use std::env; use yt_api::{ search::{Error, ItemType, SearchList, VideoLocation}, ApiKey, }; /// prints the first answer of a search query fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { futures::executor::block_on(async { // take api key from enviroment variable let key = ApiKey::new(&env::var("YT_API_KEY").expect("YT_API_KEY env-var not found")); // create the SearchList struct for the query "rust lang" let result = SearchList::new(key) .q("rust lang") .max_results(1) .item_type(ItemType::Video) .location(VideoLocation::new(40.73061, -73.93524)) .location_radius("100km") .video_embeddable() .await?; // outputs the video_id of the first search result println!( "Title: \"{}\"", result.items[0].snippet.title.as_ref().unwrap() ); println!( "{}", result.items[0].id.video_id.as_ref().unwrap() ); Ok(()) }) }