syntax = "proto3"; option cc_enable_arenas = true; package Ydb.Monitoring; option go_package = ""; option java_package = "tech.ydb.monitoring"; option java_outer_classname = "MonitoringProtos"; import "protos/ydb_operation.proto"; message StatusFlag { // Describes the general state of a component. // From GREEN to RED, where GREEN is good, and RED is bad. // GREY means that the corresponding status is unknown. enum Status { UNSPECIFIED = 0; GREY = 1; GREEN = 2; BLUE = 3; YELLOW = 4; ORANGE = 5; RED = 6; } } message SelfCheckRequest { Ydb.Operations.OperationParams operation_params = 1; // basic operation params, including timeout bool return_verbose_status = 2; // return detailed info about components checked with their statuses StatusFlag.Status minimum_status = 3; // minimum status of issues to return uint32 maximum_level = 4; // maximum level of issues to return } message SelfCheckResponse { // After successfull completion must contain SelfCheckResult. Ydb.Operations.Operation operation = 1; } message NodeCheckRequest { Ydb.Operations.OperationParams operation_params = 1; // basic operation params, including timeout } message NodeCheckResponse { // After successfull completion must contain SelfCheckResult. Ydb.Operations.Operation operation = 1; } message SelfCheck { // Describes the result of self-check performed. enum Result { UNSPECIFIED = 0; GOOD = 1; DEGRADED = 2; MAINTENANCE_REQUIRED = 3; EMERGENCY = 4; } } message StoragePDiskStatus { string id = 1; StatusFlag.Status overall = 2; } message StorageVDiskStatus { string id = 1; StatusFlag.Status overall = 2; StatusFlag.Status vdisk_status = 3; StoragePDiskStatus pdisk = 4; } message StorageGroupStatus { string id = 1; StatusFlag.Status overall = 2; repeated StorageVDiskStatus vdisks = 3; } message StoragePoolStatus { string id = 1; StatusFlag.Status overall = 2; repeated StorageGroupStatus groups = 3; } message StorageStatus { StatusFlag.Status overall = 1; repeated StoragePoolStatus pools = 2; } // Describes the state of a tablet group. message ComputeTabletStatus { StatusFlag.Status overall = 1; string type = 2; string state = 3; uint32 count = 4; repeated string id = 5; } message ThreadPoolStatus { StatusFlag.Status overall = 1; string name = 2; float usage = 3; } message LoadAverageStatus { StatusFlag.Status overall = 1; float load = 2; uint32 cores = 3; } message ComputeNodeStatus { string id = 1; StatusFlag.Status overall = 2; repeated ComputeTabletStatus tablets = 3; repeated ThreadPoolStatus pools = 4; LoadAverageStatus load = 5; } message ComputeStatus { StatusFlag.Status overall = 1; repeated ComputeNodeStatus nodes = 2; repeated ComputeTabletStatus tablets = 3; } message LocationNode { uint32 id = 1; string host = 2; uint32 port = 3; } message LocationStoragePDisk { string id = 1; string path = 2; } message LocationStorageVDisk { repeated string id = 1; repeated LocationStoragePDisk pdisk = 2; } message LocationStorageGroup { repeated string id = 1; LocationStorageVDisk vdisk = 2; } message LocationStoragePool { string name = 1; LocationStorageGroup group = 2; } message LocationStorage { LocationNode node = 1; LocationStoragePool pool = 2; } message LocationComputePool { string name = 1; } message LocationComputeTablet { string type = 1; repeated string id = 2; uint32 count = 3; } message LocationCompute { LocationNode node = 1; LocationComputePool pool = 2; LocationComputeTablet tablet = 3; } message LocationDatabase { string name = 1; } message Location { LocationStorage storage = 1; LocationCompute compute = 2; LocationDatabase database = 3; } message IssueLog { string id = 1; StatusFlag.Status status = 2; string message = 3; Location location = 4; repeated string reason = 5; string type = 6; uint32 level = 7; uint32 listed = 8; uint32 count = 9; } message DatabaseStatus { string name = 1; StatusFlag.Status overall = 2; StorageStatus storage = 3; ComputeStatus compute = 4; } message SelfCheckResult { SelfCheck.Result self_check_result = 1; repeated IssueLog issue_log = 2; repeated DatabaseStatus database_status = 3; }