// Copyright (c) 2023 ZettaScale Technology
// This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
// terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
// http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
// which is available at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0
// Contributors:
//   ZettaScale Zenoh Team, <zenoh@zettascale.tech>

use zenoh_core::Wait;
use zenoh_shm::api::{
        posix_shm_client::PosixShmClient, posix_shm_provider_backend::PosixShmProviderBackend,
        types::{AllocAlignment, MemoryLayout},

static BUFFER_NUM: usize = 100;
static BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 1024;

fn posix_shm_provider_create() {
    let _backend = PosixShmProviderBackend::builder()
        .expect("Error creating Layout!")
        .expect("Error creating PosixShmProviderBackend!");

fn posix_shm_provider_alloc() {
    let backend = PosixShmProviderBackend::builder()
        .expect("Error creating Layout!")
        .expect("Error creating PosixShmProviderBackend!");

    let layout = MemoryLayout::new(100, AllocAlignment::default()).unwrap();

    let _buf = backend
        .expect("PosixShmProviderBackend: error allocating buffer");

fn posix_shm_provider_open() {
    let backend = PosixShmProviderBackend::builder()
        .expect("Error creating Layout!")
        .expect("Error creating PosixShmProviderBackend!");

    let layout = MemoryLayout::new(100, AllocAlignment::default()).unwrap();

    let buf = backend
        .expect("PosixShmProviderBackend: error allocating buffer");

    let client = PosixShmClient {};

    let _segment = client
        .expect("Error attaching to segment");

fn posix_shm_provider_allocator() {
    let backend = PosixShmProviderBackend::builder()
        .with_size(BUFFER_SIZE * BUFFER_NUM)
        .expect("Error creating Layout!")
        .expect("Error creating PosixShmProviderBackend!");

    let layout = MemoryLayout::new(BUFFER_SIZE, AllocAlignment::default()).unwrap();

    // exaust memory by allocating it all
    let mut buffers = vec![];
    for _ in 0..BUFFER_NUM {
        let buf = backend
            .expect("PosixShmProviderBackend: error allocating buffer");

    for _ in 0..BUFFER_NUM {
        // there is nothing to allocate at this point
        assert_eq!(backend.available(), 0);

        // free buffer
        let to_free = buffers.pop().unwrap().descriptor;

        // allocate new one
        let buf = backend
            .expect("PosixShmProviderBackend: error allocating buffer");

    // free everything
    while let Some(buffer) = buffers.pop() {

    // confirm that allocator is free
    assert_eq!(backend.available(), BUFFER_NUM * BUFFER_SIZE);