use criterion::*; use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric; use rand::prelude::StdRng; use rand::{Rng, RngCore, SeedableRng}; use std::cell::Cell; use std::collections::HashMap; use yrs::encoding::read::{Cursor, Read}; use yrs::updates::decoder::Decode; use yrs::{Array, Doc, Map, MapRef, Text, TextRef, Transact, TransactionMut, Update}; const N: usize = 6000; const SQRT_N: usize = 77 * 20; const SEED: u64 = 0xdeadbeaf; enum TextOp { Insert(u32, String), Delete(u32, u32), } enum ArrayOp { Insert(u32, Vec), Delete(u32, u32), } fn b1_1(rng: &mut R, size: usize) -> Vec { let sample: Vec<_> = rng .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(size) .map(|c| c.to_string()) .collect(); (0..size as u32) .into_iter() .zip(sample) .map(|(i, str)| TextOp::Insert(i, str)) .collect() } fn b1_2(rng: &mut R, size: usize) -> Vec { let s: String = rng .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(size) .map(|c| c as char) .collect(); vec![TextOp::Insert(0, s)] } fn b1_3(rng: &mut R, size: usize) -> Vec { let sample: Vec<_> = rng .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(size) .map(|c| c.to_string()) .collect(); (0..size as u32) .into_iter() .zip(sample) .map(|(_, str)| TextOp::Insert(0, str)) .collect() } fn b1_4(rng: &mut R, size: usize) -> Vec { let sample: Vec<_> = rng .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(size) .map(|c| c.to_string()) .collect(); (0..size as u32) .into_iter() .zip(sample) .map(|(i, str)| { let idx = rng.gen_range(0..i.max(1)); TextOp::Insert(idx, str) }) .collect() } fn gen_string(rng: &mut R, min: usize, max: usize) -> String { let len = rng.gen_range(min..max); rng.sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(len) .map(|x| x as char) .collect() } fn b1_5(rng: &mut R, size: usize) -> Vec { (0..size as u32) .into_iter() .map(|i| { let str = gen_string(rng, 2, 10); let idx = rng.gen_range(0..i.max(1)); TextOp::Insert(idx, str) }) .collect() } fn b1_6(rng: &mut R, size: usize) -> Vec { let s: String = rng .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(size) .map(|x| x as char) .collect(); let len = s.len() as u32; vec![TextOp::Insert(0, s), TextOp::Delete(0, len)] } fn b1_7(rng: &mut R, size: usize) -> Vec { let total_len = Cell::new(0u32); (0..size as u32) .into_iter() .map(|_| { let total = total_len.get(); let idx = if total == 0 { 0 } else { rng.gen_range( }; if total == idx || rng.gen_bool(0.5) { let str = { let len = rng.gen_range(2..10); total_len.set(total + len); rng.sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(len as usize) .map(|x| x as char) .collect() }; TextOp::Insert(idx, str) } else { let hi = (total - idx).min(9); let len = if hi == 1 { 1 } else { rng.gen_range(1..hi) }; total_len.set(total - len); TextOp::Delete(idx, len) } }) .collect() } fn b1_8(rng: &mut R, size: usize) -> Vec { let ops: Vec = (0..size) .map(|i| ArrayOp::Insert(i as u32, vec![rng.gen()])) .collect(); ops } fn b1_9(rng: &mut R, size: usize) -> Vec { let sample: Vec = (0..size).map(|_| rng.gen()).collect(); vec![ArrayOp::Insert(0, sample)] } fn b1_10(rng: &mut R, size: usize) -> Vec { (0..size) .map(|_| ArrayOp::Insert(0, vec![rng.gen()])) .collect() } fn b1_11(rng: &mut R, size: usize) -> Vec { (0..size) .map(|i| { let idx = rng.gen_range(0..(i as u32).max(1)); let values = vec![rng.gen()]; ArrayOp::Insert(idx, values) }) .collect() } fn text_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion, name: &str, gen: F) where F: FnOnce(&mut StdRng, usize) -> Vec, { let input = { let doc = Doc::new(); let txt = doc.get_or_insert_text("text"); let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(SEED); let ops = gen(&mut rng, N); (doc, txt, ops) }; c.bench_with_input( BenchmarkId::new(name, input.2.len()), &input, |b, (doc, text, ops)| { b.iter(|| { for op in ops.iter() { let mut txn = doc.transact_mut(); match op { TextOp::Insert(idx, txt) => text.insert(&mut txn, *idx, txt), TextOp::Delete(idx, len) => text.remove_range(&mut txn, *idx, *len), } } }); }, ); } fn array_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion, name: &str, gen: F) where F: FnOnce(&mut StdRng, usize) -> Vec, { let input = { let doc = Doc::new(); let array = doc.get_or_insert_array("text"); let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(SEED); let ops = gen(&mut rng, N); (doc, array, ops) }; c.bench_with_input( BenchmarkId::new(name, input.2.len()), &input, |b, (doc, array, ops)| { b.iter(|| { for op in ops.iter() { let mut txn = doc.transact_mut(); match op { ArrayOp::Insert(idx, values) => { array.insert_range(&mut txn, *idx, values.clone()) } ArrayOp::Delete(idx, len) => array.remove_range(&mut txn, *idx, *len), } } }); }, ); } fn concurrent_text_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion, name: &str, gen: F) where F: FnOnce(&mut StdRng, usize) -> Vec<(TextOp, TextOp)>, { let input = { let d1 = Doc::new(); let t1 = d1.get_or_insert_text("text"); let d2 = Doc::new(); let t2 = d2.get_or_insert_text("text"); let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(SEED); let ops = gen(&mut rng, N); (d1, t1, d2, t2, ops) }; fn apply(txn: &mut TransactionMut, txt: &TextRef, op: &TextOp) { match op { TextOp::Insert(idx, content) => txt.insert(txn, *idx, content), TextOp::Delete(idx, len) => txt.remove_range(txn, *idx, *len), } } c.bench_with_input( BenchmarkId::new(name, N), &input, |b, (d1, t1, d2, t2, ops)| { b.iter(|| { for (o1, o2) in ops { let mut txn1 = d1.transact_mut(); apply(&mut txn1, t1, o1); let u1 = txn1.encode_update_v1(); let mut txn2 = d2.transact_mut(); apply(&mut txn2, t2, o2); let u2 = txn2.encode_update_v1(); txn1.apply_update(Update::decode_v1(u2.as_slice()).unwrap()); txn2.apply_update(Update::decode_v1(u1.as_slice()).unwrap()); } }); }, ); } fn b2_1(rng: &mut R, size: usize) -> Vec<(TextOp, TextOp)> { let s1 = rng .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(size) .map(|x| x as char) .collect(); let s2 = rng .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(size) .map(|x| x as char) .collect(); let a = TextOp::Insert(0, s1); let b = TextOp::Insert(0, s2); vec![(a, b)] } fn b2_2(rng: &mut R, size: usize) -> Vec<(TextOp, TextOp)> { (0..size as u32) .into_iter() .map(|i| { let ca: char = rng.sample_iter(&Alphanumeric).next().unwrap() as char; let ia = rng.gen_range(0..i.max(1)); let cb: char = rng.sample_iter(&Alphanumeric).next().unwrap() as char; let ib = rng.gen_range(0..i.max(1)); ( TextOp::Insert(ia, ca.to_string()), TextOp::Insert(ib, cb.to_string()), ) }) .collect() } fn b2_3(rng: &mut R, size: usize) -> Vec<(TextOp, TextOp)> { let total_len1 = Cell::new(0u32); let total_len2 = Cell::new(0u32); (0..size as u32) .into_iter() .map(|_| { let t1 = total_len1.get(); let i1 = rng.gen_range(0..t1.max(1)); let s1 = gen_string(rng, 3, 9); total_len1.set(t1 + s1.len() as u32); let t2 = total_len2.get(); let i2 = rng.gen_range(0..t2.max(1)); let s2 = gen_string(rng, 3, 9); total_len2.set(t2 + s2.len() as u32); (TextOp::Insert(i1, s1), TextOp::Insert(i2, s2)) }) .collect() } fn b2_4(rng: &mut R, size: usize) -> Vec<(TextOp, TextOp)> { let mut total_len1 = Cell::new(0u32); let mut total_len2 = Cell::new(0u32); fn make_op(rng: &mut R, total: &mut Cell) -> TextOp { let t = total.get(); let idx = rng.gen_range(0..t.max(1)); if t == idx || rng.gen_bool(0.5) { let str = gen_string(rng, 3, 9); total.set(t + str.len() as u32); TextOp::Insert(idx, str) } else { let hi = (t - idx).min(9); let len = if hi == 1 { 1 } else { rng.gen_range(1..hi) }; total.set(t - len); TextOp::Delete(idx, len) } } (0..size as u32) .into_iter() .map(|_| { let o1 = make_op(rng, &mut total_len1); let o2 = make_op(rng, &mut total_len2); (o1, o2) }) .collect() } fn n_concurrent_map_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion, name: &str, f: F) where F: Fn(&MapRef, &mut TransactionMut, usize), { let input: Vec<_> = (0..SQRT_N) .into_iter() .map(|i| { let doc = Doc::new(); let map = doc.get_or_insert_map("map"); let update = { let mut txn = doc.transact_mut(); f(&map, &mut txn, i); txn.encode_update_v1() }; (doc, update) }) .collect(); c.bench_with_input(BenchmarkId::new(name, SQRT_N), &input, |b, input| { b.iter(|| { let mut iter = input.into_iter(); let (doc, _) =; let mut txn = doc.transact_mut(); while let Some((_, update)) = { txn.apply_update(Update::decode_v1(update.as_slice()).unwrap()); } }); }); } fn b3_1(map: &MapRef, txn: &mut TransactionMut, i: usize) { map.insert(txn, "v", i as u32); } fn b3_2(map: &MapRef, txn: &mut TransactionMut, i: usize) { let mut o = HashMap::with_capacity(2); o.insert("name".to_string(), i.to_string()); o.insert("address".to_string(), "here".to_string()); map.insert(txn, "v", o); } fn b3_3(map: &MapRef, txn: &mut TransactionMut, i: usize) { let mut str = String::with_capacity(i * SQRT_N); for _ in 0..SQRT_N { str.push_str(i.to_string().as_str()); } map.insert(txn, "v", str); } fn b3_4(c: &mut Criterion, name: &str) { let input: Vec<_> = (0..SQRT_N) .into_iter() .map(|i| { let doc = Doc::new(); let array = doc.get_or_insert_array("array"); let update = { let mut txn = doc.transact_mut(); array.insert(&mut txn, 0, i.to_string()); txn.encode_update_v1() }; (doc, update) }) .collect(); c.bench_with_input(BenchmarkId::new(name, SQRT_N), &input, |b, input| { b.iter(|| { let mut iter = input.into_iter(); let (doc, _) =; let mut txn = doc.transact_mut(); while let Some((_, update)) = { txn.apply_update(Update::decode_v1(update.as_slice()).unwrap()); } }); }); } fn b4_1(c: &mut Criterion, name: &str) { let doc = Doc::new(); let txt = doc.get_or_insert_text("text"); let input = read_input("./assets/bench-input/b4-editing-trace.bin"); c.bench_with_input( BenchmarkId::new(name, input.len()), &(doc, txt, input), |b, (doc, txt, input)| { b.iter(|| { for i in input { let mut txn = doc.transact_mut(); match i { TextOp::Insert(idx, chunk) => txt.insert(&mut txn, *idx, chunk), TextOp::Delete(idx, len) => txt.remove_range(&mut txn, *idx, *len), } } }); }, ); } fn b4_2(c: &mut Criterion, name: &str) { let doc = Doc::new(); let txt = doc.get_or_insert_text("text"); let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(400 * 1024); let mut f = std::fs::File::open("./assets/bench-input/b4-update.bin").unwrap(); std::io::Read::read_to_end(&mut f, &mut buf).unwrap(); c.bench_with_input( BenchmarkId::new(name, buf.len()), &(doc, txt, buf), |b, (doc, _txt, buf)| { b.iter(|| { let mut txn = doc.transact_mut(); txn.apply_update(Update::decode_v1(buf.as_slice()).unwrap()); }); }, ); } fn read_input(fpath: &str) -> Vec { use std::fs::File; use yrs::updates::decoder::DecoderV1; let mut f = File::open(fpath).unwrap(); let mut buf = Vec::new(); std::io::Read::read_to_end(&mut f, &mut buf).unwrap(); let mut decoder = DecoderV1::new(Cursor::new(buf.as_slice())); let len: usize = decoder.read_var().unwrap(); let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(len); for _ in 0..len { let op = { match decoder.read_var().unwrap() { 1u32 => { let idx = decoder.read_var().unwrap(); let chunk = decoder.read_string().unwrap(); TextOp::Insert(idx, chunk.to_string()) } 2u32 => { let idx = decoder.read_var().unwrap(); let len = decoder.read_var().unwrap(); TextOp::Delete(idx, len) } other => panic!("unrecognized TextOp tag type: {}", other), } }; result.push(op); } result } fn bench(c: &mut Criterion) { text_benchmark(c, "[B1.1] Append N characters", b1_1); text_benchmark(c, "[B1.2] Insert string of length N", b1_2); text_benchmark(c, "[B1.3] Prepend N characters", b1_3); text_benchmark(c, "[B1.4] Insert N characters at random positions", b1_4); text_benchmark(c, "[B1.5] Insert N words at random positions", b1_5); //text_benchmark(c, "[B1.6] Insert string, then delete it", b1_6); text_benchmark(c, "[B1.7] Insert/Delete strings at random positions", b1_7); array_benchmark(c, "[B1.8] Append N numbers", b1_8); array_benchmark(c, "[B1.9] Insert Array of N numbers", b1_9); array_benchmark(c, "[B1.10] Prepend N numbers", b1_10); array_benchmark(c, "[B1.11] Insert N numbers at random positions", b1_11); concurrent_text_benchmark( c, "[B2.1] Concurrently insert string of length N at index 0", b2_1, ); concurrent_text_benchmark( c, "[B2.2] Concurrently insert N characters at random positions", b2_2, ); concurrent_text_benchmark( c, "[B2.3] Concurrently insert N words at random positions", b2_3, ); concurrent_text_benchmark(c, "[B2.4] Concurrently insert & delete", b2_4); n_concurrent_map_benchmark( c, "[B3.1] 20√N clients concurrently set number in Map", b3_1, ); n_concurrent_map_benchmark( c, "[B3.2] 20√N clients concurrently set Object in Map", b3_2, ); n_concurrent_map_benchmark( c, "[B3.3] 20√N clients concurrently set String in Map", b3_3, ); b3_4(c, "[B3.4] 20√N clients concurrently insert text in Array"); b4_2(c, "[B4.2] Apply real-world document snapshot of size"); b4_1(c, "[B4.1] Apply real-world editing dataset"); } criterion_group! { name = benches; config = Criterion::default().sample_size(10); targets = bench, } criterion_main!(benches);