# yew-alt-html
Alternative macro for building `Html` in [Yew](https://yew.rs/).
## Example
This example represents the root `App` component of a Yew application.
It shows interpolation in text nodes, interpolation in attributes,
multiple nodes in the root of the macro, shortened tag closing,
using tags in match expressions.
use yew::prelude::*;
use yew_alt_html::ah;
enum LoadState {
pub fn App() -> Html {
let name = "Yew";
let italic_style = "font-style: italic";
use LoadState::*;
let state = Loaded;
let items = vec![1, 2, 3];
ah! {
"Hello " name "!">
match state {
Loading => "Loading...",
Failed => "Load failed!",
Loaded =>
"Welcome to ""yew-alt-html">"!">,
for item in items {
- item>
## Why another `html!`?
This crate experiments on creating a macro that would be easier to use.
For this, the [`html!` syntax](https://yew.rs/docs/concepts/html)
that was a bit cumbersome to use
is replaced by direct usage of values in `ah!`.
Following problems should be solved by this crate:
- Having to use `{}` inside tags even when values are simple literals.
- Having to wrap attributes in `{}`
(mind that shorthand still uses `{ variable }`).
- Having to repeat generics (Yew-only) and tag names
(not very HTML to omit, but still neat to have considered)
when closing tags.
- Having to use fragment `<>>` when using multiple nodes in the macro root.
- Not being able to use `match` just like `if`.
- Cumbersome `{ for ... }` notation (fixed in 0.4.0).
## Possible issues
Most [`html!` syntax](https://yew.rs/docs/concepts/html)
should be supported by the `ah!` macro.
If your code does not work by just replacing `html!` with `ah!`,
[submit an issue](https://github.com/kirillsemyonkin/yew-alt-html/issues).
Some syntax is limited (for example, using `>` in attributes without an `if`).
Suggested solution would be moving complex values into variables before `ah!`,
or wrapping values in `{}` braces just like you do in `html!`.
## Planned
- [x] Support for writing tags directly in `match` cases
(requires wrapping the tag in `ah!` currently), similar to `if`
(fixed in 0.2.0).
- [ ] Not using `html!` under the hood: adding more checks
(that are currently handled by `html!`)
and generating virtual dom manually.
- [ ] Using [Diagnostics API](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/54140)
whenever it comes out for modifying spans and showing exact error spans
instead of making everything red
(partially fixed in 0.3.0, still needs more future work with spans).
- [ ] Proper testing. Currently the crate is tested manually on
an extensive local project by the crate author.