// // Copyright (c) 2024 ZettaScale Technology // // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at // http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0 // which is available at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0 // // Contributors: // ZettaScale Zenoh Team, <zenoh@zettascale.tech> // use std::{ sync::mpsc::{channel, Sender}, time::Duration, }; use ntex::{ service::fn_service, time::{sleep, Millis}, util::Ready, }; use ntex_mqtt::v5; use zenoh::{ config::Config, internal::{plugins::PluginsManager, runtime::RuntimeBuilder}, Wait, }; use zenoh_config::ModeDependentValue; // The test topic const TEST_TOPIC: &str = "test-topic"; // The test payload const TEST_PAYLOAD: &str = "Hello World"; #[derive(Debug)] struct Error; impl std::convert::TryFrom<Error> for v5::PublishAck { type Error = Error; fn try_from(err: Error) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> { Err(err) } } async fn create_mqtt_server() { let mut plugins_mgr = PluginsManager::static_plugins_only(); plugins_mgr.declare_static_plugin::<zenoh_plugin_mqtt::MqttPlugin, &str>("mqtt", true); let mut config = Config::default(); config.insert_json5("plugins/mqtt", "{}").unwrap(); config .timestamping .set_enabled(Some(ModeDependentValue::Unique(true))) .unwrap(); config.adminspace.set_enabled(true).unwrap(); config.plugins_loading.set_enabled(true).unwrap(); let mut runtime = RuntimeBuilder::new(config) .plugins_manager(plugins_mgr) .build() .await .unwrap(); runtime.start().await.unwrap(); } async fn create_mqtt_subscriber(tx: Sender<String>) { let client = v5::client::MqttConnector::new("") .client_id("mqtt-sub-id") .connect() .await .unwrap(); let sink = client.sink(); // handle incoming publishes ntex::rt::spawn(client.start(fn_service( move |control: v5::client::Control<Error>| match control { v5::client::Control::Publish(publish) => { println!( "incoming publish: {:?} -> {:?} payload {:?}", publish.packet().packet_id, publish.packet().topic, publish.packet().payload ); let payload = std::str::from_utf8(&publish.packet().payload) .unwrap() .to_owned(); tx.send(payload).unwrap(); Ready::Ok(publish.ack(v5::codec::PublishAckReason::Success)) } v5::client::Control::Disconnect(msg) => { println!("Server disconnecting: {:?}", msg); Ready::Ok(msg.ack()) } v5::client::Control::Error(msg) => { println!("Codec error: {:?}", msg); Ready::Ok(msg.ack(v5::codec::DisconnectReasonCode::UnspecifiedError)) } v5::client::Control::ProtocolError(msg) => { println!("Protocol error: {:?}", msg); Ready::Ok(msg.ack()) } v5::client::Control::PeerGone(msg) => { println!("Peer closed connection: {:?}", msg.error()); Ready::Ok(msg.ack()) } v5::client::Control::Closed(msg) => { println!("Server closed connection: {:?}", msg); Ready::Ok(msg.ack()) } }, ))); // subscribe to topic sink.subscribe(None) .topic_filter( TEST_TOPIC.into(), v5::codec::SubscriptionOptions { qos: v5::codec::QoS::AtLeastOnce, no_local: false, retain_as_published: false, retain_handling: v5::codec::RetainHandling::AtSubscribe, }, ) .send() .await .unwrap(); // Ensure the data is received sleep(Millis(3_000)).await; } async fn create_mqtt_publisher() { let client = v5::client::MqttConnector::new("") .client_id("mqtt-pub-id") .connect() .await .unwrap(); let sink = client.sink(); // handle incoming publishes ntex::rt::spawn(client.start(fn_service( |control: v5::client::Control<Error>| match control { v5::client::Control::Publish(publish) => { println!( "incoming publish: {:?} -> {:?} payload {:?}", publish.packet().packet_id, publish.packet().topic, publish.packet().payload ); Ready::Ok(publish.ack(v5::codec::PublishAckReason::Success)) } v5::client::Control::Disconnect(msg) => { println!("Server disconnecting: {:?}", msg); Ready::Ok(msg.ack()) } v5::client::Control::Error(msg) => { println!("Codec error: {:?}", msg); Ready::Ok(msg.ack(v5::codec::DisconnectReasonCode::UnspecifiedError)) } v5::client::Control::ProtocolError(msg) => { println!("Protocol error: {:?}", msg); Ready::Ok(msg.ack()) } v5::client::Control::PeerGone(msg) => { println!("Peer closed connection: {:?}", msg.error()); Ready::Ok(msg.ack()) } v5::client::Control::Closed(msg) => { println!("Server closed connection: {:?}", msg); Ready::Ok(msg.ack()) } }, ))); // send client publish let ack = sink .publish(TEST_TOPIC, TEST_PAYLOAD.into()) .send_at_least_once() .await .unwrap(); // Ensure the data is sent println!("ack received: {:?}", ack); } #[test] fn test_mqtt_pub_mqtt_sub() { // Run the bridge for MQTT and Zenoh let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap(); rt.spawn(create_mqtt_server()); // Wait for the bridge to be ready std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)); // MQTT subscriber let (tx, rx) = channel(); rt.spawn_blocking(move || { ntex::rt::System::new("mqtt_sub").block_on(create_mqtt_subscriber(tx)) }); std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); // MQTT publisher rt.spawn_blocking(|| ntex::rt::System::new("mqtt_pub").block_on(create_mqtt_publisher())); // Wait for the test to complete let result = rx.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(3)); // Stop the tokio runtime // Since ntex server is running in blocking thread, we need to force shutdown the runtime while completing the test // Note that we should shutdown the runtime before doing any check that might panic the test. // Otherwise, there is no way to shutdown ntex server rt.shutdown_background(); let payload = result.expect("Receiver timeout"); assert_eq!(payload, TEST_PAYLOAD); } #[test] fn test_mqtt_pub_zenoh_sub() { // Run the bridge for MQTT and Zenoh let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap(); rt.spawn(create_mqtt_server()); // Wait for the bridge to be ready std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)); // Zenoh subscriber let (tx, rx) = channel(); let session = zenoh::open(zenoh::Config::default()).wait().unwrap(); let _subscriber = session .declare_subscriber(TEST_TOPIC) .callback_mut(move |sample| { let data = sample .payload() .try_to_string() .to_owned() .unwrap() .into_owned(); tx.send(data).unwrap(); }) .wait() .unwrap(); std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); // MQTT publisher rt.spawn_blocking(|| ntex::rt::System::new("mqtt_pub").block_on(create_mqtt_publisher())); // Wait for the test to complete let result = rx.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(3)); // Stop the tokio runtime // Since ntex server is running in blocking thread, we need to force shutdown the runtime while completing the test // Note that we should shutdown the runtime before doing any check that might panic the test. // Otherwise, there is no way to shutdown ntex server rt.shutdown_background(); let payload = result.expect("Receiver timeout"); assert_eq!(payload, TEST_PAYLOAD); } #[test] fn test_zenoh_pub_mqtt_sub() { // Run the bridge for MQTT and Zenoh let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap(); rt.spawn(create_mqtt_server()); // Wait for the bridge to be ready std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)); // MQTT subscriber let (tx, rx) = channel(); rt.spawn_blocking(move || { ntex::rt::System::new("mqtt_sub").block_on(create_mqtt_subscriber(tx)) }); std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); // Zenoh publisher let session = zenoh::open(zenoh::Config::default()).wait().unwrap(); let publisher = session.declare_publisher(TEST_TOPIC).wait().unwrap(); publisher.put(TEST_PAYLOAD).wait().unwrap(); // Wait for the test to complete let result = rx.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(3)); // Stop the tokio runtime // Since ntex server is running in blocking thread, we need to force shutdown the runtime while completing the test // Note that we should shutdown the runtime before doing any check that might panic the test. // Otherwise, there is no way to shutdown ntex server rt.shutdown_background(); let payload = result.expect("Receiver timeout"); assert_eq!(payload, TEST_PAYLOAD); }