syntax = "proto3"; option cc_enable_arenas = true; package Ydb.Coordination; option go_package = ""; option java_package = "tech.ydb.coordination"; option java_outer_classname = "CoordinationProtos"; option java_multiple_files = true; import "protos/ydb_operation.proto"; import "protos/ydb_status_codes.proto"; import "protos/ydb_issue_message.proto"; import "protos/ydb_scheme.proto"; /** * Stub for unsupported messages */ message Unsupported { // Intentionally empty } /** * Consistency mode */ enum ConsistencyMode { // The default or current value CONSISTENCY_MODE_UNSET = 0; // Strict mode makes sure operations may only complete on current leader CONSISTENCY_MODE_STRICT = 1; // Relaxed mode allows operations to complete on stale masters CONSISTENCY_MODE_RELAXED = 2; } /** * Counters mode */ enum RateLimiterCountersMode { // The default or current value RATE_LIMITER_COUNTERS_MODE_UNSET = 0; // Aggregated counters for resource tree RATE_LIMITER_COUNTERS_MODE_AGGREGATED = 1; // Counters on every resource RATE_LIMITER_COUNTERS_MODE_DETAILED = 2; } /** * Configuration settings for a coordination node */ message Config { // Initialized on creation, cannot be set string path = 1; // Period in milliseconds for self-checks (default 1 second) uint32 self_check_period_millis = 2; // Grace period for sessions on leader change (default 10 seconds) uint32 session_grace_period_millis = 3; // Concistency mode for read operations ConsistencyMode read_consistency_mode = 4; // Consistency mode for attach operations ConsistencyMode attach_consistency_mode = 5; // Rate limiter counters mode RateLimiterCountersMode rate_limiter_counters_mode = 6; } /** * Describes an active client session */ message SessionDescription { // Session id generated by the server uint64 session_id = 1; // Expiration timeout of the session uint64 timeout_millis = 2; // User-specified description of this session string description = 3; // True if this session is currently attached to a client bool attached = 4; } /** * Describes an owner or a waiter of this semaphore */ message SemaphoreSession { // A monotonically increasing id which determines locking order uint64 order_id = 5; // An id of the session which tried to acquire the semaphore uint64 session_id = 1; // A timeout in milliseconds for operation in waiters queue uint64 timeout_millis = 2; // Number of tokens for an acquire operation uint64 count = 3; // User-defined data attached to the acquire operation bytes data = 4; } /** * Describes the state of a semaphore */ message SemaphoreDescription { // Name of the semaphore string name = 1; // User-defined data attached to the semaphore bytes data = 2; // Number of tokens currently acquired by owners uint64 count = 7; // Maximum number of tokens that may acquired uint64 limit = 3; // Ephemeral semaphores are deleted when released by all owners and waiters bool ephemeral = 4; // A list of current owners of the semaphore repeated SemaphoreSession owners = 5; // A list of current waiters on the semaphore repeated SemaphoreSession waiters = 6; } /** * Session request message sent from client to server */ message SessionRequest { /** * Used for checking liveness of the connection */ message PingPong { // Opaque number specified in the ping message is echoed in the pong message uint64 opaque = 1; } /** * First message used to start/restore a session */ message SessionStart { // Path to a coordination node string path = 1; // Non-zero when restoring a session, 0 when creating a new session uint64 session_id = 2; // Timeout in milliseconds during which client may restore a detached session uint64 timeout_millis = 3; // User-defined description that may be used to describe the client string description = 4; // Monotonically increasing sequence number generated by the client // When concurrent SessionStart requests are detected the one with // the biggest sequence number will succeed uint64 seq_no = 5; // Random bytes used to protect session from restore by other clients (max. 16 bytes) bytes protection_key = 6; } /** * Last message used to cleanly stop session before its timeout expires */ message SessionStop { // nothing } /** * Used to acquire a semaphore * * WARNING: a single session cannot acquire the same semaphore multiple times * * Later requests override previous operations with the same semaphore, * e.g. to reduce acquired count, change timeout or attached data. */ message AcquireSemaphore { // Client-defined request id, echoed in the response uint64 req_id = 1; // Name of the semaphore to acquire string name = 2; // Timeout in milliseconds after which operation will fail // if it's still waiting in the waiters queue uint64 timeout_millis = 3; // Number of tokens to acquire on the semaphore uint64 count = 4; // User-defined binary data that may be attached to the operation bytes data = 5; // Ephemeral semaphores are created with the first acquire operation // and automatically deleted with the last release operation bool ephemeral = 6; } /** * Used to release a semaphore * * WARNING: a single session cannot release the same semaphore multiple times * * The release operation will either remove current session from waiters * queue or release an already owned semaphore. */ message ReleaseSemaphore { // Client-defined request id, echoed in the response uint64 req_id = 1; // Name of the semaphore to release string name = 2; } /** * Used to describe semaphores and watch them for changes * * WARNING: a describe operation will cancel previous watches on the same semaphore */ message DescribeSemaphore { // Client-defined request id, echoed in the response uint64 req_id = 1; // Name of the semaphore to describe string name = 2; // Response will include owners list if true bool include_owners = 3; // Response will include waiters list if true bool include_waiters = 4; // Watch for changes in semaphore data bool watch_data = 5; // Watch for changes in semaphore owners (including owners data) bool watch_owners = 6; } /** * Used to create a new semaphore */ message CreateSemaphore { // Client-defined request id, echoed in the response uint64 req_id = 1; // Name of the semaphore to create string name = 2; // Number of tokens that may be acquired by sessions uint64 limit = 3; // User-defined data that is attached to the semaphore bytes data = 4; } /** * Used to change semaphore data */ message UpdateSemaphore { // Client-defined request id, echoed in the response uint64 req_id = 1; // Name of the semaphore to update string name = 2; // User-defined data that is attached to the semaphore bytes data = 3; } /** * Used to delete an existing semaphore */ message DeleteSemaphore { // Client-defined request id, echoed in the response uint64 req_id = 1; // Name of the semaphore to delete string name = 2; // Will delete semaphore even if currently acquired by sessions bool force = 3; } oneof request { PingPong ping = 1; PingPong pong = 2; SessionStart session_start = 3; SessionStop session_stop = 4; Unsupported unsupported_5 = 5; Unsupported unsupported_6 = 6; AcquireSemaphore acquire_semaphore = 7; ReleaseSemaphore release_semaphore = 8; DescribeSemaphore describe_semaphore = 9; CreateSemaphore create_semaphore = 10; UpdateSemaphore update_semaphore = 11; DeleteSemaphore delete_semaphore = 12; Unsupported unsupported_13 = 13; Unsupported unsupported_14 = 14; Unsupported unsupported_15 = 15; } } /** * Session response message sent from server to client */ message SessionResponse { /** * Used for checking liveness of the connection */ message PingPong { // Opaque number specified in the ping message is echoed in the pong message uint64 opaque = 1; } /** * Used to report connection and session level failures */ message Failure { Ydb.StatusIds.StatusCode status = 1; repeated Ydb.Issue.IssueMessage issues = 2; } /** * Used to report a successful session create/restore operation */ message SessionStarted { // A server generation id that may be used for restoring the session uint64 session_id = 1; // Timeout in milliseconds that will be used by the server uint64 timeout_millis = 2; } /** * Used to report a successful graceful termination of the session */ message SessionStopped { uint64 session_id = 1; } /** * Used by the server to report when an acquire operation is added to the waiters queue */ message AcquireSemaphorePending { uint64 req_id = 1; } /** * Used by the server to report the result of an acquire operation */ message AcquireSemaphoreResult { uint64 req_id = 1; Ydb.StatusIds.StatusCode status = 2; repeated Ydb.Issue.IssueMessage issues = 3; // True if semaphore was acquired, false if acquire timed out bool acquired = 4; } /** * Used by the server to report the result of a release operation */ message ReleaseSemaphoreResult { uint64 req_id = 1; Ydb.StatusIds.StatusCode status = 2; repeated Ydb.Issue.IssueMessage issues = 3; // True if semaphore was released, false if there was no active acquire operation bool released = 4; } /** * The result of the describe operation */ message DescribeSemaphoreResult { uint64 req_id = 1; Ydb.StatusIds.StatusCode status = 2; repeated Ydb.Issue.IssueMessage issues = 3; SemaphoreDescription semaphore_description = 4; // True if a watch has been added for the semaphore bool watch_added = 5; } /** * Used to report a change in the watched semaphore */ message DescribeSemaphoreChanged { uint64 req_id = 1; bool data_changed = 2; bool owners_changed = 3; } /** * The result of semaphore creation */ message CreateSemaphoreResult { uint64 req_id = 1; Ydb.StatusIds.StatusCode status = 2; repeated Ydb.Issue.IssueMessage issues = 3; } /** * The result of semaphore update */ message UpdateSemaphoreResult { uint64 req_id = 1; Ydb.StatusIds.StatusCode status = 2; repeated Ydb.Issue.IssueMessage issues = 3; } /** * The result of semaphore deletion */ message DeleteSemaphoreResult { uint64 req_id = 1; Ydb.StatusIds.StatusCode status = 2; repeated Ydb.Issue.IssueMessage issues = 3; } oneof response { PingPong ping = 1; PingPong pong = 2; Failure failure = 3; SessionStarted session_started = 4; SessionStopped session_stopped = 5; Unsupported unsupported_6 = 6; Unsupported unsupported_7 = 7; AcquireSemaphorePending acquire_semaphore_pending = 8; AcquireSemaphoreResult acquire_semaphore_result = 9; ReleaseSemaphoreResult release_semaphore_result = 10; DescribeSemaphoreResult describe_semaphore_result = 11; DescribeSemaphoreChanged describe_semaphore_changed = 12; CreateSemaphoreResult create_semaphore_result = 13; UpdateSemaphoreResult update_semaphore_result = 14; DeleteSemaphoreResult delete_semaphore_result = 15; Unsupported unsupported_16 = 16; Unsupported unsupported_17 = 17; Unsupported unsupported_18 = 18; } } message CreateNodeRequest { string path = 1; Config config = 2; Ydb.Operations.OperationParams operation_params = 3; } message CreateNodeResponse { Ydb.Operations.Operation operation = 1; } message AlterNodeRequest { string path = 1; Config config = 2; Ydb.Operations.OperationParams operation_params = 3; } message AlterNodeResponse { Ydb.Operations.Operation operation = 1; } message DropNodeRequest { string path = 1; Ydb.Operations.OperationParams operation_params = 2; } message DropNodeResponse { Ydb.Operations.Operation operation = 1; } message DescribeNodeRequest { string path = 1; Ydb.Operations.OperationParams operation_params = 2; } message DescribeNodeResponse { Ydb.Operations.Operation operation = 1; } message DescribeNodeResult { Ydb.Scheme.Entry self = 1; Config config = 2; }