use std::fs::File; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::exit; use std::error::Error; use Ygen::prelude::{DebugNode, PassManager}; use Ygen::Optimizations::Passes; use Ygen::Support::{ColorProfile, Colorize}; use Ygen::Target::initializeAllTargets; use Ygen::{Support::Cli, Target::Triple}; use Ygen::IR::parser::{gen::IrGen, lexer::IrLexer, parser::IrParser, semnatic::IrSemnatic}; use Ygen::IR::Module; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut cli = Cli::new( "ylc", "ygen ir compiler", "1.0", "Cr0a3" ); cli.add_opt("h", "help", "Displays help"); cli.add_opt("v", "version", "Displays the version"); cli.add_arg("triple", "triple", "The target triple", /*required*/ false); cli.add_opt("asm", "emit-assembly", "Instead of emitting generated machine code into the file, it will put the generated assembly there"); cli.add_opt("asm-clr", "print-colored-assembly", "Prints out the generated assembly to stderr"); cli.add_arg("in", "input", "Input file", /*required*/ true); cli.add_arg("o", "out", "The output file to write too", /*required*/ false); cli.add_opt("lex", "show-lexed", "Shows the assembly tokens"); cli.add_opt("exprs", "show-parser-result", "Shows the parsed result"); cli.add_opt("fmt-clr", "format-colored", "Reprints the ir to stderr with color information"); cli.add_opt("fmt", "format", "Prints the ir formatted to stdout"); cli.add_opt("O", "optimize-simple", "Run simple optimizations"); cli.add_arg("passes", "optimization-passes", "The optimization passes to run", false); cli.add_opt("g", "debug", "Adds debugging metadata"); cli.scan(); if cli.opt("h") {; } else if cli.opt("v") { cli.version(); } let triple = { if let Some(triple) = cli.arg_val("triple") { Triple::parse(&triple)? } else { Triple::host() } }; let infile = cli.arg_val("in").expect("we said it was required"); let outfile; if let Some(out) = cli.arg_val("out") { outfile = out; } else { let file = infile.split("/").collect::>().last().unwrap_or(&&infile.as_str()).to_string(); let slices = file.split(".").collect::>(); let mut name = String::new(); for slice in &slices { if slices.last() == Some(slice) { break; } name.push_str(slice); } outfile = format!("{}.o", name); } let mut infile = match File::open(&infile) { Ok(file) => file, Err(err) => { println!("{}: {} {}", "Error".red().bold(), infile, err); exit(-1); }, }; let mut outfile = match File::options().create(true).write(true).open(&outfile) { Ok(file) => file, Err(err) => { println!("{}: {} {}", "Error".red().bold(), outfile, err); exit(-1); }, }; let mut input = String::new(); infile.read_to_string(&mut input)?; let mut lexer = IrLexer::new(input); match lexer.lex() { Ok(_) => {}, Err(err) => { println!("{}", err); exit(-1) }, } if cli.opt("lex") { println!("Tokens: {:?}", lexer.out); } let mut parser = IrParser::new(lexer.out); match parser.parse() { Ok(_) => {}, Err(err) => { println!("{}", err); exit(-1) } } if cli.opt("exprs") { println!("{:?}", parser.out); } match IrSemnatic::new(&parser.out).verify() { Ok(_) => {}, Err(err) => { println!("{}", err); exit(-1) } } let mut dbg_file = PathBuf::from(""); for stmt in &parser.out { match stmt { Ygen::IR::parser::parser::IrStmt::Func { name: _, ret: _, args: _, body, scope: _, location: _ } => { for (_, block) in body { for node in &block.body { if let Some(dbg) = node.inst.as_any().downcast_ref::() { dbg_file = dbg.file.to_owned(); } } } }, _ => {}, } } let mut gen = IrGen::new(parser.out); gen.gen(); let mut module: Module = gen.module(); module.init_dbg( "ygen ir language compiler (ylc)".to_owned(), /*The dwarf std doesn't have ygen ir*/Ygen::debug::Lang::Rust, &std::path::PathBuf::from(dbg_file) ); if let Some(passes) = cli.arg_val("passes") { let mut opts = PassManager::new(); let passes = passes.split(',').collect::>(); for pass in passes { let pass = match pass.to_lowercase().as_str() { "cp" | "const_eval" | "const_evaluation" | "const-eval" | "const-evaluation" => Some( Passes::ConstantEvaluation() ), "dne" | "dead_node" | "dead_node_elim" | "dead-node" | "dead-node-elimination" => Some( Passes::DeadNodeElimination() ), _ => {eprintln!("unkown pass: {}", pass); None }, }; if let Some(pass) = pass { opts.add( pass ); } } module.runPassMngr(opts); } else if cli.opt("O") { let mut opts = PassManager::new(); opts.add( Passes::ConstantEvaluation() ); opts.add( Passes::DeadNodeElimination() ); module.runPassMngr(opts); } if cli.opt("fmt-clr") { eprintln!("{}", module.dumpColored(ColorProfile::default())); } if cli.opt("fmt") { println!("{}", module.dump()); } if cli.opt("asm-clr") { let asm = module.emitAsm(triple, &mut initializeAllTargets(triple)?)?; println!("{}", asm); } let debug = cli.opt("g"); if cli.opt("asm") { let asm = module.emitAsm(triple, &mut initializeAllTargets(triple)?)?; outfile.write_all(asm.as_bytes())? } else { let (mut object, debug_registry) = module.emitMachineCode( triple, &mut initializeAllTargets(triple)?, debug )?; object.debug = debug; object.emit(outfile, debug_registry)?; } Ok(()) }