#[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; use atomic_counter::{AtomicCounter, RelaxedCounter}; use futures::compat::Stream01CompatExt; use futures::prelude::*; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use structopt::StructOpt; use zeebest::{Client, JobResult, PanicOption, PublishMessage, WorkflowInstance, WorkflowVersion}; #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt( about = "An app for processing orders. This can deploy the workflow, place orders, notify of payment, or be a job worker." )] enum Opt { #[structopt( name = "deploy", about = "Deploy the workflow on the broker. You probably only need to do this once." )] DeployWorkflow, #[structopt( name = "place-order", about = "Place a new order. This starts a workflow instance." )] PlaceOrder { #[structopt(short = "c", long = "count")] count: i32, }, #[structopt( name = "notify-payment-received", about = "Indicate that the order was processed and there is now a cost for the order." )] NotifyPaymentReceived { #[structopt(short = "i", long = "order-id")] order_id: i32, #[structopt(short = "c", long = "cost")] cost: f32, }, #[structopt( name = "process-jobs", about = "Process all of the jobs on an interval. Will run forever. Print job results." )] ProcessJobs, } #[derive(Serialize)] struct Order { #[serde(rename = "orderId")] pub order_id: i32, } #[derive(Serialize)] struct Payment { #[serde(rename = "orderValue")] pub order_value: f32, } fn main() { let client = Client::new("", 26500).expect("Could not connect to broker."); let opt = Opt::from_args(); match opt { Opt::DeployWorkflow => { futures::executor::block_on(client.deploy_bpmn_workflow( "order-process", include_bytes!("../examples/order-process.bpmn").to_vec(), )) .unwrap(); } Opt::PlaceOrder { count } => { for _ in 0..count { futures::executor::block_on(client.create_workflow_instance( WorkflowInstance::workflow_instance_with_bpmn_process( "order-process", WorkflowVersion::Latest, ), )) .unwrap(); } } Opt::NotifyPaymentReceived { order_id, cost } => { futures::executor::block_on( client.publish_message( PublishMessage::new( "payment-received", order_id.to_string().as_str(), 10000, "msgid", ) .variables(&Payment { order_value: cost }) .unwrap(), ), ) .unwrap(); } Opt::ProcessJobs => { let order_id_counter = Arc::new(RelaxedCounter::new(0)); let initial_payment_handler = move |_| { let order_id_counter = order_id_counter.clone(); let order_id = order_id_counter.inc(); let variables = serde_json::to_string(&Order { order_id: order_id as i32, }) .unwrap(); let job_result = JobResult::Complete { variables: Some(variables), }; futures::future::ready(job_result).boxed() }; let initiate_payment_job = zeebest::JobWorker::new( "rusty-worker".to_string(), "initiate-payment".to_string(), Duration::from_secs(3).as_secs() as _, 1, PanicOption::FailJobOnPanic, client.clone(), initial_payment_handler, ); let ship_without_insurance_job = zeebest::JobWorker::new( "rusty-worker".to_string(), "ship-without-insurance".to_string(), Duration::from_secs(3).as_secs() as _, 1, PanicOption::FailJobOnPanic, client.clone(), |_| futures::future::ready(JobResult::Complete { variables: None }).boxed(), ); let ship_with_insurance_job = zeebest::JobWorker::new( "rusty-worker".to_string(), "ship-with-insurance".to_string(), Duration::from_secs(3).as_secs() as _, 1, PanicOption::FailJobOnPanic, client.clone(), |_| futures::future::ready(JobResult::Complete { variables: None }).boxed(), ); let interval = tokio::timer::Interval::new_interval(Duration::from_secs(4)); let f = interval.compat().for_each(|_| { let s1 = initiate_payment_job.clone().activate_and_process_jobs(); let s2 = ship_with_insurance_job.clone().activate_and_process_jobs(); let s3 = ship_without_insurance_job .clone() .activate_and_process_jobs(); futures::future::join3(s1, s2, s3).then(|_| futures::future::ready(())) }); futures::executor::block_on(f); } } }