use implicit_clone::unsync::*; use std::any::*; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::rc::*; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; fn window() -> web_sys::Window { web_sys::window().unwrap() } fn document() -> web_sys::Document { window().document().unwrap() } #[wasm_bindgen] extern "C" { #[wasm_bindgen(js_namespace = console)] pub fn log(message: &str); } #[macro_export] macro_rules! log { ($($tt:tt)+) => {{ log(&format!($($tt)*)); }}; } pub type Key = u64; #[derive(Clone)] pub enum VNode { Element(Rc), Text(Rc), Fragment(Rc), Component(Rc), } impl implicit_clone::ImplicitClone for VNode {} impl Default for VNode { fn default() -> Self { thread_local! { static DEFAULT_VALUE: Rc = Rc::new(VNodeFragment { key: None, fragment: document().create_document_fragment(), children: Default::default(), container: None, }); } DEFAULT_VALUE.with(|x| Self::Fragment(x.clone())) } } impl From for VNode { fn from(text: IString) -> VNode { VNode::Text(Rc::new(VNodeText { text, node: None, container: None, })) } } impl From<&IString> for VNode { fn from(text: &IString) -> VNode { VNode::Text(Rc::new(VNodeText { text: text.clone(), node: None, container: None, })) } } impl From for VNode { fn from(s: String) -> VNode { VNode::Text(Rc::new(VNodeText { text: s.into(), node: None, container: None, })) } } impl From<&'static str> for VNode { fn from(s: &'static str) -> VNode { VNode::Text(Rc::new(VNodeText { text: s.into(), node: None, container: None, })) } } impl From> for VNode { fn from(args: std::fmt::Arguments) -> VNode { VNode::Text(Rc::new(VNodeText { text: args.into(), node: None, container: None, })) } } impl From for VNode { fn from(component: T) -> VNode { VNode::Component(Rc::new(VNodeComponent { key: component.key(), component: Rc::new(component), type_id: TypeId::of::(), vnode: Default::default(), refresh_callback: Default::default(), refresh_callback_id: Default::default(), })) } } impl FromIterator for VNode { fn from_iter>(it: T) -> Self { VNode::Fragment(Rc::new(VNodeFragment { key: None, fragment: document().create_document_fragment(), container: None, children: it.into_iter().collect(), })) } } impl VNode { pub fn builder(tag: &'static str) -> VNodeElementBuilder { VNodeElementBuilder { tag, key: Default::default(), class: Default::default(), dyn_attrs: Default::default(), children: Default::default(), handlers: Default::default(), } } pub fn create_dom(self, container: &web_sys::Node) -> Self { match self { Self::Element(x) => { Self::Element(Rc::new(Rc::unwrap_or_clone(x).create_dom(container))) } Self::Text(x) => Self::Text(Rc::new(Rc::unwrap_or_clone(x).create_dom(container))), Self::Fragment(x) => { Self::Fragment(Rc::new(Rc::unwrap_or_clone(x).create_dom(container))) } Self::Component(x) => Self::Component(x.create_dom(container)), } } pub fn remove_dom(self) -> Self { match self { Self::Element(x) => Self::Element(Rc::new(Rc::unwrap_or_clone(x).remove_dom())), Self::Text(x) => Self::Text(Rc::new(Rc::unwrap_or_clone(x).remove_dom())), Self::Fragment(x) => Self::Fragment(Rc::new(Rc::unwrap_or_clone(x).remove_dom())), Self::Component(x) => Self::Component(x.remove_dom()), } } pub fn update(self, new_vnode: Self) -> Self { match (self, new_vnode) { (Self::Element(a), Self::Element(b)) => Self::Element(Rc::new( Rc::unwrap_or_clone(a).update(Rc::unwrap_or_clone(b)), )), (Self::Text(a), Self::Text(b)) => Self::Text(Rc::new( Rc::unwrap_or_clone(a).update(Rc::unwrap_or_clone(b)), )), (Self::Fragment(a), Self::Fragment(b)) => Self::Fragment(Rc::new( Rc::unwrap_or_clone(a).update(Rc::unwrap_or_clone(b)), )), (Self::Component(a), Self::Component(b)) if a.type_id == b.type_id => { Self::Component(a.update(Rc::unwrap_or_clone(b))) } (a, b) => b.create_dom(&a.remove_dom().container().unwrap()), } } pub fn node(&self) -> Option { match self { Self::Element(x) => x.node(), Self::Text(x) => x.node(), Self::Fragment(x) => Some(x.node()), Self::Component(x) => x.node(), } } pub fn parent_node(&self) -> Option { match self { Self::Element(x) => x.parent_node(), Self::Text(x) => x.parent_node(), Self::Fragment(x) => x.parent_node(), Self::Component(x) => x.parent_node(), } } pub fn key(&self) -> Option { match self { Self::Element(x) => x.key(), Self::Text(_) => None, Self::Fragment(x) => x.key(), Self::Component(x) => x.key(), } } pub fn container(&self) -> Option { match self { Self::Element(x) => x.container(), Self::Text(x) => x.container(), Self::Fragment(x) => x.container(), Self::Component(x) => x.container(), } } pub fn next_sibling(&self) -> Option> { match self { Self::Element(x) => x.next_sibling(), Self::Text(x) => x.next_sibling(), Self::Fragment(x) => x.next_sibling(), Self::Component(x) => x.next_sibling(), } } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct VNodeElement { tag: &'static str, key: Option, node: Option, class: IArray, dyn_attrs: Rc<[(IString, IString)]>, fragment: VNodeFragment, handlers: Rc<[EventHandler]>, container: Option, } impl VNodeElement { pub fn create_dom(self, container: &web_sys::Node) -> Self { if self.node.is_some() { return self; } let Self { tag, class, dyn_attrs, fragment, handlers, .. } = self; log!("create element: {tag}"); let node = document().create_element(tag).unwrap(); Self::set_class(&node, &class); for (attr_name, attr_value) in dyn_attrs.iter() { node.set_attribute(attr_name, attr_value).unwrap(); } let fragment = fragment.create_dom(&node); container.append_child(&node).unwrap(); let handlers = handlers .iter() .map(|event_listener| event_listener.clone().add_to_node(&node).unwrap()) .collect(); Self { node: Some(node), class, dyn_attrs, fragment, handlers, container: Some(container.clone()), ..self } } pub fn remove_dom(mut self) -> Self { if let Some(node) = self.node.take() { node.remove(); } self } pub fn update(self, new_vnode: Self) -> Self { let Self { tag, key: _, node, class, dyn_attrs, fragment, handlers, container, } = self; let node = node.unwrap(); log!("update element: {tag}"); if class != new_vnode.class { Self::set_class(&node, &new_vnode.class); } dyn_attrs .iter() .map(|(x, _)| x) .filter(|attr_name| !new_vnode.dyn_attrs.iter().any(|(x, _)| x == *attr_name)) .for_each(|attr_name| { node.remove_attribute(&attr_name).unwrap(); }); new_vnode .dyn_attrs .iter() .filter(|(attr_name, attr_value)| { if let Some((_, old_value)) = dyn_attrs.iter().find(|(x, _)| x == attr_name) { attr_value != old_value } else { true } }) .for_each(|(attr_name, attr_value)| { node.set_attribute(attr_name, attr_value).unwrap(); }); let fragment = fragment.update(new_vnode.fragment); handlers.iter().for_each(|old_listener| { if !new_vnode.handlers.iter().any(|x| x == old_listener) { old_listener.remove_from_node(&node).unwrap(); } }); let new_handlers = new_vnode .handlers .iter() .map(|new_listener| { if let Some(old_listener) = handlers.iter().find(|x| *x == new_listener) { old_listener.clone() } else { new_listener.clone().add_to_node(&node).unwrap() } }) .collect(); Self { tag, key: new_vnode.key, node: Some(node), class: new_vnode.class, dyn_attrs: new_vnode.dyn_attrs, fragment, handlers: new_handlers, container, } } pub fn node(&self) -> Option { self.node.clone().map(|x| x.unchecked_into()) } pub fn parent_node(&self) -> Option { self.node.as_ref().and_then(|x| x.parent_node()) } pub fn key(&self) -> Option { self.key } pub fn container(&self) -> Option { self.container.clone() } pub fn next_sibling(&self) -> Option> { self.node.as_ref().map(|x| x.next_sibling()) } pub fn set_class(node: &web_sys::Element, class: &[IString]) { let mut it = class.iter(); if let Some(first_class) = { let mut class = first_class.to_string(); it.for_each(|x| { class.push(' '); class.push_str(x); }); node.set_attribute("class", &class).unwrap(); } } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct VNodeText { text: IString, node: Option, container: Option, } impl VNodeText { pub fn create_dom(self, container: &web_sys::Node) -> Self { if self.node.is_some() { return self; } log!("create text: {}", self.text); let node = document().create_text_node(&self.text); container.append_child(&node).unwrap(); VNodeText { node: Some(node), container: Some(container.clone()), ..self } } pub fn remove_dom(mut self) -> Self { if let Some(node) = self.node.take() { node.remove(); } self } pub fn update(self, new_vnode: Self) -> Self { if let Some(node) = self.node { if self.text != new_vnode.text { log!("update text: {} -> {}", self.text, new_vnode.text); node.set_node_value(Some(&new_vnode.text)); } Self { text: new_vnode.text, node: Some(node), container: self.container, } } else { self } } pub fn node(&self) -> Option { self.node.clone().map(|x| x.unchecked_into()) } pub fn parent_node(&self) -> Option { self.node.as_ref().and_then(|x| x.parent_node()) } pub fn container(&self) -> Option { self.container.clone() } pub fn next_sibling(&self) -> Option> { self.node.as_ref().map(|x| x.next_sibling()) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct VNodeFragment { key: Option, fragment: web_sys::DocumentFragment, container: Option, children: Vec, } impl VNodeFragment { pub fn builder(_tag: &'static str) -> VNodeFragmentBuilder { VNodeFragmentBuilder { key: Default::default(), children: Default::default(), } } pub fn create_dom(self, container: &web_sys::Node) -> Self { let Self { key, fragment, children, container: _, } = self; log("create fragment"); let children = children .into_iter() .map(|child| child.clone().create_dom(&fragment)) .collect(); container.append_child(&fragment).unwrap(); Self { key, fragment, children, container: Some(container.clone()), } } pub fn remove_dom(mut self) -> Self { self.children = self.children.into_iter().map(|x| x.remove_dom()).collect(); self } pub fn update(self, new_vnode: Self) -> Self { let Self { key, fragment, children: old_children, container, } = self; let container = container.unwrap(); log!("update fragment ({:?})", key); let mut new_children: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(new_vnode.children.len()); let mut to_remove = vec![true; new_vnode.children.len()]; new_vnode .children .into_iter() .enumerate() .for_each(|(new_pos, new_child)| { new_children.push(if let Some(key) = new_child.key() { if let Some((old_pos, old_child)) = old_children .iter() .enumerate() .find(|(_, x)| x.key() == Some(key)) { fragment.append_child(&old_child.node().unwrap()).unwrap(); to_remove[old_pos] = false; old_child.clone().update(new_child) } else { new_child.create_dom(&fragment) } } else if let Some(old_child) = old_children.get(new_pos) { fragment.append_child(&old_child.node().unwrap()).unwrap(); to_remove[new_pos] = false; old_child.clone().update(new_child) } else { new_child.create_dom(&fragment) }); }); old_children .into_iter() .zip(to_remove.into_iter()) .for_each(|(child, to_remove)| { if to_remove { child.remove_dom(); } }); container.append_child(&fragment).unwrap(); Self { key: new_vnode.key, fragment, children: new_children, container: Some(container), } } pub fn node(&self) -> web_sys::Node { self.fragment.clone().unchecked_into() } pub fn parent_node(&self) -> Option { self.children.iter().find_map(|x| x.parent_node()) } pub fn key(&self) -> Option { self.key } pub fn container(&self) -> Option { self.container.clone() } pub fn next_sibling(&self) -> Option> { self.children.iter().rev().find_map(|x| x.next_sibling()) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct VNodeComponent { key: Option, component: Rc, type_id: TypeId, vnode: Rc>, refresh_callback: Rc>>>, refresh_callback_id: Rc>>, } impl VNodeComponent { pub fn create_dom(self: Rc, container: &web_sys::Node) -> Rc { self.vnode .replace(self.component.render(self.clone()).create_dom(container)); let vnode_comp = self.clone(); self.refresh_callback.replace(Some(Closure::new(move || { vnode_comp.clone().update_in_place(); }))); self } pub fn remove_dom(self: Rc) -> Rc { self.vnode.replace(self.vnode.borrow().clone().remove_dom()); self } pub fn update(self: Rc, new_vnode: Self) -> Rc { if self.component.update(new_vnode.component) { self.vnode.replace( self.vnode .borrow() .clone() .update(self.component.render(self.clone())), ); } self } fn update_in_place(self: Rc) { let parent_node = self.parent_node().unwrap(); let next_sibling = self.next_sibling().unwrap(); let container = self.container().unwrap(); let new_vnode = self.component.render(self.clone()); let vnode = self.vnode.borrow().clone().update(new_vnode); if parent_node != container { parent_node .insert_before(&container, next_sibling.as_ref()) .unwrap(); } self.vnode.replace(vnode); } pub fn node(&self) -> Option { self.vnode.borrow().node() } pub fn parent_node(&self) -> Option { self.vnode.borrow().parent_node() } pub fn key(&self) -> Option { self.key } pub fn container(&self) -> Option { self.vnode.borrow().container() } pub fn next_sibling(&self) -> Option> { self.vnode.borrow().next_sibling() } pub fn refresh(&self) { let window = window(); if let Some(id) = self.refresh_callback_id.take() { window.cancel_animation_frame(id.into()).unwrap(); } let id = window .request_animation_frame( self.refresh_callback .borrow() .as_ref() .unwrap() .as_ref() .unchecked_ref(), ) .unwrap(); self.refresh_callback_id .replace(Some(id.try_into().unwrap())); } } pub struct VNodeElementBuilder { tag: &'static str, key: Option, class: Vec, dyn_attrs: HashMap, children: Vec, handlers: Vec<(&'static str, Callback)>, } impl VNodeElementBuilder { pub fn set_attr_key(&mut self, key: impl std::hash::Hash) -> &mut Self { use std::hash::Hasher; let mut hasher = std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher::new(); key.hash(&mut hasher); self.key.replace(hasher.finish().into()); self } pub fn set_attr_class(&mut self, class: impl Into) -> &mut Self { self.add_attr_class(class, 1) } pub fn add_attr_class(&mut self, class: impl Into, additional: usize) -> &mut Self { self.class.reserve_exact(additional); self.class.push(class.into()); self } pub fn set_attr_style(&mut self, style: impl Into) -> &mut Self { self.add_attr("style", style, 1); self } pub fn add_child(&mut self, vnode: impl Into, additional: usize) -> &mut Self { self.children.reserve_exact(additional); self.children.push(vnode.into()); self } pub fn set_attr_onclick( &mut self, callback: impl Into>, ) -> &mut Self { self.handlers.push(("click", callback.into())); self } pub fn set_attr_onchange( &mut self, callback: impl Into>, ) -> &mut Self { self.handlers.push(("change", callback.into())); self } pub fn add_attr( &mut self, name: impl Into, value: impl Into, additional: usize, ) -> &mut Self { // NOTE: it's actually better to use reserve() here instead of reserve_exact() because // there can be multiple different keys that will have their own number of items. self.dyn_attrs.reserve(additional); self.dyn_attrs.insert(name.into(), value.into()); self } pub fn finish(&mut self) -> VNode { VNode::Element(Rc::new(VNodeElement { tag: self.tag, key: self.key, node: Default::default(), class: IArray::from(std::mem::take(&mut self.class)), dyn_attrs: Rc::from( std::mem::take(&mut self.dyn_attrs) .into_iter() .collect::>(), ), fragment: VNodeFragment { key: None, fragment: document().create_document_fragment(), children: std::mem::take(&mut self.children), container: None, }, handlers: std::mem::take(&mut self.handlers) .into_iter() .map(|(event, callback)| EventHandler::new(event, callback)) .collect(), container: None, })) } } pub struct VNodeFragmentBuilder { key: Option, children: Vec, } impl VNodeFragmentBuilder { pub fn set_attr_key(&mut self, key: impl std::hash::Hash) -> &mut Self { use std::hash::Hasher; let mut hasher = std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher::new(); key.hash(&mut hasher); self.key.replace(hasher.finish().into()); self } pub fn add_child(&mut self, vnode: impl Into, additional: usize) -> &mut Self { self.children.reserve_exact(additional); self.children.push(vnode.into()); self } pub fn finish(&mut self) -> VNode { VNode::Fragment(Rc::new(VNodeFragment { key: self.key, fragment: document().create_document_fragment(), children: std::mem::take(&mut self.children), container: None, })) } } pub trait Component: AsAnyRc { fn update(&self, other: Rc) -> bool; fn render(&self, vnode_comp: Rc) -> VNode; fn key(&self) -> Option { None } } pub trait AsAnyRc { fn as_any_rc(self: Rc) -> Rc; } impl AsAnyRc for T { fn as_any_rc(self: Rc) -> Rc where Self: Sized, { self } } pub trait PureComponent { fn render(&self) -> VNode; fn key(&self) -> Option { None } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct VNodePureComponent { component: RefCell, } impl VNodePureComponent { pub fn new(component: T) -> Self { Self { component: RefCell::new(component), } } } impl Component for VNodePureComponent { fn update(&self, other: Rc) -> bool { let other: Rc = Rc::downcast(other.as_any_rc()).unwrap(); let other = Rc::unwrap_or_clone(other); if self.component != other.component { self.component.replace(other.component.into_inner()); true } else { false } } fn render(&self, _: Rc) -> VNode { self.component.borrow().render() } fn key(&self) -> Option { self.component.borrow().key() } } pub trait StatefulComponent { fn update(&mut self, other: Self) -> bool; fn render(&self, context: &StatefulComponentHandler) -> VNode where Self: Sized; fn key(&self) -> Option { None } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct VNodeStatefulComponent { component: RefCell, state: Rc>>>, } impl VNodeStatefulComponent { pub fn new(component: T) -> Self { Self { component: RefCell::new(component), state: Default::default(), } } } impl Component for VNodeStatefulComponent { fn update(&self, other: Rc) -> bool { let other: Rc = Rc::downcast(other.as_any_rc()).unwrap(); let other = Rc::unwrap_or_clone(other); if self .component .borrow_mut() .update(other.component.into_inner()) { true } else { false } } fn render(&self, vnode_comp: Rc) -> VNode { self.component .borrow() .render(&StatefulComponentHandler::new(vnode_comp)) } fn key(&self) -> Option { self.component.borrow().key() } } pub struct StatefulComponentHandler { vnode_comp: Rc, phantom: std::marker::PhantomData, } impl Clone for StatefulComponentHandler { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self::new(self.vnode_comp.clone()) } } impl StatefulComponentHandler { fn new(vnode_comp: Rc) -> Self { Self { vnode_comp, phantom: Default::default(), } } } impl StatefulComponentHandler { pub fn update(&self) { self.vnode_comp.refresh(); } pub fn with_state(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&T) -> R) -> R { let component: Rc> = Rc::downcast(self.vnode_comp.component.clone().as_any_rc()).unwrap(); let mut guard = component.state.borrow_mut(); let state = guard .entry(TypeId::of::()) .or_insert_with(|| Box::new(T::default())) .downcast_ref::() .unwrap(); (f)(state) } pub fn with_state_mut(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut T) -> R) -> R { let component: Rc> = Rc::downcast(self.vnode_comp.component.clone().as_any_rc()).unwrap(); let mut guard = component.state.borrow_mut(); let state = guard .entry(TypeId::of::()) .or_insert_with(|| Box::new(T::default())) .downcast_mut::() .unwrap(); let res = (f)(state); self.update(); res } pub fn callback( &self, f: impl Fn(&Self, &mut T, ARG) -> RES + 'static, ) -> Callback { let context = self.clone(); Callback::from(move |arg| context.with_state_mut(|state: &mut T| (f)(&context, state, arg))) } pub fn key(&self) -> Option { self.vnode_comp.vnode.borrow().key() } } #[derive(Clone)] struct EventHandler { closure: Rc>>, event_type: &'static str, callback: Callback, } impl PartialEq for EventHandler { fn eq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool { self.event_type == rhs.event_type && self.callback == rhs.callback } } impl EventHandler { fn new(event_type: &'static str, callback: Callback) -> Self { EventHandler { closure: Default::default(), event_type, callback, } } fn add_to_node(self, node: &web_sys::Node) -> Result { let closure = { let callback = self.callback.clone(); Closure::new(move |event: web_sys::Event| { (callback).emit(event); }) }; node.add_event_listener_with_callback(self.event_type, closure.as_ref().unchecked_ref())?; Ok(EventHandler { closure: Rc::new(Some(closure)), ..self }) } fn remove_from_node(&self, node: &web_sys::Node) -> Result<(), JsValue> { if let Some(closure) = self.closure.as_ref() { node.remove_event_listener_with_callback( self.event_type, closure.as_ref().unchecked_ref(), )?; } Ok(()) } } pub struct Callback { closure: Rc RES>, } impl Clone for Callback { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self { closure: self.closure.clone(), } } } impl implicit_clone::ImplicitClone for Callback {} impl PartialEq for Callback { fn eq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool { Rc::ptr_eq(&self.closure, &rhs.closure) } } impl RES + 'static, ARG, RES> From for Callback { fn from(f: F) -> Callback { Callback { closure: Rc::new(f), } } } impl Callback { pub fn emit(&self, arg: ARG) -> RES { (self.closure)(arg) } } #[doc(hidden)] #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] pub mod html_context { pub type div = super::VNode; pub type span = super::VNode; pub type ul = super::VNode; pub type li = super::VNode; pub type br = super::VNode; pub type p = super::VNode; pub type button = super::VNode; pub type input = super::VNode; pub type h1 = super::VNode; pub type Text = super::VNode; pub type Fragment = super::VNodeFragment; } pub mod prelude { pub use super::html_context; pub use super::log; pub use super::AsAnyRc; pub use super::Callback; pub use super::Component; pub use super::Key; pub use super::PureComponent; pub use super::StatefulComponent; pub use super::StatefulComponentHandler; pub use super::VNode; pub use super::VNodePureComponent; pub use super::VNodeStatefulComponent; pub use implicit_clone::unsync::*; pub use std::rc::Rc; pub use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; pub use yo_html::html; }