# Zenith Atom and Molecule manipulation, and development tool. // **num_protons** // _Number of Protons, within the Atom._ // **num_neutrons** // _Number of Neutrons, within the Atom._ // **num_electrons** // _Number of Electrons, within the Atom._ fn create_atom(id: u32, num_protons: u32, num_neutrons: u32, num_electrons: u32) -> Atom { Atom {} } // **atoms** // _A vector of Atom's(proton_amount), for the Molecule._ fn create_molecule(atoms: Vec) -> Molecule { Molecule {} } **struct Atom {}** **struct Molecule {}** **impl** _Atom_ { **set_electrons(amount: u32)** // _Sets the amount of Electrons, within an Atom._ **add_electrons(amount: u32)** // _Add an amount of Electrons, to the Atom._ **sub_electrons(amount: u32)** // _Subtract an amount of Electrons, from an Atom._ **amount_electrons() -> u32** // _Return the amount of Electrons, within the Atom._ **set_neutrons(amount: u32)** // _Sets the amount of Neutrons, within an Atom._ **add_neutrons(amount: u32)** // _Add an amount of Neutrons, to the Atom._ **sub_neutrons(amount: u32)** // _Subtract an amount of Neutrons, from an Atom._ **amount_neutrons() -> u32** // _Return the amount of Neutrons, within the Atom._ **amount_protons() -> u32** // _Return the amount of Protons, within the Atom._ } **impl** _Molecule_ { **set_atoms(atoms: Vec)** // _Set the Molecule's list of Atom's(proton_amount)._ **atoms() -> Vec** // _A list of Atom's(proton_amount), within the Molecule._ }