comment: Test that the --dep-kinds argument works crates: - name: A deps: - name: D kind: dev - name: B kind: build - name: N features: F0: null - name: B features: F0: null - name: D features: F0: null - name: N features: F0: null cases: - cmd: lint propagate-feature --feature F0 --dep-kinds="normal:ignore,dev:ignore,build:ignore" - cmd: lint propagate-feature --feature F0 stdout: | crate 'A' feature 'F0' must propagate to: B D N Found 3 issues (run with `--fix` to fix). code: 1 - cmd: lint propagate-feature --feature F0 --dep-kinds="normal:ignore" stdout: | crate 'A' feature 'F0' must propagate to: B D Found 2 issues (run with `--fix` to fix). code: 1 - cmd: lint propagate-feature --feature F0 --dep-kinds="dev:ignore" stdout: | crate 'A' feature 'F0' must propagate to: B N Found 2 issues (run with `--fix` to fix). code: 1 - cmd: lint propagate-feature --feature F0 --dep-kinds="build:ignore" stdout: | crate 'A' feature 'F0' must propagate to: D N Found 2 issues (run with `--fix` to fix). code: 1 - cmd: lint propagate-feature --feature F0 --dep-kinds="dev:ignore,build:ignore" stdout: | crate 'A' feature 'F0' must propagate to: N Found 1 issue (run with `--fix` to fix). code: 1 - cmd: lint propagate-feature --feature F0 --dep-kinds="normal:ignore,build:ignore" stdout: | crate 'A' feature 'F0' must propagate to: D Found 1 issue (run with `--fix` to fix). code: 1 - cmd: lint propagate-feature --feature F0 --dep-kinds="normal:ignore,dev:ignore" stdout: | crate 'A' feature 'F0' must propagate to: B Found 1 issue (run with `--fix` to fix). code: 1