_same_features_a: "./tests/fixtures/features_a/**/*.ron" MyKindAfter, test_same_features: "./tests/fixtures/features/**/*.ron" MyKind, test_same_features_b: "./tests/fixtures/features_b/**/*.ron" MyKind, test_after_block_features_a: "./tests/fixtures/features_a/**/*.ron" MyKindBlock, test_after_block: "./tests/fixtures/block/**/*.ron" MyKindBlock, ); #[test] fn test_panic() { for entry in glob("./tests/fixtures/panic/**/*.ron").expect("Failed to read glob pattern") { let name = entry.expect("File name"); let src = read_to_string(name).expect("Valid file"); let fixtures: Vec = ron::from_str(&src) .map_err(|e| eprintln!("{:?}", e)) .expect("Valid Fixtures"); for FixturePanic(src) in fixtures { assert!(parse::(unsafe { Cursor::new(src, 0) }).is_err()); } } }