# zcat - the zenoh cat `zcat` mimics [netcat](https://sectools.org/tool/netcat/) with the difference that communication occurs via [zenoh](https://github.com/eclipse-zenoh/zenoh) instead of plain TCP or UDP. `zcat` allows to read and write data across networks from the command line. ## Prerequisites `zcat` is written in Rust and requires the [Rust toolchain](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) to be installed on your system to build it. ## Installation Install the `zcat` command using `cargo`. ```sh cargo install zcat ``` ## Usage Because `zcat` as command name is already taken by the [zcat Linux command](https://linux.die.net/man/1/zcat), this crate uses `zat` as command name. See `zat --help` for all available options. ### Getting started `zcat` runs in publicatoin or subscription mode when proper flags are specified. To read data from stdin and publish it over zenoh: ```sh echo "Hello World" | zat -w foo/bar ``` To subscribe to data from zenoh and write it to stdout: ```sh zat -r foo/bar ``` ### QoS parameters The QoS parameters of zenoh publications can be configured via command line. To change the reliability: ```sh echo "Hello World" | zat -w foo/bar -t besteffort ``` To change the reliability and the congestion control: ```sh echo "Hello World" | zat -w foo/bar -t besteffort -d drop ``` To change the reliability, the congestion control and the priority: ```sh echo "Hello World" | zat -w foo/bar -t besteffort -d drop -p 6 ``` To change the reliability, the congestion control, the priority, and the express flag: ```sh echo "Hello World" | zat -w foo/bar -t besteffort -d drop -p 6 -e ``` ### Custom Zenoh Configuration A zenoh configuration file can be provided in the command line. ```sh zat --config config.json5 -w foo/bar ``` To listen for incoming connections: ```sh zat -l tcp/ -w foo/bar ``` To establish a connection: ```sh zat -e tcp/ -w foo/bar ``` More Zenoh options can be discovered by `zat --help`. ## License The software is distributed with a Eclipse Public License v2.0 license. You can read the [license file](LICENSE.txt).