NavLink Component for Yew Router
NavLink is a component for Yew applications using Yew Router. It creates a navigational link that is aware of its active state based on the current route in the application.
use yew::{html, prelude::*};
use yew_router::prelude::*;
pub fn app() -> Html {
html! {
to={AppRoute::Home}>{ "Home" } >
to={AppRoute::About}>{ "About" } >
### Using *nav_link* function
> in header or navbar
> ```html
> ...
> { nav_link(HomeRoute::IntroPage, "Home") }
> ...
> ```
### Advanced example with [bootstrap](
> [![yew](](
> [![yew-router](](
> index.html
> ```html
> Your title
> ```
> ```rs
> fn main() {
> yew::Renderer::::new().render();
> }
> ```
> ```rs
> #[function_component(App)]
> pub fn app() -> Html {
> html! {
> render={switch_main} />
> }
> }
> ```
> ```rs
> #[derive(Clone, Routable, PartialEq)]
> pub enum MainRoute {
> #[at("/home")]
> HomeRoot,
> #[at("/home/*")]
> Home,
> #[at("/register")]
> RegisterPage,
> #[at("/login")]
> LoginPage,
> #[not_found]
> #[at("/404")]
> NotFoundPage,
> }
> pub fn switch_main(routes: MainRoute) -> Html {
> match routes {
> MainRoute::HomeRoot | MainRoute::Home => {
> html! { render={switch_home} /> }
> }
> MainRoute::RegisterPage => html! { {html! { }} },
> MainRoute::LoginPage => html! { {html! { }} },
> MainRoute::NotFoundPage => html! { },
> }
> }
> ```
> ```rs
> #[derive(Clone, Routable, PartialEq)]
> pub enum HomeRoute {
> #[at("/home")]
> HomePage,
> #[at("/home/intro")]
> IntroPage,
> #[at("/home/features")]
> FeaturesPage,
> #[at("/home/billings")]
> BillingsPage,
> #[at("/home/faq")]
> FaqPage,
> #[not_found]
> #[at("/home/404")]
> NotFoundPage,
> }
> pub fn switch_home(route: HomeRoute) -> Html {
> match route {
> HomeRoute::HomePage => html! { },
> HomeRoute::IntroPage => html! { { html! { } } },
> HomeRoute::FeaturesPage => html! { { html! { } } },
> HomeRoute::BillingsPage => html! { { html! { } } },
> HomeRoute::FaqPage => html! { { html! { } } },
> HomeRoute::NotFoundPage => html! { to={MainRoute::NotFoundPage}/>},
> }
> }
> ```
> in navbar or header
> ```html
> ...
> to={HomeRoute::IntroPage}>
> {"Home"}
> >
> to={HomeRoute::FeaturesPage}>
> {"Features"}
> >
> to={HomeRoute::BillingsPage}>
> {"Billing"}
> >
> to={HomeRoute::FaqPage}>
> {"FAQ"}
> >
> to={MainRoute::RegisterPage}>
> {"Register"}
> >
> to={MainRoute::LoginPage}>
> {"Login"}
> >
> ...
> ```
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 .