// // Copyright (c) 2023 ZettaScale Technology // // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at // http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0 // which is available at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0 // // Contributors: // ZettaScale Zenoh Team, // #![cfg(feature = "internal_config")] use std::{ sync::{ atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}, Arc, }, time::Duration, }; use itertools::Itertools; use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken; use zenoh::{config::WhatAmI, qos::CongestionControl, Config, Result, Session}; use zenoh_config::{ModeDependentValue, WhatAmIMatcher}; use zenoh_core::ztimeout; use zenoh_result::bail; const TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10); const MSG_COUNT: usize = 50; #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] const LIVELINESSGET_DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_millis(10); #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Task { Pub(String, usize), Sub(String, usize), Queryable(String, usize), Get(String, usize), #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] Liveliness(String), #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] LivelinessGet(String), #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] LivelinessLoop(String), #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] LivelinessSub(String), Sleep(Duration), Wait, Checkpoint, } impl Task { async fn run( &self, session: Session, remaining_checkpoints: Arc, token: CancellationToken, ) -> Result<()> { match self { // The Sub task checks if the incoming message matches the expected size until it receives enough counts. Self::Sub(ke, expected_size) => { let sub = ztimeout!(session.declare_subscriber(ke))?; let mut counter = 0; loop { tokio::select! { _ = token.cancelled() => break, res = sub.recv_async() => { if let Ok(sample) = res { let recv_size = sample.payload().len(); if recv_size != *expected_size { bail!("Received payload size {recv_size} mismatches the expected {expected_size}"); } counter += 1; if counter >= MSG_COUNT { println!("Sub received sufficient amount of messages. Done."); break; } } } } } println!("Sub task done."); } // The Pub task keeps putting messages until all checkpoints are finished. Self::Pub(ke, payload_size) => { loop { tokio::select! { _ = token.cancelled() => break, // WARN: this won't yield after a timeout since the put is a blocking call res = tokio::time::timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1), async {session .put(ke, vec![0u8; *payload_size]) .congestion_control(CongestionControl::Block) .await }) => { let _ = res?; } } } println!("Pub task done."); } // The Queryable task keeps replying to requested messages until all checkpoints are finished. Self::Queryable(ke, payload_size) => { let queryable = ztimeout!(session.declare_queryable(ke))?; let payload = vec![0u8; *payload_size]; loop { tokio::select! { _ = token.cancelled() => break, query = queryable.recv_async() => { ztimeout!(query?.reply(ke.to_owned(), payload.clone()))?; }, } } println!("Queryable task done."); } // The Get task gets and checks if the incoming message matches the expected size until it receives enough counts. Self::Get(ke, expected_size) => { let mut counter = 0; while counter < MSG_COUNT { tokio::select! { _ = token.cancelled() => break, replies = async { session.get(ke).timeout(Duration::from_secs(10)).await } => { let replies = replies?; while let Ok(reply) = replies.recv_async().await { match reply.result() { Ok(sample) => { let recv_size = sample.payload().len(); if recv_size != *expected_size { bail!("Received payload size {recv_size} mismatches the expected {expected_size}"); } } Err(err) => { tracing::warn!( "Sample got from {} failed to unwrap! Error: {:?}.", ke, err ); continue; } } counter += 1; } } } } println!("Get got sufficient amount of messages. Done."); } #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] // The Liveliness task. Self::Liveliness(ke) => { let _liveliness = ztimeout!(session.liveliness().declare_token(ke))?; token.cancelled().await; println!("Liveliness task done."); } #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] // The LivelinessGet task. Self::LivelinessGet(ke) => { let mut counter = 0; while counter < MSG_COUNT { tokio::select! { _ = token.cancelled() => break, replies = async { session.liveliness().get(ke).timeout(Duration::from_secs(10)).await } => { let replies = replies?; while let Ok(reply) = replies.recv_async().await { if let Err(err) = reply.result() { tracing::warn!( "Sample got from {} failed to unwrap! Error: {:?}.", ke, err ); continue; } counter += 1; } tokio::time::sleep(LIVELINESSGET_DELAY).await; } } } println!("LivelinessGet got sufficient amount of messages. Done."); } // The LivelinessLoop task. #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] Self::LivelinessLoop(ke) => { let mut liveliness: Option = None; loop { match liveliness.take() { Some(liveliness) => { tokio::select! { _ = token.cancelled() => break, res = tokio::time::timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1), async {liveliness.undeclare().await}) => { _ = res?; } } } None => { tokio::select! { _ = token.cancelled() => break, res = tokio::time::timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1), async {session.liveliness().declare_token(ke) .await }) => { liveliness = res?.ok(); } } } } } println!("LivelinessLoop task done."); } #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] // The LivelinessSub task. Self::LivelinessSub(ke) => { let sub = ztimeout!(session.liveliness().declare_subscriber(ke))?; let mut counter = 0; loop { tokio::select! { _ = token.cancelled() => break, res = tokio::time::timeout(TIMEOUT, sub.recv_async()) => { if res?.is_ok() { counter += 1; if counter >= MSG_COUNT { println!("LivelinessSub received sufficient amount of messages. Done."); break; } } else { println!("LivelinessSub recv error."); break; } } } } println!("LivelinessSub task done."); } // Make the zenoh session sleep for a while. Self::Sleep(dur) => { tokio::time::sleep(*dur).await; } // Mark one checkpoint is finished. Self::Checkpoint => { if remaining_checkpoints.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed) <= 1 { token.cancel(); println!("The end of the recipe."); } } // Wait until all checkpoints are done Self::Wait => { token.cancelled().await; } } Ok(()) } } // A sequential task consists of several tasks type SequentialTask = Vec; // A concurrent task consists of several sequential tasks type ConcurrentTask = Vec; // Each node represents one zenoh session #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct Node { name: String, mode: WhatAmI, listen: Vec, connect: Vec, con_task: ConcurrentTask, config: Option, warmup: Duration, } impl Node { fn num_checkpoints(&self) -> usize { self.con_task .iter() .map(|seq_tasks| { seq_tasks .iter() .filter(|task| **task == Task::Checkpoint) .count() }) .sum() } } impl Default for Node { fn default() -> Self { Self { name: "TestNode".into(), mode: WhatAmI::Peer, listen: vec![], connect: vec![], con_task: vec![], config: None, warmup: Duration::from_secs(0), } } } impl std::fmt::Display for Node { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}({:#?})", self.name, self.warmup) } } // A recipe consists of several nodes (zenoh sessions) assigned with corresponding tasks #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct Recipe { nodes: Vec, token: CancellationToken, } // Display the Recipe as [NodeName1, NodeName2, ...] impl std::fmt::Display for Recipe { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { let mut names = self.nodes.iter().map(|node| node.to_string()); write!(f, "[{}]", names.join(", ")) } } impl Recipe { fn new(nodes: impl IntoIterator) -> Self { let nodes = nodes.into_iter().collect(); Self { nodes, token: CancellationToken::new(), } } fn num_checkpoints(&self) -> usize { self.nodes.iter().map(|node| node.num_checkpoints()).sum() } async fn run(&self) -> Result<()> { let num_checkpoints = self.num_checkpoints(); let remaining_checkpoints = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(num_checkpoints)); println!( "Recipe {} begin testing with {} checkpoint(s).", &self, &num_checkpoints ); let mut recipe_join_set = tokio::task::JoinSet::new(); // All concurrent tasks to run for node in self.nodes.clone() { // All nodes share the same checkpoint counter let remaining_checkpoints = remaining_checkpoints.clone(); let token = self.token.clone(); let recipe_task = async move { // Initiate let session = { // Load the config and build up a session let config = { let mut config = node.config.unwrap_or_default(); config.set_mode(Some(node.mode)).unwrap(); config.scouting.multicast.set_enabled(Some(false)).unwrap(); if !node.listen.is_empty() { config .listen .endpoints .set(node.listen.iter().map(|x| x.parse().unwrap()).collect()) .unwrap(); } if !node.connect.is_empty() { config .connect .endpoints .set(node.connect.iter().map(|x| x.parse().unwrap()).collect()) .unwrap(); } config }; // Warmup before the session starts tokio::time::sleep(node.warmup).await; println!("Node: {} starting...", &node.name); // In case of client can't connect to some peers/routers loop { if let Ok(session) = ztimeout!(zenoh::open(config.clone())) { break session; } else { tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; } } }; let mut node_join_set = tokio::task::JoinSet::new(); for seq_tasks in node.con_task.into_iter() { let token = token.clone(); // The tasks share the same session and checkpoint counter let session = session.clone(); let remaining_checkpoints = remaining_checkpoints.clone(); node_join_set.spawn(async move { // Tasks in seq_tasks would execute serially for task in seq_tasks { task.run( session.clone(), remaining_checkpoints.clone(), token.clone(), ) .await?; } Result::Ok(()) }); } while let Some(res) = node_join_set.join_next().await { res??; } // node_task_tracker.close(); // node_task_tracker.wait().await; // Close the session once all the task associated with the node are done. ztimeout!(session.close())?; println!("Node: {} is closed.", &node.name); Result::Ok(()) }; recipe_join_set.spawn(recipe_task); } // All tasks of the recipe run together loop { tokio::select! { _ = tokio::time::sleep(TIMEOUT) => { println!("Recipe {} Timeout.", self); // Termination remaining_checkpoints.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed); self.token.cancel(); while let Some(res) = recipe_join_set.join_next().await { res??; } bail!("Timeout"); }, res = recipe_join_set.join_next() => { if let Some(res) = res { res??; } else { break } } } } println!("Recipe {} OK.", self); Ok(()) } } // Two peers connecting to a common node (either in router or peer mode) can discover each other. // And the message transmission should work even if the common node disappears after a while. #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 4)] async fn gossip() -> Result<()> { zenoh::init_log_from_env_or("error"); let locator = String::from("tcp/"); let ke = String::from("testKeyExprGossip"); let msg_size = 8; // node1 in peer mode playing pub and queryable let node1 = Node { name: format!("Pub & Queryable {}", WhatAmI::Peer), connect: vec![locator.clone()], mode: WhatAmI::Peer, con_task: ConcurrentTask::from([ SequentialTask::from([ Task::Sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)), Task::Pub(ke.clone(), msg_size), ]), SequentialTask::from([ Task::Sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)), Task::Queryable(ke.clone(), msg_size), ]), ]), ..Default::default() }; // node2 in peer mode playing sub and get let node2 = Node { name: format!("Sub & Get {}", WhatAmI::Peer), mode: WhatAmI::Peer, connect: vec![locator.clone()], con_task: ConcurrentTask::from([ SequentialTask::from([ Task::Sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)), Task::Sub(ke.clone(), msg_size), Task::Checkpoint, ]), SequentialTask::from([ Task::Sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)), Task::Get(ke, msg_size), Task::Checkpoint, ]), ]), ..Default::default() }; // Recipes: // - node1: Peer, node2: Peer, node3: Peer // - node1: Peer, node2: Peer, node3: Router for mode in [WhatAmI::Peer, WhatAmI::Router] { let node3 = Node { name: format!("Router {}", mode), mode: WhatAmI::Peer, listen: vec![locator.clone()], con_task: ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Sleep( Duration::from_millis(1000), )])]), ..Default::default() }; Recipe::new([node1.clone(), node2.clone(), node3]) .run() .await?; } println!("Gossip test passed."); Result::Ok(()) } // Simulate two peers connecting to a router but not directly reachable to each other can exchange messages via the brokering by the router. #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 4)] async fn static_failover_brokering() -> Result<()> { zenoh::init_log_from_env_or("error"); let locator = String::from("tcp/"); let ke = String::from("testKeyExprStaticFailoverBrokering"); let msg_size = 8; let disable_autoconnect_config = || { let mut config = Config::default(); config .scouting .gossip .set_autoconnect(Some(ModeDependentValue::Unique(WhatAmIMatcher::empty()))) .unwrap(); Some(config) }; let recipe = Recipe::new([ Node { name: format!("Router {}", WhatAmI::Router), mode: WhatAmI::Router, listen: vec![locator.clone()], con_task: ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Wait])]), ..Default::default() }, Node { name: format!("Pub & Queryable {}", WhatAmI::Peer), mode: WhatAmI::Peer, connect: vec![locator.clone()], config: disable_autoconnect_config(), con_task: ConcurrentTask::from([ SequentialTask::from([Task::Pub(ke.clone(), msg_size)]), SequentialTask::from([Task::Queryable(ke.clone(), msg_size)]), ]), ..Default::default() }, Node { name: format!("Sub & Get {}", WhatAmI::Peer), mode: WhatAmI::Peer, connect: vec![locator.clone()], config: disable_autoconnect_config(), con_task: ConcurrentTask::from([ SequentialTask::from([Task::Sub(ke.clone(), msg_size), Task::Checkpoint]), SequentialTask::from([Task::Get(ke.clone(), msg_size), Task::Checkpoint]), ]), ..Default::default() }, ]); recipe.run().await?; println!("Static failover brokering test passed."); Result::Ok(()) } #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] use tokio_util::task::TaskTracker; #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] const MSG_SIZE: [usize; 2] = [1_024, 131_072]; // Maximal recipes to run at once const PARALLEL_RECIPES: usize = 4; // All test cases varying in // 1. Message size: 2 (sizes) // 2. Mode: {Client, Peer} x {Client x Peer} x {Router} = 2 x 2 x 1 = 4 (cases) // 3. Spawning order (delay_in_secs for node1, node2, and node3) = 6 (cases) // // Total cases = 2 x 4 x 6 = 48 #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 9)] async fn three_node_combination() -> Result<()> { zenoh::init_log_from_env_or("error"); let modes = [WhatAmI::Peer, WhatAmI::Client]; let delay_in_secs = [ (0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 1), (1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2), (2, 0, 1), (2, 1, 0), ]; let mut idx = 0; // Ports going to be used: 17451 to 17498 let base_port = 17450; let recipe_list: Vec<_> = modes .map(|n1| modes.map(|n2| (n1, n2))) .concat() .into_iter() .flat_map(|(n1, n2)| [1024].map(|s| (n1, n2, s))) .flat_map(|(n1, n2, s)| delay_in_secs.map(|d| (n1, n2, s, d))) .map( |(node1_mode, node2_mode, msg_size, (delay1, delay2, delay3))| { idx += 1; let locator = format!("tcp/{}", base_port + idx); let ke_pubsub = format!("three_node_combination_keyexpr_pubsub_{idx}"); let ke_getqueryable = format!("three_node_combination_keyexpr_getqueryable_{idx}"); let ke_getliveliness = format!("three_node_combination_keyexpr_getliveliness_{idx}"); let ke_subliveliness = format!("three_node_combination_keyexpr_subliveliness_{idx}"); use rand::Rng; let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let router_node = Node { name: format!("Router {}", WhatAmI::Router), mode: WhatAmI::Router, listen: vec![locator.clone()], con_task: ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Wait])]), warmup: Duration::from_secs(delay1) + Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)), ..Default::default() }; let (pub_node, queryable_node, liveliness_node, livelinessloop_node) = { let base = Node { mode: node1_mode, connect: vec![locator.clone()], warmup: Duration::from_secs(delay2), ..Default::default() }; let mut pub_node = base.clone(); pub_node.name = format!("Pub {node1_mode}"); pub_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Pub( ke_pubsub.clone(), msg_size, )])]); pub_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); let mut queryable_node = base.clone(); queryable_node.name = format!("Queryable {node1_mode}"); queryable_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Queryable( ke_getqueryable.clone(), msg_size, )])]); queryable_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); let mut liveliness_node = base.clone(); liveliness_node.name = format!("Liveliness {node1_mode}"); liveliness_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Liveliness( ke_getliveliness.clone(), )])]); liveliness_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); let mut livelinessloop_node = base; livelinessloop_node.name = format!("LivelinessLoop {node1_mode}"); livelinessloop_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::LivelinessLoop( ke_subliveliness.clone(), )])]); livelinessloop_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); ( pub_node, queryable_node, liveliness_node, livelinessloop_node, ) }; let (sub_node, get_node, livelinessget_node, livelinesssub_node) = { let base = Node { mode: node2_mode, connect: vec![locator], warmup: Duration::from_secs(delay3), ..Default::default() }; let mut sub_node = base.clone(); sub_node.name = format!("Sub {node2_mode}"); sub_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::Sub(ke_pubsub, msg_size), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); sub_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); let mut get_node = base.clone(); get_node.name = format!("Get {node2_mode}"); get_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::Get(ke_getqueryable, msg_size), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); get_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); let mut livelinessget_node = base.clone(); livelinessget_node.name = format!("LivelinessGet {node2_mode}"); livelinessget_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::LivelinessGet(ke_getliveliness), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); livelinessget_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); let mut livelinesssub_node = base; livelinesssub_node.name = format!("LivelinessSub {node2_mode}"); livelinesssub_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::LivelinessSub(ke_subliveliness), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); livelinesssub_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); (sub_node, get_node, livelinessget_node, livelinesssub_node) }; ( Recipe::new([router_node.clone(), pub_node, sub_node]), Recipe::new([router_node.clone(), queryable_node, get_node]), Recipe::new([router_node.clone(), liveliness_node, livelinessget_node]), Recipe::new([router_node, livelinessloop_node, livelinesssub_node]), ) }, ) .collect(); for chunks in recipe_list.chunks(PARALLEL_RECIPES).map(|x| x.to_vec()) { let mut join_set = tokio::task::JoinSet::new(); for (pubsub, getqueryable, getliveliness, subliveliness) in chunks { join_set.spawn(async move { pubsub.run().await?; getqueryable.run().await?; getliveliness.run().await?; subliveliness.run().await?; Result::Ok(()) }); } while let Some(res) = join_set.join_next().await { res??; } } println!("Three-node combination test passed."); Ok(()) } // All test cases varying in // 1. Message size: 2 (sizes) // 2. Mode: {Client, Peer} x {Client, Peer} x {IsFirstListen} = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 (modes) // // Total cases = 2 x 8 = 16 #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 8)] async fn two_node_combination() -> Result<()> { zenoh::init_log_from_env_or("error"); #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct IsFirstListen(bool); let modes = [ (WhatAmI::Client, WhatAmI::Peer, IsFirstListen(false)), (WhatAmI::Peer, WhatAmI::Client, IsFirstListen(true)), (WhatAmI::Peer, WhatAmI::Peer, IsFirstListen(true)), (WhatAmI::Peer, WhatAmI::Peer, IsFirstListen(false)), ]; let mut idx = 0; // Ports going to be used: 17501 to 17509 let base_port = 17500; let recipe_list: Vec<_> = modes .into_iter() .flat_map(|(n1, n2, who)| MSG_SIZE.map(|s| (n1, n2, who, s))) .map(|(node1_mode, node2_mode, who, msg_size)| { idx += 1; let ke_pubsub = format!("two_node_combination_keyexpr_pubsub_{idx}"); let ke_getqueryable = format!("two_node_combination_keyexpr_getqueryable_{idx}"); let ke_subliveliness = format!("two_node_combination_keyexpr_subliveliness_{idx}"); let ke_getliveliness = format!("two_node_combination_keyexpr_getliveliness_{idx}"); let (node1_listen_connect, node2_listen_connect) = { let locator = format!("tcp/{}", base_port + idx); let listen = vec![locator]; let connect = vec![]; if let IsFirstListen(true) = who { ((listen.clone(), connect.clone()), (connect, listen)) } else { ((connect.clone(), listen.clone()), (listen, connect)) } }; let (pub_node, queryable_node, liveliness_node, livelinessloop_node) = { let base = Node { mode: node1_mode, listen: node1_listen_connect.0, connect: node1_listen_connect.1, ..Default::default() }; let mut pub_node = base.clone(); pub_node.name = format!("Pub {node1_mode}"); pub_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Pub( ke_pubsub.clone(), msg_size, )])]); let mut queryable_node = base.clone(); queryable_node.name = format!("Queryable {node1_mode}"); queryable_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Queryable( ke_getqueryable.clone(), msg_size, )])]); let mut liveliness_node = base.clone(); liveliness_node.name = format!("Liveliness {node1_mode}"); liveliness_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Liveliness( ke_getliveliness.clone(), )])]); let mut livelinessloop_node = base; livelinessloop_node.name = format!("LivelinessLoop {node1_mode}"); livelinessloop_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::LivelinessLoop( ke_subliveliness.clone(), )])]); ( pub_node, queryable_node, liveliness_node, livelinessloop_node, ) }; let (sub_node, get_node, livelinessget_node, livelinesssub_node) = { let base = Node { mode: node2_mode, listen: node2_listen_connect.0, connect: node2_listen_connect.1, ..Default::default() }; let mut sub_node = base.clone(); sub_node.name = format!("Sub {node2_mode}"); sub_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::Sub(ke_pubsub, msg_size), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); let mut get_node = base.clone(); get_node.name = format!("Get {node2_mode}"); get_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::Get(ke_getqueryable, msg_size), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); let mut livelinessget_node = base.clone(); livelinessget_node.name = format!("LivelinessGet {node2_mode}"); livelinessget_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::LivelinessGet(ke_getliveliness), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); let mut livelinesssub_node = base; livelinesssub_node.name = format!("LivelinessSub {node2_mode}"); livelinesssub_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::LivelinessSub(ke_subliveliness), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); (sub_node, get_node, livelinessget_node, livelinesssub_node) }; ( Recipe::new([pub_node, sub_node]), Recipe::new([queryable_node, get_node]), Recipe::new([liveliness_node, livelinessget_node]), Recipe::new([livelinessloop_node, livelinesssub_node]), ) }) .collect(); for chunks in recipe_list.chunks(PARALLEL_RECIPES).map(|x| x.to_vec()) { let task_tracker = TaskTracker::new(); for (pubsub, getqueryable, getlivelienss, subliveliness) in chunks { task_tracker.spawn(async move { pubsub.run().await?; getqueryable.run().await?; getlivelienss.run().await?; subliveliness.run().await?; Result::Ok(()) }); } task_tracker.close(); task_tracker.wait().await; } println!("Two-node combination test passed."); Result::Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 9)] async fn three_node_combination_multicast() -> Result<()> { zenoh::try_init_log_from_env(); let modes = [WhatAmI::Peer, WhatAmI::Client]; let delay_in_secs = [ (0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 1), (1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2), (2, 0, 1), (2, 1, 0), ]; let mut idx = 0; // Ports going to be used: 17511 .. 17535 let base_port = 17510; let recipe_list: Vec<_> = modes .map(|n1| modes.map(|n2| (n1, n2))) .concat() .into_iter() .flat_map(|(n1, n2)| [256].map(|s| (n1, n2, s))) .flat_map(|(n1, n2, s)| delay_in_secs.map(|d| (n1, n2, s, d))) .map( |(node1_mode, node2_mode, msg_size, (delay1, delay2, delay3))| { idx += 1; let unicast_locator = format!("tcp/{}", base_port + idx); let multicast_locator = format!("udp/{}", base_port + idx); let ke_pubsub = format!("three_node_combination_multicast_keyexpr_pubsub_{idx}"); use rand::Rng; let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let router_node = Node { name: format!("Router {}", WhatAmI::Router), mode: WhatAmI::Router, listen: vec![unicast_locator.clone(), multicast_locator.clone()], con_task: ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Wait])]), warmup: Duration::from_secs(delay1) + Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)), ..Default::default() }; let pub_node = { let base = match node1_mode { WhatAmI::Client => Node { mode: node1_mode, connect: vec![unicast_locator.clone()], warmup: Duration::from_secs(delay2), ..Default::default() }, _ => Node { mode: node1_mode, listen: vec![multicast_locator.clone()], warmup: Duration::from_secs(delay2), ..Default::default() }, }; let mut pub_node = base.clone(); pub_node.name = format!("Pub {node1_mode}"); pub_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Pub( ke_pubsub.clone(), msg_size, )])]); pub_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); pub_node }; let sub_node = { let base = match node2_mode { WhatAmI::Client => Node { mode: node2_mode, connect: vec![unicast_locator.clone()], warmup: Duration::from_secs(delay3), ..Default::default() }, _ => Node { mode: node2_mode, listen: vec![multicast_locator.clone()], warmup: Duration::from_secs(delay3), ..Default::default() }, }; let mut sub_node = base.clone(); sub_node.name = format!("Sub {node2_mode}"); sub_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::Sub(ke_pubsub, msg_size), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); sub_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); sub_node }; Recipe::new([router_node.clone(), pub_node, sub_node]) }, ) .collect(); for chunks in recipe_list.chunks(PARALLEL_RECIPES).map(|x| x.to_vec()) { let mut join_set = tokio::task::JoinSet::new(); for pubsub in chunks { join_set.spawn(async move { pubsub.run().await?; Result::Ok(()) }); } while let Some(res) = join_set.join_next().await { res??; } } println!("Three-node combination test passed."); Ok(()) } #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 9)] async fn peer_linkstate() -> Result<()> { zenoh_util::try_init_log_from_env(); let delay_in_secs = [ (0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 1), (1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2), (2, 0, 1), (2, 1, 0), ]; let mut idx = 0; // Ports going to be used: 17551 to 17598 let base_port = 17550; let linkstate_config = || { let mut config = Config::default(); config .routing .peer .set_mode(Some("linkstate".to_string())) .unwrap(); config .scouting .gossip .set_autoconnect(Some(ModeDependentValue::Unique(WhatAmIMatcher::empty()))) .unwrap(); Some(config) }; let recipe_list: Vec<_> = delay_in_secs .into_iter() .map(|d| (1024, d)) .map(|(msg_size, (delay1, delay2, delay3))| { idx += 1; let locator = format!("tcp/{}", base_port + idx); let ke_pubsub = format!("peer_linkstate_keyexpr_pubsub_{idx}"); let ke_getqueryable = format!("peer_linkstate_keyexpr_getqueryable_{idx}"); let ke_subliveliness = format!("peer_linkstate_keyexpr_subliveliness_{idx}"); let ke_getliveliness = format!("peer_linkstate_keyexpr_getliveliness_{idx}"); use rand::Rng; let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let dummy_node = Node { name: "Dummy Peer".to_string(), mode: WhatAmI::Peer, listen: vec![locator.clone()], con_task: ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Wait])]), warmup: Duration::from_secs(delay1) + Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)), config: linkstate_config(), ..Default::default() }; let (pub_node, queryable_node, liveliness_node, livelinessloop_node) = { let base = Node { mode: WhatAmI::Peer, connect: vec![locator.clone()], warmup: Duration::from_secs(delay2), config: linkstate_config(), ..Default::default() }; let mut pub_node = base.clone(); pub_node.name = "Pub Peer".to_string(); pub_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Pub( ke_pubsub.clone(), msg_size, )])]); pub_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); let mut queryable_node = base.clone(); queryable_node.name = "Queryable Peer".to_string(); queryable_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Queryable( ke_getqueryable.clone(), msg_size, )])]); queryable_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); let mut liveliness_node = base.clone(); liveliness_node.name = "Liveliness Peer".to_string(); liveliness_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Liveliness( ke_getliveliness.clone(), )])]); liveliness_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); let mut livelinessloop_node = base; livelinessloop_node.name = "LivelinessLoop Peer".to_string(); livelinessloop_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::LivelinessLoop( ke_subliveliness.clone(), )])]); livelinessloop_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); ( pub_node, queryable_node, liveliness_node, livelinessloop_node, ) }; let (sub_node, get_node, livelinessget_node, livelinesssub_node) = { let base = Node { mode: WhatAmI::Peer, connect: vec![locator], warmup: Duration::from_secs(delay3), config: linkstate_config(), ..Default::default() }; let mut sub_node = base.clone(); sub_node.name = "Sub Peer".to_string(); sub_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::Sub(ke_pubsub, msg_size), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); sub_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); let mut get_node = base.clone(); get_node.name = "Get Peer".to_string(); get_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::Get(ke_getqueryable, msg_size), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); get_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); let mut livelinessget_node = base.clone(); livelinessget_node.name = "LivelinessGet Peer".to_string(); livelinessget_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::LivelinessGet(ke_getliveliness), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); livelinessget_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); let mut livelinesssub_node = base; livelinesssub_node.name = "LivelinessSub Peer".to_string(); livelinesssub_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::LivelinessSub(ke_subliveliness), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); livelinesssub_node.warmup += Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..500)); (sub_node, get_node, livelinessget_node, livelinesssub_node) }; ( Recipe::new([dummy_node.clone(), pub_node, sub_node]), Recipe::new([dummy_node.clone(), queryable_node, get_node]), Recipe::new([dummy_node.clone(), liveliness_node, livelinessget_node]), Recipe::new([dummy_node, livelinessloop_node, livelinesssub_node]), ) }) .collect(); for chunks in recipe_list.chunks(PARALLEL_RECIPES).map(|x| x.to_vec()) { let mut join_set = tokio::task::JoinSet::new(); for (pubsub, getqueryable, getlivelienss, subliveliness) in chunks { join_set.spawn(async move { pubsub.run().await?; getqueryable.run().await?; getlivelienss.run().await?; subliveliness.run().await?; Result::Ok(()) }); } while let Some(res) = join_set.join_next().await { res??; } } println!("Peer linkstate test passed."); Ok(()) } #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 9)] async fn router_linkstate() -> Result<()> { zenoh_util::try_init_log_from_env(); let delay_in_secs = [ (0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 1), (1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2), (2, 0, 1), (2, 1, 0), ]; let mut idx = 0; // Ports going to be used: 17601 to 17648 let base_port = 17600; let recipe_list: Vec<_> = delay_in_secs .into_iter() .map(|d| (1024, d)) .map(|(msg_size, (delay1, delay2, delay3))| { idx += 1; let locator1 = format!("tcp/{}", base_port + (idx * 3)); let locator2 = format!("tcp/{}", base_port + (idx * 3) + 1); let locator3 = format!("tcp/{}", base_port + (idx * 3) + 2); let ke_pubsub = format!("router_linkstate_keyexpr_pubsub_{idx}"); let ke_getqueryable = format!("router_linkstate_keyexpr_getqueryable_{idx}"); let ke_subliveliness = format!("router_linkstate_keyexpr_subliveliness_{idx}"); let ke_getliveliness = format!("router_linkstate_keyexpr_getliveliness_{idx}"); let router1_node = Node { name: "Router 1".to_string(), mode: WhatAmI::Router, listen: vec![locator1.clone()], con_task: ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Wait])]), warmup: Duration::from_secs(delay1), ..Default::default() }; let router2_node = Node { name: "Router 2".to_string(), mode: WhatAmI::Router, listen: vec![locator2.clone()], connect: vec![locator1.clone()], con_task: ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Wait])]), warmup: Duration::from_secs(delay2), ..Default::default() }; let router3_node = Node { name: "Router 3".to_string(), mode: WhatAmI::Router, listen: vec![locator3.clone()], connect: vec![locator1.clone()], con_task: ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Wait])]), warmup: Duration::from_secs(delay3), ..Default::default() }; let (pub_node, queryable_node, liveliness_node, livelinessloop_node) = { let base = Node { mode: WhatAmI::Client, connect: vec![locator1.clone()], warmup: Duration::from_secs(delay1) + Duration::from_millis(500), ..Default::default() }; let mut pub_node = base.clone(); pub_node.name = "Pub Client".to_string(); pub_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Pub( ke_pubsub.clone(), msg_size, )])]); let mut queryable_node = base.clone(); queryable_node.name = "Queryable Client".to_string(); queryable_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Queryable( ke_getqueryable.clone(), msg_size, )])]); let mut liveliness_node = base.clone(); liveliness_node.name = "Liveliness Client".to_string(); liveliness_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::Liveliness( ke_getliveliness.clone(), )])]); let mut livelinessloop_node = base; livelinessloop_node.name = "LivelinessLoop Client".to_string(); livelinessloop_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([Task::LivelinessLoop( ke_subliveliness.clone(), )])]); ( pub_node, queryable_node, liveliness_node, livelinessloop_node, ) }; let (sub_node, get_node, livelinessget_node, livelinesssub_node) = { let base = Node { mode: WhatAmI::Client, connect: vec![locator3], warmup: Duration::from_secs(delay3) + Duration::from_millis(500), ..Default::default() }; let mut sub_node = base.clone(); sub_node.name = "Sub Client".to_string(); sub_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::Sub(ke_pubsub, msg_size), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); let mut get_node = base.clone(); get_node.name = "Get Client".to_string(); get_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::Get(ke_getqueryable, msg_size), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); let mut livelinessget_node = base.clone(); livelinessget_node.name = "LivelinessGet Client".to_string(); livelinessget_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::LivelinessGet(ke_getliveliness), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); let mut livelinesssub_node = base; livelinesssub_node.name = "LivelinessSub Client".to_string(); livelinesssub_node.con_task = ConcurrentTask::from([SequentialTask::from([ Task::LivelinessSub(ke_subliveliness), Task::Checkpoint, ])]); (sub_node, get_node, livelinessget_node, livelinesssub_node) }; ( Recipe::new([ router1_node.clone(), router2_node.clone(), router3_node.clone(), pub_node, sub_node, ]), Recipe::new([ router1_node.clone(), router2_node.clone(), router3_node.clone(), queryable_node, get_node, ]), Recipe::new([ router1_node.clone(), router2_node.clone(), router3_node.clone(), liveliness_node, livelinessget_node, ]), Recipe::new([ router1_node, router2_node, router3_node, livelinessloop_node, livelinesssub_node, ]), ) }) .collect(); for chunks in recipe_list.chunks(1).map(|x| x.to_vec()) { let mut join_set = tokio::task::JoinSet::new(); for (pubsub, getqueryable, getlivelienss, subliveliness) in chunks { join_set.spawn(async move { pubsub.run().await?; getqueryable.run().await?; getlivelienss.run().await?; subliveliness.run().await?; Result::Ok(()) }); } while let Some(res) = join_set.join_next().await { res??; } } println!("Router linkstate test passed."); Ok(()) }