use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream}; use proc_macro_error::*; use quote::quote; use syn::punctuated::Punctuated; use syn::{ parse_quote, Attribute, Expr, ExprField, ExprPath, ExprTuple, FnArg, ForeignItemFn, GenericArgument, GenericParam, Index, ItemFn, Member, Pat, PatIdent, PatType, Path, PathArguments, PathSegment, ReturnType, Signature, Token, Type, TypePath, TypeReference, TypeTuple, Visibility, WhereClause, }; fn fn_arg_to_type(arg: &FnArg) -> &Type { match arg { FnArg::Receiver(_) => unimplemented!(), FnArg::Typed(arg) => arg.ty.as_ref(), } } fn build_type_tuple(types: impl Iterator) -> Type { let mut elems = types.collect::>(); if !elems.is_empty() { elems.push_punct(Default::default()); } Type::Tuple(TypeTuple { paren_token: Default::default(), elems, }) } fn build_unit_tuple() -> Type { build_type_tuple([].into_iter()) } fn arg_name(arg: &FnArg) -> Option { match arg { FnArg::Receiver(_) => Some(Ident::new("self", Span::call_site())), FnArg::Typed(pat_type) => { if let Pat::Ident(name) = pat_type.pat.as_ref() { Some(name.ident.clone()) } else { None } } } } fn arg_names<'a>(args: impl Iterator) -> Vec { args.enumerate() .map(|(n, arg)| { arg_name(arg).unwrap_or_else(|| Ident::new(&format!("arg{n}"), Span::mixed_site())) }) .collect() } fn calling_tuple_args(idents: impl Iterator) -> Punctuated { idents .map(|(name, typ)| { FnArg::Typed(PatType { attrs: Default::default(), pat: Box::new(Pat::Ident(PatIdent { attrs: Default::default(), by_ref: None, mutability: None, subpat: None, ident: name, })), colon_token: Default::default(), ty: Box::new(typ), }) }) .collect() } fn build_ident_tuple(idents: impl Iterator) -> Expr { let mut elems = idents .map(ident_to_expr) .collect::>(); if !elems.is_empty() { elems.push_punct(Default::default()); } ExprTuple { attrs: Default::default(), paren_token: Default::default(), elems, } .into() } fn ident_to_expr(id: Ident) -> Expr { ExprPath { attrs: Default::default(), qself: Default::default(), path: Path::from(id), } .into() } /// Converts generic arguments to generic params (effectively dismissing all ": ???" bounds) fn use_generic_args( generics: &Punctuated, ) -> Punctuated { generics .iter() .map(|p| match p { GenericParam::Type(t) => GenericArgument::Type( TypePath { qself: None, path: t.ident.clone().into(), } .into(), ), GenericParam::Lifetime(l) => GenericArgument::Lifetime(l.lifetime.clone()), GenericParam::Const(c) => GenericArgument::Const(ident_to_expr(c.ident.clone())), }) .collect() } fn generic_args_phantom(generics: &Punctuated) -> Type { build_type_tuple(generics.iter().filter_map(|a| { match a { GenericArgument::Binding(_) => unreachable!(), GenericArgument::Constraint(_) => unreachable!(), GenericArgument::Type(t) => Some(t.clone()), GenericArgument::Const(_) => None, GenericArgument::Lifetime(lt) => Some( TypeReference { lifetime: Some(lt.clone()), mutability: None, and_token: Default::default(), elem: Box::new(build_unit_tuple()), } .into(), ), } })) } #[proc_macro_error] #[proc_macro_attribute] pub fn query( attr: proc_macro::TokenStream, item: proc_macro::TokenStream, ) -> proc_macro::TokenStream { if !attr.is_empty() { emit_error!( TokenStream::from(attr), "#[yeter::query] doesn't expect any attributes" ); } let mut function_no_impl; let mut function_impl; let function = { if let Ok(f) = syn::parse::(item.clone()) { function_no_impl = f; &mut function_no_impl as &mut dyn FunctionItem } else if let Ok(f) = syn::parse::(item.clone()) { function_impl = f; &mut function_impl as &mut dyn FunctionItem } else { let item = TokenStream::from(item); return (quote! { compile_error!("expected fn item"); #item }).into(); } }; let query_attrs = function.take_attrs(); let fn_args = &function.sig().inputs; let query_args = fn_args .iter() .skip(1) .map(fn_arg_to_type) .cloned() .collect::>(); let db_ident_fallback = Ident::new("db", Span::call_site()); match fn_args.first() { // self, &self, &mut self Some(receiver @ FnArg::Receiver(_)) => { emit_error!( receiver, "#[yeter::query] can't be used on instance methods"; hint = "did you mean `db: &yeter::Database`?"; ); &db_ident_fallback } Some(FnArg::Typed(pat_type)) => match pat_type.pat.as_ref() { Pat::Ident(ident) => &ident.ident, _ => { emit_error!( pat_type.pat, "simple database argument pattern expected"; help = "use a simple argument declaration such as `db: &yeter::Database`"; ); &db_ident_fallback } }, None => { emit_error!( function.sig(), "a query must take a database as its first argument"; note = "no arguments were specified"; ); &db_ident_fallback } }; let fn_arg_count = fn_args.len() as u32; let query_arg_count = if fn_arg_count == 0 { 0 } else { fn_arg_count - 1 }; let unit_type; let query_vis = &function.vis(); let query_name = &function.sig().ident; let generics = &function.sig().generics; let generics_params = &generics.params; let generics_where = &generics.where_clause; let generics_args = use_generic_args(generics_params); let generics_phantom = generic_args_phantom(&generics_args); let input_type = build_type_tuple(query_args.iter().cloned()); let output_type = match &function.sig().output { ReturnType::Default => { unit_type = build_unit_tuple(); &unit_type } ReturnType::Type(_, typ) => typ.as_ref(), }; let calling_arg_names = arg_names(fn_args.iter().skip(1)); let calling_tuple_args = calling_tuple_args(calling_arg_names.iter().cloned().zip(query_args)); let calling_tuple = build_ident_tuple(calling_arg_names.into_iter()); let call_ident_span = Span::call_site().located_at(query_name.span()); // When Span::def_site is stable, we will be able to properly create hygienic idents let call_ident = Ident::new(&format!("__yeter_{query_name}"), call_ident_span); let to_function_impl = function.to_function_impl(&call_ident, generics_params, output_type); let to_function_call = function.to_function_call(&call_ident, query_arg_count); let to_additional_impl = function.to_additional_impl( query_name, generics_params, &generics_args, generics_where, output_type, ); let expanded = quote! { #(#query_attrs)* #query_vis fn #query_name<#generics_params>(db: &::yeter::Database, #calling_tuple_args) -> ::std::rc::Rc<#output_type> #generics_where { #to_function_impl<_, #query_name::<#generics_args>>(#to_function_call, #calling_tuple) } #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] #[doc(hidden)] #query_vis enum #query_name<#generics_params> { Phantom(std::convert::Infallible, std::marker::PhantomData<#generics_phantom>), } impl<#generics_params> ::yeter::QueryDef for #query_name<#generics_args> #generics_where { type Input = #input_type; type Output = #output_type; } #to_additional_impl }; set_dummy(expanded.clone()); // Still produce these tokens if an error was emitted expanded.into() } trait FunctionItem { fn take_attrs(&mut self) -> Vec; fn vis(&self) -> &Visibility; fn sig(&self) -> &Signature; fn to_function_impl( &self, _call_ident: &Ident, _generics_params: &Punctuated, _output_type: &Type, ) -> TokenStream { quote! {} } fn to_function_call(&self, _call_ident: &Ident, _query_arg_count: u32) -> TokenStream; fn to_additional_impl( &self, _query_name: &Ident, _generics_params: &Punctuated, _generics_args: &Punctuated, _generics_where: &Option, _output_type: &Type, ) -> TokenStream { quote! {} } } fn guess_option_inner_type(option: &Type) -> Type { if let Type::Path(path) = option { match path.path.segments.last() { Some(seg) if seg.ident != "Option" => { emit_error!(seg.ident, "expected `Option` type",); } Some(PathSegment { arguments: PathArguments::AngleBracketed(angle), .. }) if angle.args.len() == 1 => match angle.args.first().unwrap() { GenericArgument::Type(t) => return t.clone(), o => { emit_error!(o, "unexpected generic argument for Option type",); } }, Some(seg) => { emit_error!(seg, "expected Option return type",); } None => { emit_error!(path, "expected Option return type",); } } }; parse_quote! { Option<()> } } impl FunctionItem for ForeignItemFn { fn take_attrs(&mut self) -> Vec { std::mem::take(&mut self.attrs) } fn vis(&self) -> &Visibility { &self.vis } fn sig(&self) -> &Signature { &self.sig } fn to_function_call(&self, _call_ident: &Ident, _query_arg_count: u32) -> TokenStream { quote! { |_db, _input| None } } fn to_additional_impl( &self, query_name: &Ident, generics_params: &Punctuated, generics_args: &Punctuated, generics_where: &Option, output_type: &Type, ) -> TokenStream { // Output should be an option; we try to guess what could be inside let output_type = guess_option_inner_type(output_type); quote! { impl<#generics_params> ::yeter::InputQueryDef for #query_name<#generics_args> #generics_where { type OptionalOutput = #output_type; } } } } impl FunctionItem for ItemFn { fn take_attrs(&mut self) -> Vec { std::mem::take(&mut self.attrs) } fn vis(&self) -> &Visibility { &self.vis } fn sig(&self) -> &Signature { &self.sig } fn to_function_impl( &self, call_ident: &Ident, _generics_params: &Punctuated, _output_type: &Type, ) -> TokenStream { let mut s = self.clone(); s.sig.ident = call_ident.clone(); quote! { #[allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes)] #s } } fn to_function_call(&self, call_ident: &Ident, query_arg_count: u32) -> TokenStream { let db_ident = Ident::new("db", Span::mixed_site()); let input_ident = Ident::new("input", Span::mixed_site()); let input_ident_expr = Box::new(ident_to_expr(input_ident.clone())); let calling_args = (0..query_arg_count) .map(|n| { Expr::Field(ExprField { attrs: Default::default(), base: input_ident_expr.clone(), dot_token: Default::default(), member: Member::Unnamed(Index { index: n, span: Span::mixed_site(), }), }) }) .collect::>(); quote! { |#db_ident, #input_ident| #call_ident(#db_ident, #calling_args) } } }