// // Copyright (c) 2023 ZettaScale Technology // // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at // http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0 // which is available at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0 // // Contributors: // ZettaScale Zenoh Team, <zenoh@zettascale.tech> // #![cfg(all( feature = "unstable", feature = "shared-memory", feature = "internal_config" ))] use std::{ sync::{ atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}, Arc, }, time::Duration, }; use zenoh::{ qos::{CongestionControl, Reliability}, shm::{ BlockOn, GarbageCollect, PosixShmProviderBackend, ShmProviderBuilder, POSIX_PROTOCOL_ID, }, Session, Wait, }; use zenoh_core::ztimeout; const TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60); const SLEEP: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1); const MSG_COUNT: usize = 1_00; const MSG_SIZE: [usize; 2] = [1_024, 100_000]; async fn open_session_unicast(endpoints: &[&str]) -> (Session, Session) { // Open the sessions let mut config = zenoh::Config::default(); config .listen .endpoints .set( endpoints .iter() .map(|e| e.parse().unwrap()) .collect::<Vec<_>>(), ) .unwrap(); config.scouting.multicast.set_enabled(Some(false)).unwrap(); println!("[ ][01a] Opening peer01 session: {:?}", endpoints); let peer01 = ztimeout!(zenoh::open(config)).unwrap(); let mut config = zenoh::Config::default(); config .connect .endpoints .set( endpoints .iter() .map(|e| e.parse().unwrap()) .collect::<Vec<_>>(), ) .unwrap(); config.scouting.multicast.set_enabled(Some(false)).unwrap(); println!("[ ][02a] Opening peer02 session: {:?}", endpoints); let peer02 = ztimeout!(zenoh::open(config)).unwrap(); (peer01, peer02) } async fn open_session_multicast(endpoint01: &str, endpoint02: &str) -> (Session, Session) { // Open the sessions let mut config = zenoh::Config::default(); config .listen .endpoints .set(vec![endpoint01.parse().unwrap()]) .unwrap(); config.scouting.multicast.set_enabled(Some(true)).unwrap(); println!("[ ][01a] Opening peer01 session: {}", endpoint01); let peer01 = ztimeout!(zenoh::open(config)).unwrap(); let mut config = zenoh::Config::default(); config .listen .endpoints .set(vec![endpoint02.parse().unwrap()]) .unwrap(); config.scouting.multicast.set_enabled(Some(true)).unwrap(); println!("[ ][02a] Opening peer02 session: {}", endpoint02); let peer02 = ztimeout!(zenoh::open(config)).unwrap(); (peer01, peer02) } async fn close_session(peer01: Session, peer02: Session) { println!("[ ][01d] Closing peer02 session"); ztimeout!(peer01.close()).unwrap(); println!("[ ][02d] Closing peer02 session"); ztimeout!(peer02.close()).unwrap(); } async fn test_session_pubsub(peer01: &Session, peer02: &Session, reliability: Reliability) { let msg_count = match reliability { Reliability::Reliable => MSG_COUNT, Reliability::BestEffort => 1, }; let msgs = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); for size in MSG_SIZE { let key_expr = format!("shm{size}"); msgs.store(0, Ordering::SeqCst); // Subscribe to data println!("[PS][01b] Subscribing on peer01 session"); let c_msgs = msgs.clone(); let _sub = ztimeout!(peer01 .declare_subscriber(&key_expr) .callback(move |sample| { assert_eq!(sample.payload().len(), size); let _ = sample.payload().as_shm().unwrap(); c_msgs.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); })) .unwrap(); // Wait for the declaration to propagate tokio::time::sleep(SLEEP).await; // create SHM backend... let backend = PosixShmProviderBackend::builder() .with_size(size * MSG_COUNT / 10) .unwrap() .wait() .unwrap(); // ...and SHM provider let shm01 = ShmProviderBuilder::builder() .protocol_id::<POSIX_PROTOCOL_ID>() .backend(backend) .wait(); // remember segment size that was allocated let shm_segment_size = shm01.available(); // Prepare a layout for allocations let layout = shm01.alloc(size).into_layout().unwrap(); // Put data println!("[PS][03b] Putting on peer02 session. {MSG_COUNT} msgs of {size} bytes."); for c in 0..msg_count { // Allocate new message let sbuf = ztimeout!(layout.alloc().with_policy::<BlockOn<GarbageCollect>>()).unwrap(); println!("{c} created"); // Publish this message ztimeout!(peer02 .put(&key_expr, sbuf) .congestion_control(CongestionControl::Block)) .unwrap(); println!("{c} putted"); } // wat for all messages received ztimeout!(async { loop { let cnt = msgs.load(Ordering::Relaxed); println!("[PS][03b] Received {cnt}/{msg_count}."); if cnt != msg_count { tokio::time::sleep(SLEEP).await; } else { break; } } }); // wat for all memory reclaimed ztimeout!(async { loop { shm01.garbage_collect(); let available = shm01.available(); println!("[PS][03b] SHM available {available}/{shm_segment_size}"); if available != shm_segment_size { tokio::time::sleep(SLEEP).await; } else { break; } } }); } } #[test] fn zenoh_shm_startup_init() { // Open the sessions let mut config = zenoh::Config::default(); config .transport .shared_memory .set_mode(zenoh_config::ShmInitMode::Init) .unwrap(); tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(async { let _session = ztimeout!(zenoh::open(config)).unwrap(); }); } #[test] fn zenoh_shm_unicast() { tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(async { // Initiate logging zenoh::init_log_from_env_or("error"); let (peer01, peer02) = open_session_unicast(&["tcp/"]).await; test_session_pubsub(&peer01, &peer02, Reliability::Reliable).await; close_session(peer01, peer02).await; }); } #[test] fn zenoh_shm_multicast() { tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(async { // Initiate logging zenoh::init_log_from_env_or("error"); let (peer01, peer02) = open_session_multicast("udp/", "udp/").await; test_session_pubsub(&peer01, &peer02, Reliability::BestEffort).await; close_session(peer01, peer02).await; }); }