// // (c) 2019 Alexander Becker // Released under the MIT license. // use yocto::args::Config; use std::io::prelude::*; use log::LogLevelFilter; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use std::net::TcpStream; use std::str; const SEP: char = '\u{1f}'; #[test] fn invalid_command() { bootstrap(1); let res = send("ABCDE".to_string()); assert_error(res); } #[test] fn invalid_number_args_1() { bootstrap(1); let res = send(format!("GET{}key{}value", SEP, SEP)); assert_error(res); } #[test] fn invalid_number_args_2() { bootstrap(1); let res = send(format!("INSERT{}key", SEP)); assert_error(res); } #[test] fn unknown_key() { bootstrap(1); let res = send(format!("GET{}key", SEP)); assert_ok(res, None); } #[test] fn insert() { bootstrap(1); let res = send(format!("INSERT{}key{}value", SEP, SEP)); assert_ok(res, None); } #[test] fn insert_retain() { bootstrap(2); let _ = send(format!("INSERT{}key{}value", SEP, SEP)); let res = send(format!("GET{}key", SEP)); assert_ok(res, Some("value".to_string())); } #[test] fn insert_retain_spaces() { bootstrap(2); let _ = send(format!("INSERT{}ke y{}valu e", SEP, SEP)); let res = send(format!("GET{}ke y", SEP)); assert_ok(res, Some("valu e".to_string())); } #[test] fn replace_return_old() { bootstrap(2); let _ = send(format!("INSERT{}key{}value", SEP, SEP)); let res = send(format!("INSERT{}key{}new_value", SEP, SEP)); assert_ok(res, Some("value".to_string())); } #[test] fn replace_retain() { bootstrap(3); let _ = send(format!("INSERT{}key{}value", SEP, SEP)); let _ = send(format!("INSERT{}key{}new_value", SEP, SEP)); let res = send(format!("GET{}key", SEP)); assert_ok(res, Some("new_value".to_string())); } #[test] fn remove() { bootstrap(2); let _ = send(format!("INSERT{}key{}value", SEP, SEP)); let res = send(format!("REMOVE{}key", SEP)); assert_ok(res, Some("value".to_string())); } #[test] fn remove_unknown() { bootstrap(1); let res = send(format!("REMOVE{}key", SEP)); assert_error(res); } #[test] fn clear() { bootstrap(2); let _ = send(format!("INSERT{}key{}value", SEP, SEP)); let res = send(format!("GET{}key", SEP)); assert_ok(res, Some("value".to_string())); } #[test] fn test() { bootstrap(1); let res = send("TEST".to_string()); assert_ok(res, None); } fn bootstrap(exit_after: usize) { let config = Config { threads: 1, iface: "".to_string(), log_level: LogLevelFilter::Error, exit_after: Some(exit_after) }; let handle = thread::spawn(|| { yocto::run(config); }); // give it some time to start thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)); } fn send(request: String) -> String { let mut stream = TcpStream::connect("").unwrap(); stream.write(request.as_bytes()).unwrap(); stream.flush().unwrap(); let mut buffer = [0; 512]; stream.read(&mut buffer); str::from_utf8(&buffer[..]) .unwrap() .trim_end_matches(char::from(0)) .to_string() } fn assert_error(response: String) { let split: Vec<&str> = response.split(SEP).collect(); if split[0] != "ERR" { panic!("No ERR code sent."); } if split.len() < 2 { panic!("No error message sent."); } } fn assert_ok(response: String, with_value: Option) { let split: Vec<&str> = response.split(SEP).collect(); if split[0] != "OK" { panic!("No OK code sent."); } if let Some(value) = with_value { assert_eq!(value, split[1]); } else { assert_eq!(split.len(), 1); } }