// // Copyright (c) 2024 ZettaScale Technology // // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at // http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0 // which is available at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0 // // Contributors: // ZettaScale Zenoh Team, <zenoh@zettascale.tech> // #![cfg(feature = "internal_config")] #![cfg(unix)] use std::{ collections::HashMap, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering}, Arc, }, }; use zenoh::{key_expr::KeyExpr, Config, Wait}; use zenoh_config::{DownsamplingItemConf, DownsamplingRuleConf, InterceptorFlow}; // Tokio's time granularity on different platforms #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] static MINIMAL_SLEEP_INTERVAL_MS: u64 = 17; #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] static MINIMAL_SLEEP_INTERVAL_MS: u64 = 2; static REPEAT: usize = 3; static WARMUP_MS: u64 = 500; fn build_config( locator: &str, ds_config: Vec<DownsamplingItemConf>, flow: InterceptorFlow, ) -> (Config, Config) { let mut pub_config = Config::default(); pub_config .scouting .multicast .set_enabled(Some(false)) .unwrap(); let mut sub_config = Config::default(); sub_config .scouting .multicast .set_enabled(Some(false)) .unwrap(); sub_config .listen .endpoints .set(vec![locator.parse().unwrap()]) .unwrap(); pub_config .connect .endpoints .set(vec![locator.parse().unwrap()]) .unwrap(); match flow { InterceptorFlow::Egress => pub_config.set_downsampling(ds_config).unwrap(), InterceptorFlow::Ingress => sub_config.set_downsampling(ds_config).unwrap(), }; (pub_config, sub_config) } fn downsampling_test<F>( pub_config: Config, sub_config: Config, ke_prefix: &str, ke_of_rates: Vec<KeyExpr<'static>>, rate_check: F, ) where F: Fn(KeyExpr<'_>, usize) -> bool + Send + 'static, { type Counters<'a> = Arc<HashMap<KeyExpr<'a>, AtomicUsize>>; let counters: Counters = Arc::new( ke_of_rates .clone() .into_iter() .map(|ke| (ke, AtomicUsize::new(0))) .collect(), ); let sub_session = zenoh::open(sub_config).wait().unwrap(); let _sub = sub_session .declare_subscriber(format!("{ke_prefix}/*")) .callback({ let counters = counters.clone(); move |sample| { counters .get(sample.key_expr()) .map(|ctr| ctr.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst)); } }) .wait() .unwrap(); let is_terminated = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let c_is_terminated = is_terminated.clone(); let handle = std::thread::spawn(move || { let pub_session = zenoh::open(pub_config).wait().unwrap(); let publishers: Vec<_> = ke_of_rates .into_iter() .map(|ke| pub_session.declare_publisher(ke).wait().unwrap()) .collect(); let interval = std::time::Duration::from_millis(MINIMAL_SLEEP_INTERVAL_MS); while !c_is_terminated.load(Ordering::SeqCst) { publishers.iter().for_each(|publ| { publ.put("message").wait().unwrap(); }); std::thread::sleep(interval); } }); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(WARMUP_MS)); counters.iter().for_each(|(_, ctr)| { ctr.swap(0, Ordering::SeqCst); }); for _ in 0..REPEAT { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)); counters.iter().for_each(|(ke, ctr)| { let rate = ctr.swap(0, Ordering::SeqCst); if !rate_check(ke.into(), rate) { panic!("The test failed on the {ke:?} at the rate of {rate:?}"); } }); } let _ = is_terminated.swap(true, Ordering::SeqCst); if let Err(err) = handle.join() { panic!("Failed to join the handle due to {err:?}"); } } fn downsampling_by_keyexpr_impl(flow: InterceptorFlow) { let ke_prefix = "test/downsamples_by_keyexp"; let locator = "tcp/"; let ke_10hz: KeyExpr = format!("{ke_prefix}/10hz").try_into().unwrap(); let ke_20hz: KeyExpr = format!("{ke_prefix}/20hz").try_into().unwrap(); let ds_config = DownsamplingItemConf { flow, interfaces: None, rules: vec![ DownsamplingRuleConf { key_expr: ke_10hz.clone().into(), freq: 10.0, }, DownsamplingRuleConf { key_expr: ke_20hz.clone().into(), freq: 20.0, }, ], }; let ke_of_rates: Vec<KeyExpr<'static>> = ds_config .rules .iter() .map(|x| x.key_expr.clone().into()) .collect(); let rate_check = move |ke: KeyExpr, rate: usize| -> bool { tracing::info!("keyexpr: {ke}, rate: {rate}"); if ke == ke_10hz { rate > 0 && rate <= 10 + 1 } else if ke == ke_20hz { rate > 0 && rate <= 20 + 1 } else { tracing::error!("Shouldn't reach this case. Invalid keyexpr {ke} detected."); false } }; let (pub_config, sub_config) = build_config(locator, vec![ds_config], flow); downsampling_test(pub_config, sub_config, ke_prefix, ke_of_rates, rate_check); } #[test] fn downsampling_by_keyexpr() { zenoh::init_log_from_env_or("error"); downsampling_by_keyexpr_impl(InterceptorFlow::Ingress); downsampling_by_keyexpr_impl(InterceptorFlow::Egress); } #[cfg(unix)] fn downsampling_by_interface_impl(flow: InterceptorFlow) { let ke_prefix = "test/downsamples_by_interface"; let locator = "tcp/"; let ke_10hz: KeyExpr = format!("{ke_prefix}/10hz").try_into().unwrap(); let ke_no_effect: KeyExpr = format!("{ke_prefix}/no_effect").try_into().unwrap(); let ke_of_rates: Vec<KeyExpr<'static>> = vec![ke_10hz.clone(), ke_no_effect.clone()]; let ds_config = vec![ DownsamplingItemConf { flow, interfaces: Some(vec!["lo".to_string(), "lo0".to_string()]), rules: vec![DownsamplingRuleConf { key_expr: ke_10hz.clone().into(), freq: 10.0, }], }, DownsamplingItemConf { flow, interfaces: Some(vec!["some_unknown_interface".to_string()]), rules: vec![DownsamplingRuleConf { key_expr: ke_no_effect.clone().into(), freq: 10.0, }], }, ]; let rate_check = move |ke: KeyExpr, rate: usize| -> bool { tracing::info!("keyexpr: {ke}, rate: {rate}"); if ke == ke_10hz { rate > 0 && rate <= 10 + 1 } else if ke == ke_no_effect { rate > 10 } else { tracing::error!("Shouldn't reach this case. Invalid keyexpr {ke} detected."); false } }; let (pub_config, sub_config) = build_config(locator, ds_config, flow); downsampling_test(pub_config, sub_config, ke_prefix, ke_of_rates, rate_check); } #[cfg(unix)] #[test] fn downsampling_by_interface() { zenoh::init_log_from_env_or("error"); downsampling_by_interface_impl(InterceptorFlow::Ingress); downsampling_by_interface_impl(InterceptorFlow::Egress); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "unknown variant `down`")] fn downsampling_config_error_wrong_strategy() { zenoh::init_log_from_env_or("error"); let mut config = Config::default(); config .insert_json5( "downsampling", r#" [ { flow: "down", rules: [ { keyexpr: "test/downsamples_by_keyexp/r100", freq: 10, }, { keyexpr: "test/downsamples_by_keyexp/r50", freq: 20, } ], }, ] "#, ) .unwrap(); zenoh::open(config).wait().unwrap(); }