
🤖 a demo in rust name rcli.

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## Chanelog - rename crate name from rcli to yors for exsiting. ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT OR Apache-2.0](./LICENSE). ## Todo - [x] code for cross platform compiling - [x] publish to public crate.io - [x] release to github release page in this repo - [ ] publish to private crate.io - [ ] release to github release page in other repo when this is private - [x] build release binary - [x] make hash for release binary - [x] upload release binary with gh cli - [ ] set special rust version to bind to special os platform ## Thanks - [make beautiful readme badges with shields.io](https://shields.io/) - ... ## Refers - [allow and set package caterogy in cargo.toml file](https://crates.io/category_slugs) - [set special rust version to bind to special os platform](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/blob/master/.github/workflows/release.yml) - ...