schema { query: query_root mutation: mutation_root subscription: subscription_root } """ whether this query should be cached (Hasura Cloud only) """ directive @cached( """ measured in seconds """ ttl: Int! = 60 """ refresh the cache entry """ refresh: Boolean! = false ) on QUERY scalar AWSJSON input AWSUpdateSecretsInputIntegration { installationId: String! } input AWSUpdateSecretsInputZero { secretsIds: [String!]! } type AWSUpdateSecretsOutput { success: Boolean! } input AcceptTeamInviteInput { failureAcceptInviteMessage: String! successfullAcceptInviteMessage: String! teamId: String! } type AcceptTeamInviteOutput { success: Boolean! } input BitbucketDownloadSecretsInput { isDownloadSecretsEnabled: Boolean! isDownloadVendorPriority: Boolean! } type BitbucketEnvironment { id: String! isUsed: Boolean! name: String! } input BitbucketInputZero { integrationConnectId: String! projectId: String! secretsIds: [String!]! } input BitbucketInstallInputIntegration { extra: String! vendorProjectName: String! } type BitbucketInstallOutput { success: Boolean! } type BitbucketProject { environments: [BitbucketEnvironment!]! id: String! name: String! } input BitbucketUpdateSecretsInputIntegration { installationId: String! } input BitbucketUpdateSecretsInputZero { secretsIds: [String!]! } type BitbucketUpdateSecretsOutput { success: Boolean! } type BitbucketWorkspaceProjects { id: String! name: String! repositories: [BitbucketProject!]! } input BitbucketWorkspaceProjectsInput { integrationConnectId: String! projectId: String! } type BitbucketWorkspaceProjectsOutput { workspacesProjects: [BitbucketWorkspaceProjects!]! } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "Boolean". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input Boolean_comparison_exp { _eq: Boolean _gt: Boolean _gte: Boolean _in: [Boolean!] _is_null: Boolean _lt: Boolean _lte: Boolean _neq: Boolean _nin: [Boolean!] } input CancelSubscriptionInput { stripeCustomerId: String! } type CancelSubscriptionOutput { cancelAt: Int currentPlan: String } input ChangePasswordInput { email: String! newPassword: String! oldPassword: String! } type ChangePasswordOutput { success: Boolean } input ChangeSubscriptionInput { priceId: String! stripeCustomerId: String! } type ChangeSubscriptionOutput { success: Boolean } input CheckIntegrationDeployInput { integrationConnectId: String operationId: String } type CheckIntegrationDeployOutput { status: DeployStatusIntegration! } input CheckPaymentMethodInput { stripeCustomerId: String! } type CheckPaymentMethodOutput { brand: String expirationMonth: Int expirationYear: Int last4: String lastUpdated: Int } input CheckUserEmailExistInput { email: String! } type CheckUserEmailExistOutput { isExist: Boolean! } input CliAccessTokensInput { code: String! } type CliAccessTokensOutput { accessToken: String! userId: String! } input CloudflareAuthInput { accountId: String! apiToken: String! } type CloudflareAuthOutput { integrationConnectId: String! } input CloudflareDownloadSecretsInput { isDownloadSecretsEnabled: Boolean! isDownloadVendorPriority: Boolean! } type CloudflareEnvironment { id: String! isUsed: Boolean! name: String! } input CloudflareInputZero { integrationConnectId: String! projectId: String! secretsIds: [String!]! } input CloudflareInstallInputIntegration { extra: String! vendorProjectName: String! } type CloudflareInstallOutput { success: Boolean! } type CloudflareProject { environments: [CloudflareEnvironment!]! id: String! name: String! } input CloudflareProjectsInput { integrationConnectId: String! projectId: String! } type CloudflareProjectsOutput { projects: [CloudflareProject!]! } input CloudflareUpdateSecretsInputIntegration { installationId: String! } input CloudflareUpdateSecretsInputZero { secretsIds: [String!]! } type CloudflareUpdateSecretsOutput { success: Boolean! } input ConfirmEmailChangeInput { code: String! } type ConfirmEmailChangeOutput { accessToken: String! userId: String! } input CreateProjectInput { projectIcon: String! projectName: String! token: TokenObject } type CreateProjectOutput { projectId: String tokenValue: String } input CreateProjectTokenInput { expiresAt: String name: String! projectId: String! } type CreateProjectTokenOutput { tokenId: ID! tokenValue: String! } input CreateSecretFieldInput { name: String! value: String! } input CreateSecretInput { name: String! projectId: String! vendor: String! } type CreateSecretOutput { secretId: String! } input CreateTeamInput { teamName: String! } type CreateTeamOutput { teamId: String! } input CurrentPlanInput { sessionId: String! } type CurrentPlanOutput { cancelAt: Int currentPlan: String interval: String } input DecodeSharingSecretsInput { id: String! passPhrase: String! } type DecodeSharingSecretsOutput { secrets: AWSJSON! } type DecryptedSecretField { key: String! value: String! } input DeleteIntegrationInput { installationId: String! isDeleteInRemoteSourceEnabled: Boolean } type DeleteIntegrationOutput { success: Boolean! } input DeleteProjectInput { id: String! isVendorSecretsDelete: Boolean! } type DeleteProjectOutput { id: String! } enum DeployStatusIntegration { CREATE_COMPLETE DEPLOY_FAILED DEPLOY_IN_PROGRESS DEPLOY_TIMEOUT } type Environment { isInUse: Boolean! name: String! } input GenerateSecretSharingUrlInput { expiresAt: String! passPhrase: String projectId: String! secretsFieldsIds: [String!]! } type GenerateSecretSharingUrlOutput { url: String! } type GitHubEnvironment { id: String! isUsed: Boolean! name: String! } input GitHubInputZero { integrationConnectId: String! projectId: String! secretsIds: [String!]! } input GitHubInstallInputIntegration { extra: String! vendorProjectName: String! } type GitHubInstallOutput { success: Boolean! } type GitHubProject { environments: [GitHubEnvironment!]! id: String! name: String! } input GitHubProjectsInput { integrationConnectId: String! projectId: String! } type GitHubProjectsOutput { projects: [GitHubProject!]! } input GitHubUpdateSecretsInputIntegration { installationId: String! } input GitHubUpdateSecretsInputZero { secretsIds: [String!]! } type GitHubUpdateSecretsOutput { success: Boolean! } input GitLabInputZero { integrationConnectId: String! projectId: String! secretsIds: [String!]! } input GitLabInstallInputIntegration { extra: String! vendorProjectName: String! } type GitLabInstallOutput { success: Boolean! } type GitLabProject { environments: [GitHubEnvironment!]! id: String! name: String! } input GitLabProjectsInput { integrationConnectId: String! projectId: String! } type GitLabProjectsOutput { projects: [GitLabProject!]! } input GitLabUpdateSecretsInputIntegration { installationId: String! } input GitLabUpdateSecretsInputZero { secretsIds: [String!]! } type GitLabUpdateSecretsOutput { success: Boolean! } type InstallationOutput { id: String! } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "Int". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input Int_comparison_exp { _eq: Int _gt: Int _gte: Int _in: [Int!] _is_null: Boolean _lt: Int _lte: Int _neq: Int _nin: [Int!] } input IntegrationAWSInstallInputZero { integrationConnectId: String operationId: String projectId: String! secretName: String! secretsIds: [String!]! } type IntegrationAWSInstallOutput { installation: IntegrationAWSInstallOutputInstallation! } type IntegrationAWSInstallOutputInstallation { id: String! } input LoginInput { email: String! password: String! } input NetlifyInstallInputIntegration { extra: String! vendorName: String! } input NetlifyInstallInputZero { integrationConnectId: String! isDownloadSecretsEnabled: Boolean! isVendorPriority: Boolean! projectId: String! secretsIds: [String]! } type NetlifyInstallOutput { installation: NetlifyInstallOutputInstallation! } type NetlifyInstallOutputInstallation { id: String! } type NetlifyProject { environments: [Environment!]! id: String! isInUse: Boolean! name: String! } input NetlifyProjectsInput { integrationConnectId: String! projectId: String! } type NetlifyProjectsOutput { projects: [NetlifyProject!]! } input NetlifyUpdateSecretsInputIntegration { buildHookUrl: String installationId: String! } input NetlifyUpdateSecretsInputZero { secretsIds: [String] } type NetlifyUpdateSecretsOutput { errors: [String!] installation: InstallationOutput! success: Boolean! } type Payment { amount: String! card: String createdAt: String! description: String id: ID! paymentMethod: String status: String! url: String } input PaymentListInput { endingBeforePaymentId: ID limit: Int! startingAfterPaymentId: ID stripeCustomerId: String! } type PaymentListOutput { hasMore: Boolean! items: [Payment]! } input RecalculateTeamSeatsSubscriptionInput { paidSeats: Int! } type RecalculateTeamSeatsSubscriptionOutput { success: Boolean } input RegenerateProjectTokenInput { expiresAt: String tokenId: String! } type RegenerateProjectTokenOutput { tokenValue: String } input RegisterInput { email: String! isMarketingEmailsRequested: Boolean password: String! } input RejectTeamInvitationInput { invitationId: String! } type RejectTeamInvitationOutput { success: Boolean! } input RemoveTeamInput { teamId: String! } type RemoveTeamOutput { success: Boolean! } input RemoveUserFromTeamInput { ownerTeamUserId: String! teamId: String! userId: String! } type RemoveUserFromTeamOutput { success: Boolean! } input RequestEmailChangeInput { newEmail: String! } type RequestEmailChangeOutput { success: Boolean! } input RequestResetPasswordInput { email: String! isReset: Boolean } type RequestResetPasswordOutput { success: Boolean } type ResendSignUpEmailOutput { success: Boolean } input SendInviteUserTeamInput { email: String! teamId: String! } type SendInviteUserTeamOutput { success: Boolean! } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "String". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input String_comparison_exp { _eq: String _gt: String _gte: String """ does the column match the given case-insensitive pattern """ _ilike: String _in: [String!] """ does the column match the given POSIX regular expression, case insensitive """ _iregex: String _is_null: Boolean """ does the column match the given pattern """ _like: String _lt: String _lte: String _neq: String """ does the column NOT match the given case-insensitive pattern """ _nilike: String _nin: [String!] """ does the column NOT match the given POSIX regular expression, case insensitive """ _niregex: String """ does the column NOT match the given pattern """ _nlike: String """ does the column NOT match the given POSIX regular expression, case sensitive """ _nregex: String """ does the column NOT match the given SQL regular expression """ _nsimilar: String """ does the column match the given POSIX regular expression, case sensitive """ _regex: String """ does the column match the given SQL regular expression """ _similar: String } type SuccessOutput { success: Boolean! } input TokenObject { tokenExpiresAt: String tokenName: String } input UpdatePaymentMethodInput { stripeCustomerId: String! } type UpdatePaymentMethodOutput { paymentMethod: String } input UpdateProjectSettingsInput { icon: String! projectId: String! projectName: String! teamId: String! } type UpdateProjectSettingsOutput { success: Boolean! } type UpdateSecretOutput { success: Boolean! } input UpdateUserSecretFieldsInput { decryptedValue: String encryptedValue: String name: String! userSecretId: String! } input UpdateUserSecretInput { id: String! name: String! } input VercelInstallInputIntegration { extra: String! vendorName: String! } input VercelInstallInputZero { integrationConnectId: String! isDownloadSecretsEnabled: Boolean! isVendorPriority: Boolean! projectId: String! secretsIds: [String]! } type VercelInstallOutput { installation: VercelInstallOutputInstallation! } type VercelInstallOutputInstallation { id: String! } type VercelProject { environments: [Environment!]! id: String! isInUse: Boolean! name: String! } input VercelProjectsInput { integrationConnectId: String! projectId: String! } type VercelProjectsOutput { projects: [VercelProject!]! } input VercelUpdateSecretsInputIntegration { buildHookUrl: String installationId: String! } input VercelUpdateSecretsInputZero { secretsIds: [String] } type VercelUpdateSecretsOutput { errors: [String!] installation: InstallationOutput! success: Boolean! } input ViewSecretFieldsInput { secretId: String! } type ViewSecretFieldsOutput { secretFields: [DecryptedSecretField!]! } """ ordering argument of a cursor """ enum cursor_ordering { """ ascending ordering of the cursor """ ASC """ descending ordering of the cursor """ DESC } """ columns and relationships of "integrationConnect" """ type integrationConnect { extra( """ JSON select path """ path: String ): jsonb id: uuid! """ An array relationship """ installations( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [integrationInstallation_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [integrationInstallation_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationInstallation_bool_exp ): [integrationInstallation!]! """ An aggregate relationship """ installations_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [integrationInstallation_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [integrationInstallation_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationInstallation_bool_exp ): integrationInstallation_aggregate! userId: uuid! vendorName: integrationVendorNameEnum_enum! } """ aggregated selection of "integrationConnect" """ type integrationConnect_aggregate { aggregate: integrationConnect_aggregate_fields nodes: [integrationConnect!]! } """ aggregate fields of "integrationConnect" """ type integrationConnect_aggregate_fields { count(columns: [integrationConnect_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: integrationConnect_max_fields min: integrationConnect_min_fields } """ append existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value """ input integrationConnect_append_input { extra: jsonb } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "integrationConnect". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input integrationConnect_bool_exp { _and: [integrationConnect_bool_exp!] _not: integrationConnect_bool_exp _or: [integrationConnect_bool_exp!] extra: jsonb_comparison_exp id: uuid_comparison_exp installations: integrationInstallation_bool_exp installations_aggregate: integrationInstallation_aggregate_bool_exp userId: uuid_comparison_exp vendorName: integrationVendorNameEnum_enum_comparison_exp } """ delete the field or element with specified path (for JSON arrays, negative integers count from the end) """ input integrationConnect_delete_at_path_input { extra: [String!] } """ delete the array element with specified index (negative integers count from the end). throws an error if top level container is not an array """ input integrationConnect_delete_elem_input { extra: Int } """ delete key/value pair or string element. key/value pairs are matched based on their key value """ input integrationConnect_delete_key_input { extra: String } """ aggregate max on columns """ type integrationConnect_max_fields { id: uuid userId: uuid } """ aggregate min on columns """ type integrationConnect_min_fields { id: uuid userId: uuid } """ response of any mutation on the table "integrationConnect" """ type integrationConnect_mutation_response { """ number of rows affected by the mutation """ affected_rows: Int! """ data from the rows affected by the mutation """ returning: [integrationConnect!]! } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "integrationConnect". """ input integrationConnect_order_by { extra: order_by id: order_by installations_aggregate: integrationInstallation_aggregate_order_by userId: order_by vendorName: order_by } """ primary key columns input for table: integrationConnect """ input integrationConnect_pk_columns_input { id: uuid! } """ prepend existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value """ input integrationConnect_prepend_input { extra: jsonb } """ select columns of table "integrationConnect" """ enum integrationConnect_select_column { """ column name """ extra """ column name """ id """ column name """ userId """ column name """ vendorName } """ input type for updating data in table "integrationConnect" """ input integrationConnect_set_input { extra: jsonb id: uuid } """ Streaming cursor of the table "integrationConnect" """ input integrationConnect_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: integrationConnect_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input integrationConnect_stream_cursor_value_input { extra: jsonb id: uuid userId: uuid vendorName: integrationVendorNameEnum_enum } input integrationConnect_updates { """ append existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value """ _append: integrationConnect_append_input """ delete the field or element with specified path (for JSON arrays, negative integers count from the end) """ _delete_at_path: integrationConnect_delete_at_path_input """ delete the array element with specified index (negative integers count from the end). throws an error if top level container is not an array """ _delete_elem: integrationConnect_delete_elem_input """ delete key/value pair or string element. key/value pairs are matched based on their key value """ _delete_key: integrationConnect_delete_key_input """ prepend existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value """ _prepend: integrationConnect_prepend_input """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: integrationConnect_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: integrationConnect_bool_exp! } """ Created per each integration installation, should link 3rd party with zero project """ type integrationInstallation { createdAt: timestamptz! extra( """ JSON select path """ path: String ): jsonb id: uuid! """ An object relationship """ integrationConnect: integrationConnect! integrationConnectId: uuid! isSuccessful: Boolean """ An object relationship """ project: project projectId: uuid """ An array relationship """ secrets( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [integrationInstallationUserSecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [integrationInstallationUserSecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationInstallationUserSecret_bool_exp ): [integrationInstallationUserSecret!]! vendorProjectName: String! } """ columns and relationships of "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ type integrationInstallationUserSecret { id: uuid! """ An object relationship """ integrationInstallation: integrationInstallation! integrationInstallationId: uuid! """ An object relationship """ secret: userSecret! userSecretId: uuid! } """ order by aggregate values of table "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ input integrationInstallationUserSecret_aggregate_order_by { count: order_by max: integrationInstallationUserSecret_max_order_by min: integrationInstallationUserSecret_min_order_by } """ input type for inserting array relation for remote table "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ input integrationInstallationUserSecret_arr_rel_insert_input { data: [integrationInstallationUserSecret_insert_input!]! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: integrationInstallationUserSecret_on_conflict } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "integrationInstallationUserSecret". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input integrationInstallationUserSecret_bool_exp { _and: [integrationInstallationUserSecret_bool_exp!] _not: integrationInstallationUserSecret_bool_exp _or: [integrationInstallationUserSecret_bool_exp!] id: uuid_comparison_exp integrationInstallation: integrationInstallation_bool_exp integrationInstallationId: uuid_comparison_exp secret: userSecret_bool_exp userSecretId: uuid_comparison_exp } """ unique or primary key constraints on table "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ enum integrationInstallationUserSecret_constraint { """ unique or primary key constraint on columns "id" """ integrationInstallationUserSecret_pkey } """ input type for inserting data into table "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ input integrationInstallationUserSecret_insert_input { integrationInstallationId: uuid secret: userSecret_obj_rel_insert_input userSecretId: uuid } """ order by max() on columns of table "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ input integrationInstallationUserSecret_max_order_by { id: order_by integrationInstallationId: order_by userSecretId: order_by } """ order by min() on columns of table "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ input integrationInstallationUserSecret_min_order_by { id: order_by integrationInstallationId: order_by userSecretId: order_by } """ response of any mutation on the table "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ type integrationInstallationUserSecret_mutation_response { """ number of rows affected by the mutation """ affected_rows: Int! """ data from the rows affected by the mutation """ returning: [integrationInstallationUserSecret!]! } """ on_conflict condition type for table "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ input integrationInstallationUserSecret_on_conflict { constraint: integrationInstallationUserSecret_constraint! update_columns: [integrationInstallationUserSecret_update_column!]! = [] where: integrationInstallationUserSecret_bool_exp } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "integrationInstallationUserSecret". """ input integrationInstallationUserSecret_order_by { id: order_by integrationInstallation: integrationInstallation_order_by integrationInstallationId: order_by secret: userSecret_order_by userSecretId: order_by } """ select columns of table "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ enum integrationInstallationUserSecret_select_column { """ column name """ id """ column name """ integrationInstallationId """ column name """ userSecretId } """ Streaming cursor of the table "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ input integrationInstallationUserSecret_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: integrationInstallationUserSecret_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input integrationInstallationUserSecret_stream_cursor_value_input { id: uuid integrationInstallationId: uuid userSecretId: uuid } """ placeholder for update columns of table "integrationInstallationUserSecret" (current role has no relevant permissions) """ enum integrationInstallationUserSecret_update_column { """ placeholder (do not use) """ _PLACEHOLDER } """ aggregated selection of "integrationInstallation" """ type integrationInstallation_aggregate { aggregate: integrationInstallation_aggregate_fields nodes: [integrationInstallation!]! } input integrationInstallation_aggregate_bool_exp { bool_and: integrationInstallation_aggregate_bool_exp_bool_and bool_or: integrationInstallation_aggregate_bool_exp_bool_or count: integrationInstallation_aggregate_bool_exp_count } input integrationInstallation_aggregate_bool_exp_bool_and { arguments: integrationInstallation_select_column_integrationInstallation_aggregate_bool_exp_bool_and_arguments_columns! distinct: Boolean filter: integrationInstallation_bool_exp predicate: Boolean_comparison_exp! } input integrationInstallation_aggregate_bool_exp_bool_or { arguments: integrationInstallation_select_column_integrationInstallation_aggregate_bool_exp_bool_or_arguments_columns! distinct: Boolean filter: integrationInstallation_bool_exp predicate: Boolean_comparison_exp! } input integrationInstallation_aggregate_bool_exp_count { arguments: [integrationInstallation_select_column!] distinct: Boolean filter: integrationInstallation_bool_exp predicate: Int_comparison_exp! } """ aggregate fields of "integrationInstallation" """ type integrationInstallation_aggregate_fields { count( columns: [integrationInstallation_select_column!] distinct: Boolean ): Int! max: integrationInstallation_max_fields min: integrationInstallation_min_fields } """ order by aggregate values of table "integrationInstallation" """ input integrationInstallation_aggregate_order_by { count: order_by max: integrationInstallation_max_order_by min: integrationInstallation_min_order_by } """ append existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value """ input integrationInstallation_append_input { extra: jsonb } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "integrationInstallation". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input integrationInstallation_bool_exp { _and: [integrationInstallation_bool_exp!] _not: integrationInstallation_bool_exp _or: [integrationInstallation_bool_exp!] createdAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp extra: jsonb_comparison_exp id: uuid_comparison_exp integrationConnect: integrationConnect_bool_exp integrationConnectId: uuid_comparison_exp isSuccessful: Boolean_comparison_exp project: project_bool_exp projectId: uuid_comparison_exp secrets: integrationInstallationUserSecret_bool_exp vendorProjectName: String_comparison_exp } """ delete the field or element with specified path (for JSON arrays, negative integers count from the end) """ input integrationInstallation_delete_at_path_input { extra: [String!] } """ delete the array element with specified index (negative integers count from the end). throws an error if top level container is not an array """ input integrationInstallation_delete_elem_input { extra: Int } """ delete key/value pair or string element. key/value pairs are matched based on their key value """ input integrationInstallation_delete_key_input { extra: String } """ aggregate max on columns """ type integrationInstallation_max_fields { createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid integrationConnectId: uuid projectId: uuid vendorProjectName: String } """ order by max() on columns of table "integrationInstallation" """ input integrationInstallation_max_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by integrationConnectId: order_by projectId: order_by vendorProjectName: order_by } """ aggregate min on columns """ type integrationInstallation_min_fields { createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid integrationConnectId: uuid projectId: uuid vendorProjectName: String } """ order by min() on columns of table "integrationInstallation" """ input integrationInstallation_min_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by integrationConnectId: order_by projectId: order_by vendorProjectName: order_by } """ response of any mutation on the table "integrationInstallation" """ type integrationInstallation_mutation_response { """ number of rows affected by the mutation """ affected_rows: Int! """ data from the rows affected by the mutation """ returning: [integrationInstallation!]! } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "integrationInstallation". """ input integrationInstallation_order_by { createdAt: order_by extra: order_by id: order_by integrationConnect: integrationConnect_order_by integrationConnectId: order_by isSuccessful: order_by project: project_order_by projectId: order_by secrets_aggregate: integrationInstallationUserSecret_aggregate_order_by vendorProjectName: order_by } """ primary key columns input for table: integrationInstallation """ input integrationInstallation_pk_columns_input { id: uuid! } """ prepend existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value """ input integrationInstallation_prepend_input { extra: jsonb } """ select columns of table "integrationInstallation" """ enum integrationInstallation_select_column { """ column name """ createdAt """ column name """ extra """ column name """ id """ column name """ integrationConnectId """ column name """ isSuccessful """ column name """ projectId """ column name """ vendorProjectName } """ select "integrationInstallation_aggregate_bool_exp_bool_and_arguments_columns" columns of table "integrationInstallation" """ enum integrationInstallation_select_column_integrationInstallation_aggregate_bool_exp_bool_and_arguments_columns { """ column name """ isSuccessful } """ select "integrationInstallation_aggregate_bool_exp_bool_or_arguments_columns" columns of table "integrationInstallation" """ enum integrationInstallation_select_column_integrationInstallation_aggregate_bool_exp_bool_or_arguments_columns { """ column name """ isSuccessful } """ input type for updating data in table "integrationInstallation" """ input integrationInstallation_set_input { extra: jsonb } """ Streaming cursor of the table "integrationInstallation" """ input integrationInstallation_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: integrationInstallation_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input integrationInstallation_stream_cursor_value_input { createdAt: timestamptz extra: jsonb id: uuid integrationConnectId: uuid isSuccessful: Boolean projectId: uuid vendorProjectName: String } input integrationInstallation_updates { """ append existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value """ _append: integrationInstallation_append_input """ delete the field or element with specified path (for JSON arrays, negative integers count from the end) """ _delete_at_path: integrationInstallation_delete_at_path_input """ delete the array element with specified index (negative integers count from the end). throws an error if top level container is not an array """ _delete_elem: integrationInstallation_delete_elem_input """ delete key/value pair or string element. key/value pairs are matched based on their key value """ _delete_key: integrationInstallation_delete_key_input """ prepend existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value """ _prepend: integrationInstallation_prepend_input """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: integrationInstallation_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: integrationInstallation_bool_exp! } enum integrationVendorNameEnum_enum { aws bitbucket cloudflare gitHub gitLab netlify vercel } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "integrationVendorNameEnum_enum". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input integrationVendorNameEnum_enum_comparison_exp { _eq: integrationVendorNameEnum_enum _in: [integrationVendorNameEnum_enum!] _is_null: Boolean _neq: integrationVendorNameEnum_enum _nin: [integrationVendorNameEnum_enum!] } scalar jsonb input jsonb_cast_exp { String: String_comparison_exp } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "jsonb". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input jsonb_comparison_exp { _cast: jsonb_cast_exp """ is the column contained in the given json value """ _contained_in: jsonb """ does the column contain the given json value at the top level """ _contains: jsonb _eq: jsonb _gt: jsonb _gte: jsonb """ does the string exist as a top-level key in the column """ _has_key: String """ do all of these strings exist as top-level keys in the column """ _has_keys_all: [String!] """ do any of these strings exist as top-level keys in the column """ _has_keys_any: [String!] _in: [jsonb!] _is_null: Boolean _lt: jsonb _lte: jsonb _neq: jsonb _nin: [jsonb!] } enum listIdEnum_enum { integrations projects secrets teams users } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "listIdEnum_enum". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input listIdEnum_enum_comparison_exp { _eq: listIdEnum_enum _in: [listIdEnum_enum!] _is_null: Boolean _neq: listIdEnum_enum _nin: [listIdEnum_enum!] } """ mutation root """ type mutation_root { acceptTeamInvite(object: AcceptTeamInviteInput!): AcceptTeamInviteOutput! awsUpdateSecrets( integrationInstallation: AWSUpdateSecretsInputIntegration! zero: AWSUpdateSecretsInputZero! ): AWSUpdateSecretsOutput! bitbucketInstall( downloadSecrets: BitbucketDownloadSecretsInput! integrationInstallation: BitbucketInstallInputIntegration! zero: BitbucketInputZero! ): BitbucketInstallOutput! bitbucketUpdateSecrets( integrationInstallation: BitbucketUpdateSecretsInputIntegration! zero: BitbucketUpdateSecretsInputZero! ): BitbucketUpdateSecretsOutput! cancelSubscription( object: CancelSubscriptionInput! ): CancelSubscriptionOutput! changePassword(object: ChangePasswordInput!): ChangePasswordOutput! changeSubscription( object: ChangeSubscriptionInput! ): ChangeSubscriptionOutput! cliAccessTokens(object: CliAccessTokensInput!): CliAccessTokensOutput! cloudflareAuth(auth: CloudflareAuthInput!): CloudflareAuthOutput! cloudflareInstall( downloadSecrets: CloudflareDownloadSecretsInput! integrationInstallation: CloudflareInstallInputIntegration! zero: CloudflareInputZero! ): CloudflareInstallOutput! cloudflareUpdateSecrets( integrationInstallation: CloudflareUpdateSecretsInputIntegration! zero: CloudflareUpdateSecretsInputZero! ): CloudflareUpdateSecretsOutput! confirmEmailChange( object: ConfirmEmailChangeInput! ): ConfirmEmailChangeOutput! createProject(object: CreateProjectInput!): CreateProjectOutput! createProjectToken( object: CreateProjectTokenInput! ): CreateProjectTokenOutput! createSecret( fields: [CreateSecretFieldInput!]! secret: CreateSecretInput! userId: String! ): CreateSecretOutput! createTeam(object: CreateTeamInput!): CreateTeamOutput! decodeSharingSecrets( object: DecodeSharingSecretsInput! ): DecodeSharingSecretsOutput! deleteIntegration( integrationInstallation: DeleteIntegrationInput! ): DeleteIntegrationOutput! deleteProject(input: DeleteProjectInput!): DeleteProjectOutput! """ delete data from the table: "integrationConnect" """ delete_integrationConnect( """ filter the rows which have to be deleted """ where: integrationConnect_bool_exp! ): integrationConnect_mutation_response """ delete single row from the table: "integrationConnect" """ delete_integrationConnect_by_pk(id: uuid!): integrationConnect """ delete data from the table: "integrationInstallation" """ delete_integrationInstallation( """ filter the rows which have to be deleted """ where: integrationInstallation_bool_exp! ): integrationInstallation_mutation_response """ delete data from the table: "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ delete_integrationInstallationUserSecret( """ filter the rows which have to be deleted """ where: integrationInstallationUserSecret_bool_exp! ): integrationInstallationUserSecret_mutation_response """ delete single row from the table: "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ delete_integrationInstallationUserSecret_by_pk( id: uuid! ): integrationInstallationUserSecret """ delete single row from the table: "integrationInstallation" """ delete_integrationInstallation_by_pk(id: uuid!): integrationInstallation """ delete data from the table: "team" """ delete_team( """ filter the rows which have to be deleted """ where: team_bool_exp! ): team_mutation_response """ delete data from the table: "teamInvitation" """ delete_teamInvitation( """ filter the rows which have to be deleted """ where: teamInvitation_bool_exp! ): teamInvitation_mutation_response """ delete single row from the table: "teamInvitation" """ delete_teamInvitation_by_pk(id: uuid!): teamInvitation """ delete single row from the table: "team" """ delete_team_by_pk(id: uuid!): team """ delete data from the table: "token" """ delete_token( """ filter the rows which have to be deleted """ where: token_bool_exp! ): token_mutation_response """ delete single row from the table: "token" """ delete_token_by_pk(id: uuid!): token """ delete data from the table: "userSecret" """ delete_userSecret( """ filter the rows which have to be deleted """ where: userSecret_bool_exp! ): userSecret_mutation_response """ delete data from the table: "userSecretField" """ delete_userSecretField( """ filter the rows which have to be deleted """ where: userSecretField_bool_exp! ): userSecretField_mutation_response """ delete single row from the table: "userSecretField" """ delete_userSecretField_by_pk(id: uuid!): userSecretField """ delete single row from the table: "userSecret" """ delete_userSecret_by_pk(id: uuid!): userSecret generateSecretSharingUrl( object: GenerateSecretSharingUrlInput! ): GenerateSecretSharingUrlOutput! githubInstall( integrationInstallation: GitHubInstallInputIntegration! zero: GitHubInputZero! ): GitHubInstallOutput! githubUpdateSecrets( integrationInstallation: GitHubUpdateSecretsInputIntegration! zero: GitHubUpdateSecretsInputZero! ): GitHubUpdateSecretsOutput! gitlabInstall( integrationInstallation: GitLabInstallInputIntegration! zero: GitLabInputZero! ): GitLabInstallOutput! gitlabUpdateSecrets( integrationInstallation: GitLabUpdateSecretsInputIntegration! zero: GitLabUpdateSecretsInputZero! ): GitLabUpdateSecretsOutput! """ insert data into the table: "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ insert_integrationInstallationUserSecret( """ the rows to be inserted """ objects: [integrationInstallationUserSecret_insert_input!]! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: integrationInstallationUserSecret_on_conflict ): integrationInstallationUserSecret_mutation_response """ insert a single row into the table: "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ insert_integrationInstallationUserSecret_one( """ the row to be inserted """ object: integrationInstallationUserSecret_insert_input! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: integrationInstallationUserSecret_on_conflict ): integrationInstallationUserSecret """ insert data into the table: "notification" """ insert_notification( """ the rows to be inserted """ objects: [notification_insert_input!]! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: notification_on_conflict ): notification_mutation_response """ insert data into the table: "notificationUser" """ insert_notificationUser( """ the rows to be inserted """ objects: [notificationUser_insert_input!]! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: notificationUser_on_conflict ): notificationUser_mutation_response """ insert a single row into the table: "notificationUser" """ insert_notificationUser_one( """ the row to be inserted """ object: notificationUser_insert_input! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: notificationUser_on_conflict ): notificationUser """ insert a single row into the table: "notification" """ insert_notification_one( """ the row to be inserted """ object: notification_insert_input! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: notification_on_conflict ): notification """ insert data into the table: "teamInvitation" """ insert_teamInvitation( """ the rows to be inserted """ objects: [teamInvitation_insert_input!]! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: teamInvitation_on_conflict ): teamInvitation_mutation_response """ insert a single row into the table: "teamInvitation" """ insert_teamInvitation_one( """ the row to be inserted """ object: teamInvitation_insert_input! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: teamInvitation_on_conflict ): teamInvitation """ insert data into the table: "teamUser" """ insert_teamUser( """ the rows to be inserted """ objects: [teamUser_insert_input!]! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: teamUser_on_conflict ): teamUser_mutation_response """ insert a single row into the table: "teamUser" """ insert_teamUser_one( """ the row to be inserted """ object: teamUser_insert_input! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: teamUser_on_conflict ): teamUser """ insert data into the table: "userSecret" """ insert_userSecret( """ the rows to be inserted """ objects: [userSecret_insert_input!]! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: userSecret_on_conflict ): userSecret_mutation_response """ insert data into the table: "userSecretField" """ insert_userSecretField( """ the rows to be inserted """ objects: [userSecretField_insert_input!]! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: userSecretField_on_conflict ): userSecretField_mutation_response """ insert a single row into the table: "userSecretField" """ insert_userSecretField_one( """ the row to be inserted """ object: userSecretField_insert_input! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: userSecretField_on_conflict ): userSecretField """ insert a single row into the table: "userSecret" """ insert_userSecret_one( """ the row to be inserted """ object: userSecret_insert_input! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: userSecret_on_conflict ): userSecret """ insert data into the table: "viewPreferences" """ insert_viewPreferences( """ the rows to be inserted """ objects: [viewPreferences_insert_input!]! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: viewPreferences_on_conflict ): viewPreferences_mutation_response """ insert a single row into the table: "viewPreferences" """ insert_viewPreferences_one( """ the row to be inserted """ object: viewPreferences_insert_input! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: viewPreferences_on_conflict ): viewPreferences integrationAWSInstall( zero: IntegrationAWSInstallInputZero! ): IntegrationAWSInstallOutput! """ Login api action """ login(object: LoginInput!): SuccessOutput! """ Logout action from the webapp """ logout: SuccessOutput! netlifyInstall( integrationInstallation: NetlifyInstallInputIntegration! zero: NetlifyInstallInputZero! ): NetlifyInstallOutput! netlifyUpdateSecrets( integrationInstallation: NetlifyUpdateSecretsInputIntegration! zero: NetlifyUpdateSecretsInputZero! ): NetlifyUpdateSecretsOutput! recalculateTeamSeatsSubscription( object: RecalculateTeamSeatsSubscriptionInput! ): RecalculateTeamSeatsSubscriptionOutput! regenerateProjectToken( object: RegenerateProjectTokenInput! ): RegenerateProjectTokenOutput! """ Register api action """ register(object: RegisterInput!): SuccessOutput! rejectTeamInvitation( object: RejectTeamInvitationInput! ): RejectTeamInvitationOutput! removeTeam(object: RemoveTeamInput!): RemoveTeamOutput! removeUserFromTeam( object: RemoveUserFromTeamInput! ): RemoveUserFromTeamOutput! requestEmailChange( object: RequestEmailChangeInput! ): RequestEmailChangeOutput! requestResetPassword( object: RequestResetPasswordInput! ): RequestResetPasswordOutput! resendSignUpEmail: ResendSignUpEmailOutput! sendInviteUserTeam( object: SendInviteUserTeamInput! ): SendInviteUserTeamOutput! updatePaymentMethod( object: UpdatePaymentMethodInput! ): UpdatePaymentMethodOutput! updateProjectSettings( object: UpdateProjectSettingsInput! ): UpdateProjectSettingsOutput! updateSecret( userSecret: UpdateUserSecretInput! userSecretFields: [UpdateUserSecretFieldsInput!]! ): UpdateSecretOutput! """ update data of the table: "integrationConnect" """ update_integrationConnect( """ append existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value """ _append: integrationConnect_append_input """ delete the field or element with specified path (for JSON arrays, negative integers count from the end) """ _delete_at_path: integrationConnect_delete_at_path_input """ delete the array element with specified index (negative integers count from the end). throws an error if top level container is not an array """ _delete_elem: integrationConnect_delete_elem_input """ delete key/value pair or string element. key/value pairs are matched based on their key value """ _delete_key: integrationConnect_delete_key_input """ prepend existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value """ _prepend: integrationConnect_prepend_input """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: integrationConnect_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: integrationConnect_bool_exp! ): integrationConnect_mutation_response """ update single row of the table: "integrationConnect" """ update_integrationConnect_by_pk( """ append existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value """ _append: integrationConnect_append_input """ delete the field or element with specified path (for JSON arrays, negative integers count from the end) """ _delete_at_path: integrationConnect_delete_at_path_input """ delete the array element with specified index (negative integers count from the end). throws an error if top level container is not an array """ _delete_elem: integrationConnect_delete_elem_input """ delete key/value pair or string element. key/value pairs are matched based on their key value """ _delete_key: integrationConnect_delete_key_input """ prepend existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value """ _prepend: integrationConnect_prepend_input """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: integrationConnect_set_input pk_columns: integrationConnect_pk_columns_input! ): integrationConnect """ update multiples rows of table: "integrationConnect" """ update_integrationConnect_many( """ updates to execute, in order """ updates: [integrationConnect_updates!]! ): [integrationConnect_mutation_response] """ update data of the table: "integrationInstallation" """ update_integrationInstallation( """ append existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value """ _append: integrationInstallation_append_input """ delete the field or element with specified path (for JSON arrays, negative integers count from the end) """ _delete_at_path: integrationInstallation_delete_at_path_input """ delete the array element with specified index (negative integers count from the end). throws an error if top level container is not an array """ _delete_elem: integrationInstallation_delete_elem_input """ delete key/value pair or string element. key/value pairs are matched based on their key value """ _delete_key: integrationInstallation_delete_key_input """ prepend existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value """ _prepend: integrationInstallation_prepend_input """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: integrationInstallation_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: integrationInstallation_bool_exp! ): integrationInstallation_mutation_response """ update single row of the table: "integrationInstallation" """ update_integrationInstallation_by_pk( """ append existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value """ _append: integrationInstallation_append_input """ delete the field or element with specified path (for JSON arrays, negative integers count from the end) """ _delete_at_path: integrationInstallation_delete_at_path_input """ delete the array element with specified index (negative integers count from the end). throws an error if top level container is not an array """ _delete_elem: integrationInstallation_delete_elem_input """ delete key/value pair or string element. key/value pairs are matched based on their key value """ _delete_key: integrationInstallation_delete_key_input """ prepend existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value """ _prepend: integrationInstallation_prepend_input """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: integrationInstallation_set_input pk_columns: integrationInstallation_pk_columns_input! ): integrationInstallation """ update multiples rows of table: "integrationInstallation" """ update_integrationInstallation_many( """ updates to execute, in order """ updates: [integrationInstallation_updates!]! ): [integrationInstallation_mutation_response] """ update data of the table: "notification" """ update_notification( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: notification_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: notification_bool_exp! ): notification_mutation_response """ update single row of the table: "notification" """ update_notification_by_pk( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: notification_set_input pk_columns: notification_pk_columns_input! ): notification """ update multiples rows of table: "notification" """ update_notification_many( """ updates to execute, in order """ updates: [notification_updates!]! ): [notification_mutation_response] """ update data of the table: "project" """ update_project( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: project_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: project_bool_exp! ): project_mutation_response """ update single row of the table: "project" """ update_project_by_pk( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: project_set_input pk_columns: project_pk_columns_input! ): project """ update multiples rows of table: "project" """ update_project_many( """ updates to execute, in order """ updates: [project_updates!]! ): [project_mutation_response] """ update data of the table: "team" """ update_team( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: team_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: team_bool_exp! ): team_mutation_response """ update data of the table: "teamUser" """ update_teamUser( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: teamUser_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: teamUser_bool_exp! ): teamUser_mutation_response """ update single row of the table: "teamUser" """ update_teamUser_by_pk( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: teamUser_set_input pk_columns: teamUser_pk_columns_input! ): teamUser """ update multiples rows of table: "teamUser" """ update_teamUser_many( """ updates to execute, in order """ updates: [teamUser_updates!]! ): [teamUser_mutation_response] """ update single row of the table: "team" """ update_team_by_pk( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: team_set_input pk_columns: team_pk_columns_input! ): team """ update multiples rows of table: "team" """ update_team_many( """ updates to execute, in order """ updates: [team_updates!]! ): [team_mutation_response] """ update data of the table: "token" """ update_token( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: token_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: token_bool_exp! ): token_mutation_response """ update single row of the table: "token" """ update_token_by_pk( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: token_set_input pk_columns: token_pk_columns_input! ): token """ update multiples rows of table: "token" """ update_token_many( """ updates to execute, in order """ updates: [token_updates!]! ): [token_mutation_response] """ update data of the table: "user" """ update_user( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: user_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: user_bool_exp! ): user_mutation_response """ update data of the table: "userSecret" """ update_userSecret( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: userSecret_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: userSecret_bool_exp! ): userSecret_mutation_response """ update data of the table: "userSecretField" """ update_userSecretField( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: userSecretField_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: userSecretField_bool_exp! ): userSecretField_mutation_response """ update single row of the table: "userSecretField" """ update_userSecretField_by_pk( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: userSecretField_set_input pk_columns: userSecretField_pk_columns_input! ): userSecretField """ update multiples rows of table: "userSecretField" """ update_userSecretField_many( """ updates to execute, in order """ updates: [userSecretField_updates!]! ): [userSecretField_mutation_response] """ update single row of the table: "userSecret" """ update_userSecret_by_pk( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: userSecret_set_input pk_columns: userSecret_pk_columns_input! ): userSecret """ update multiples rows of table: "userSecret" """ update_userSecret_many( """ updates to execute, in order """ updates: [userSecret_updates!]! ): [userSecret_mutation_response] """ update data of the table: "userSubscription" """ update_userSubscription( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: userSubscription_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: userSubscription_bool_exp! ): userSubscription_mutation_response """ update single row of the table: "userSubscription" """ update_userSubscription_by_pk( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: userSubscription_set_input pk_columns: userSubscription_pk_columns_input! ): userSubscription """ update multiples rows of table: "userSubscription" """ update_userSubscription_many( """ updates to execute, in order """ updates: [userSubscription_updates!]! ): [userSubscription_mutation_response] """ update single row of the table: "user" """ update_user_by_pk( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: user_set_input pk_columns: user_pk_columns_input! ): user """ update multiples rows of table: "user" """ update_user_many( """ updates to execute, in order """ updates: [user_updates!]! ): [user_mutation_response] """ update data of the table: "viewPreferences" """ update_viewPreferences( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: viewPreferences_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: viewPreferences_bool_exp! ): viewPreferences_mutation_response """ update single row of the table: "viewPreferences" """ update_viewPreferences_by_pk( """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: viewPreferences_set_input pk_columns: viewPreferences_pk_columns_input! ): viewPreferences """ update multiples rows of table: "viewPreferences" """ update_viewPreferences_many( """ updates to execute, in order """ updates: [viewPreferences_updates!]! ): [viewPreferences_mutation_response] vercelInstall( integrationInstallation: VercelInstallInputIntegration! zero: VercelInstallInputZero! ): VercelInstallOutput! vercelUpdateSecrets( integrationInstallation: VercelUpdateSecretsInputIntegration! zero: VercelUpdateSecretsInputZero! ): VercelUpdateSecretsOutput! } """ columns and relationships of "notification" """ type notification { createdAt: timestamp! id: uuid! isViewed: Boolean! message: String! updatedAt: timestamp! """ An object relationship """ user: user! userId: uuid! """ An array relationship """ users( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [notificationUser_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [notificationUser_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: notificationUser_bool_exp ): [notificationUser!]! } """ columns and relationships of "notificationUser" """ type notificationUser { createdAt: timestamptz! id: uuid! """ An object relationship """ notification: notification! notificationId: uuid! updatedAt: timestamptz! """ An object relationship """ user: user! userId: uuid! } """ order by aggregate values of table "notificationUser" """ input notificationUser_aggregate_order_by { count: order_by max: notificationUser_max_order_by min: notificationUser_min_order_by } """ input type for inserting array relation for remote table "notificationUser" """ input notificationUser_arr_rel_insert_input { data: [notificationUser_insert_input!]! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: notificationUser_on_conflict } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "notificationUser". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input notificationUser_bool_exp { _and: [notificationUser_bool_exp!] _not: notificationUser_bool_exp _or: [notificationUser_bool_exp!] createdAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp id: uuid_comparison_exp notification: notification_bool_exp notificationId: uuid_comparison_exp updatedAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp user: user_bool_exp userId: uuid_comparison_exp } """ unique or primary key constraints on table "notificationUser" """ enum notificationUser_constraint { """ unique or primary key constraint on columns "id" """ notificationUser_pkey } """ input type for inserting data into table "notificationUser" """ input notificationUser_insert_input { notification: notification_obj_rel_insert_input notificationId: uuid userId: uuid } """ order by max() on columns of table "notificationUser" """ input notificationUser_max_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by notificationId: order_by updatedAt: order_by userId: order_by } """ order by min() on columns of table "notificationUser" """ input notificationUser_min_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by notificationId: order_by updatedAt: order_by userId: order_by } """ response of any mutation on the table "notificationUser" """ type notificationUser_mutation_response { """ number of rows affected by the mutation """ affected_rows: Int! """ data from the rows affected by the mutation """ returning: [notificationUser!]! } """ on_conflict condition type for table "notificationUser" """ input notificationUser_on_conflict { constraint: notificationUser_constraint! update_columns: [notificationUser_update_column!]! = [] where: notificationUser_bool_exp } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "notificationUser". """ input notificationUser_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by notification: notification_order_by notificationId: order_by updatedAt: order_by user: user_order_by userId: order_by } """ select columns of table "notificationUser" """ enum notificationUser_select_column { """ column name """ createdAt """ column name """ id """ column name """ notificationId """ column name """ updatedAt """ column name """ userId } """ Streaming cursor of the table "notificationUser" """ input notificationUser_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: notificationUser_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input notificationUser_stream_cursor_value_input { createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid notificationId: uuid updatedAt: timestamptz userId: uuid } """ placeholder for update columns of table "notificationUser" (current role has no relevant permissions) """ enum notificationUser_update_column { """ placeholder (do not use) """ _PLACEHOLDER } """ order by aggregate values of table "notification" """ input notification_aggregate_order_by { count: order_by max: notification_max_order_by min: notification_min_order_by } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "notification". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input notification_bool_exp { _and: [notification_bool_exp!] _not: notification_bool_exp _or: [notification_bool_exp!] createdAt: timestamp_comparison_exp id: uuid_comparison_exp isViewed: Boolean_comparison_exp message: String_comparison_exp updatedAt: timestamp_comparison_exp user: user_bool_exp userId: uuid_comparison_exp users: notificationUser_bool_exp } """ unique or primary key constraints on table "notification" """ enum notification_constraint { """ unique or primary key constraint on columns "id" """ notification_pkey } """ input type for inserting data into table "notification" """ input notification_insert_input { message: String userId: uuid users: notificationUser_arr_rel_insert_input } """ order by max() on columns of table "notification" """ input notification_max_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by message: order_by updatedAt: order_by userId: order_by } """ order by min() on columns of table "notification" """ input notification_min_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by message: order_by updatedAt: order_by userId: order_by } """ response of any mutation on the table "notification" """ type notification_mutation_response { """ number of rows affected by the mutation """ affected_rows: Int! """ data from the rows affected by the mutation """ returning: [notification!]! } """ input type for inserting object relation for remote table "notification" """ input notification_obj_rel_insert_input { data: notification_insert_input! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: notification_on_conflict } """ on_conflict condition type for table "notification" """ input notification_on_conflict { constraint: notification_constraint! update_columns: [notification_update_column!]! = [] where: notification_bool_exp } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "notification". """ input notification_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by isViewed: order_by message: order_by updatedAt: order_by user: user_order_by userId: order_by users_aggregate: notificationUser_aggregate_order_by } """ primary key columns input for table: notification """ input notification_pk_columns_input { id: uuid! } """ select columns of table "notification" """ enum notification_select_column { """ column name """ createdAt """ column name """ id """ column name """ isViewed """ column name """ message """ column name """ updatedAt """ column name """ userId } """ input type for updating data in table "notification" """ input notification_set_input { isViewed: Boolean } """ Streaming cursor of the table "notification" """ input notification_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: notification_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input notification_stream_cursor_value_input { createdAt: timestamp id: uuid isViewed: Boolean message: String updatedAt: timestamp userId: uuid } """ update columns of table "notification" """ enum notification_update_column { """ column name """ isViewed } input notification_updates { """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: notification_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: notification_bool_exp! } """ column ordering options """ enum order_by { """ in ascending order, nulls last """ asc """ in ascending order, nulls first """ asc_nulls_first """ in ascending order, nulls last """ asc_nulls_last """ in descending order, nulls first """ desc """ in descending order, nulls first """ desc_nulls_first """ in descending order, nulls last """ desc_nulls_last } """ Table of user projects created in Zero. """ type project { createdAt: timestamptz! description: String icon: String! id: uuid! """ An array relationship """ integrationInstallations( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [integrationInstallation_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [integrationInstallation_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationInstallation_bool_exp ): [integrationInstallation!]! """ An aggregate relationship """ integrationInstallations_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [integrationInstallation_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [integrationInstallation_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationInstallation_bool_exp ): integrationInstallation_aggregate! lastUpdatedAt: timestamptz """ A computed field, executes function "computeProjectLastUsedAt" """ lastUsedAt: timestamptz name: String! slug: String! """ An object relationship """ team: team teamId: uuid """ An array relationship """ tokens( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [token_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [token_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: token_bool_exp ): [token!]! updatedAt: timestamptz! """ An array relationship """ usageHistories( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistory_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistory_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistory_bool_exp ): [usageHistory!]! """ An aggregate relationship """ usageHistories_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistory_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistory_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistory_bool_exp ): usageHistory_aggregate! """ An array relationship """ userSecrets( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [userSecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [userSecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSecret_bool_exp ): [userSecret!]! """ An aggregate relationship """ userSecrets_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [userSecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [userSecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSecret_bool_exp ): userSecret_aggregate! } """ order by aggregate values of table "project" """ input project_aggregate_order_by { count: order_by max: project_max_order_by min: project_min_order_by } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "project". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input project_bool_exp { _and: [project_bool_exp!] _not: project_bool_exp _or: [project_bool_exp!] createdAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp description: String_comparison_exp icon: String_comparison_exp id: uuid_comparison_exp integrationInstallations: integrationInstallation_bool_exp integrationInstallations_aggregate: integrationInstallation_aggregate_bool_exp lastUpdatedAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp lastUsedAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp name: String_comparison_exp slug: String_comparison_exp team: team_bool_exp teamId: uuid_comparison_exp tokens: token_bool_exp updatedAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp usageHistories: usageHistory_bool_exp usageHistories_aggregate: usageHistory_aggregate_bool_exp userSecrets: userSecret_bool_exp userSecrets_aggregate: userSecret_aggregate_bool_exp } """ order by max() on columns of table "project" """ input project_max_order_by { createdAt: order_by description: order_by icon: order_by id: order_by lastUpdatedAt: order_by name: order_by slug: order_by teamId: order_by updatedAt: order_by } """ order by min() on columns of table "project" """ input project_min_order_by { createdAt: order_by description: order_by icon: order_by id: order_by lastUpdatedAt: order_by name: order_by slug: order_by teamId: order_by updatedAt: order_by } """ response of any mutation on the table "project" """ type project_mutation_response { """ number of rows affected by the mutation """ affected_rows: Int! """ data from the rows affected by the mutation """ returning: [project!]! } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "project". """ input project_order_by { createdAt: order_by description: order_by icon: order_by id: order_by integrationInstallations_aggregate: integrationInstallation_aggregate_order_by lastUpdatedAt: order_by lastUsedAt: order_by name: order_by slug: order_by team: team_order_by teamId: order_by tokens_aggregate: token_aggregate_order_by updatedAt: order_by usageHistories_aggregate: usageHistory_aggregate_order_by userSecrets_aggregate: userSecret_aggregate_order_by } """ primary key columns input for table: project """ input project_pk_columns_input { id: uuid! } """ select columns of table "project" """ enum project_select_column { """ column name """ createdAt """ column name """ description """ column name """ icon """ column name """ id """ column name """ lastUpdatedAt """ column name """ name """ column name """ slug """ column name """ teamId """ column name """ updatedAt } """ input type for updating data in table "project" """ input project_set_input { description: String icon: String name: String } """ Streaming cursor of the table "project" """ input project_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: project_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input project_stream_cursor_value_input { createdAt: timestamptz description: String icon: String id: uuid lastUpdatedAt: timestamptz name: String slug: String teamId: uuid updatedAt: timestamptz } input project_updates { """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: project_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: project_bool_exp! } type query_root { bitbucketWorkspaceProjects( where: BitbucketWorkspaceProjectsInput! ): BitbucketWorkspaceProjectsOutput! checkIntegrationDeploy( integrationConnect: CheckIntegrationDeployInput! ): CheckIntegrationDeployOutput! checkPaymentMethod(where: CheckPaymentMethodInput!): CheckPaymentMethodOutput! checkUserEmailExist( object: CheckUserEmailExistInput! ): CheckUserEmailExistOutput! cloudflareProjects(where: CloudflareProjectsInput!): CloudflareProjectsOutput! currentPlan(where: CurrentPlanInput!): CurrentPlanOutput! githubProjects(where: GitHubProjectsInput!): GitHubProjectsOutput! gitlabProjects(where: GitLabProjectsInput!): GitLabProjectsOutput! """ fetch data from the table: "integrationConnect" """ integrationConnect( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [integrationConnect_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [integrationConnect_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationConnect_bool_exp ): [integrationConnect!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "integrationConnect" """ integrationConnect_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [integrationConnect_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [integrationConnect_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationConnect_bool_exp ): integrationConnect_aggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "integrationConnect" using primary key columns """ integrationConnect_by_pk(id: uuid!): integrationConnect """ fetch data from the table: "integrationInstallation" """ integrationInstallation( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [integrationInstallation_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [integrationInstallation_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationInstallation_bool_exp ): [integrationInstallation!]! """ fetch data from the table: "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ integrationInstallationUserSecret( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [integrationInstallationUserSecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [integrationInstallationUserSecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationInstallationUserSecret_bool_exp ): [integrationInstallationUserSecret!]! """ fetch data from the table: "integrationInstallationUserSecret" using primary key columns """ integrationInstallationUserSecret_by_pk( id: uuid! ): integrationInstallationUserSecret """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "integrationInstallation" """ integrationInstallation_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [integrationInstallation_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [integrationInstallation_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationInstallation_bool_exp ): integrationInstallation_aggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "integrationInstallation" using primary key columns """ integrationInstallation_by_pk(id: uuid!): integrationInstallation netlifyProjects(where: NetlifyProjectsInput!): NetlifyProjectsOutput! """ fetch data from the table: "notification" """ notification( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [notification_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [notification_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: notification_bool_exp ): [notification!]! """ fetch data from the table: "notificationUser" """ notificationUser( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [notificationUser_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [notificationUser_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: notificationUser_bool_exp ): [notificationUser!]! """ fetch data from the table: "notificationUser" using primary key columns """ notificationUser_by_pk(id: uuid!): notificationUser """ fetch data from the table: "notification" using primary key columns """ notification_by_pk(id: uuid!): notification paymentList(where: PaymentListInput!): PaymentListOutput! """ fetch data from the table: "project" """ project( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [project_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [project_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: project_bool_exp ): [project!]! """ fetch data from the table: "project" using primary key columns """ project_by_pk(id: uuid!): project """ execute function "search_project_by_id" which returns "project" """ search_project_by_id( """ input parameters for function "search_project_by_id" """ args: search_project_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [project_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [project_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: project_bool_exp ): [project!]! """ execute function "search_team_by_id" which returns "team" """ search_team_by_id( """ input parameters for function "search_team_by_id" """ args: search_team_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [team_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [team_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: team_bool_exp ): [team!]! """ execute function "search_team_by_id" and query aggregates on result of table type "team" """ search_team_by_id_aggregate( """ input parameters for function "search_team_by_id_aggregate" """ args: search_team_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [team_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [team_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: team_bool_exp ): team_aggregate! """ execute function "search_token_by_id" which returns "token" """ search_token_by_id( """ input parameters for function "search_token_by_id" """ args: search_token_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [token_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [token_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: token_bool_exp ): [token!]! """ execute function "search_usage_history_by_id" which returns "usageHistory" """ search_usage_history_by_id( """ input parameters for function "search_usage_history_by_id" """ args: search_usage_history_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistory_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistory_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistory_bool_exp ): [usageHistory!]! """ execute function "search_usage_history_by_id" and query aggregates on result of table type "usageHistory" """ search_usage_history_by_id_aggregate( """ input parameters for function "search_usage_history_by_id_aggregate" """ args: search_usage_history_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistory_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistory_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistory_bool_exp ): usageHistory_aggregate! """ execute function "search_user_by_id" which returns "user" """ search_user_by_id( """ input parameters for function "search_user_by_id" """ args: search_user_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [user_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [user_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: user_bool_exp ): [user!]! """ execute function "search_user_secret_by_id" which returns "userSecret" """ search_user_secret_by_id( """ input parameters for function "search_user_secret_by_id" """ args: search_user_secret_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [userSecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [userSecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSecret_bool_exp ): [userSecret!]! """ execute function "search_user_secret_by_id" and query aggregates on result of table type "userSecret" """ search_user_secret_by_id_aggregate( """ input parameters for function "search_user_secret_by_id_aggregate" """ args: search_user_secret_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [userSecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [userSecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSecret_bool_exp ): userSecret_aggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "team" """ team( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [team_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [team_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: team_bool_exp ): [team!]! """ fetch data from the table: "teamInvitation" """ teamInvitation( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [teamInvitation_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [teamInvitation_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: teamInvitation_bool_exp ): [teamInvitation!]! """ fetch data from the table: "teamInvitation" using primary key columns """ teamInvitation_by_pk(id: uuid!): teamInvitation """ fetch data from the table: "teamUser" """ teamUser( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [teamUser_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [teamUser_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: teamUser_bool_exp ): [teamUser!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "teamUser" """ teamUser_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [teamUser_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [teamUser_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: teamUser_bool_exp ): teamUser_aggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "teamUser" using primary key columns """ teamUser_by_pk(id: uuid!): teamUser """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "team" """ team_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [team_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [team_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: team_bool_exp ): team_aggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "team" using primary key columns """ team_by_pk(id: uuid!): team """ fetch data from the table: "token" """ token( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [token_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [token_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: token_bool_exp ): [token!]! """ fetch data from the table: "token" using primary key columns """ token_by_pk(id: uuid!): token """ fetch data from the table: "usageHistory" """ usageHistory( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistory_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistory_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistory_bool_exp ): [usageHistory!]! """ fetch data from the table: "usageHistorySecret" """ usageHistorySecret( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistorySecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistorySecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistorySecret_bool_exp ): [usageHistorySecret!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "usageHistorySecret" """ usageHistorySecret_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistorySecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistorySecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistorySecret_bool_exp ): usageHistorySecret_aggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "usageHistorySecret" using primary key columns """ usageHistorySecret_by_pk(id: uuid!): usageHistorySecret """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "usageHistory" """ usageHistory_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistory_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistory_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistory_bool_exp ): usageHistory_aggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "usageHistory" using primary key columns """ usageHistory_by_pk(id: uuid!): usageHistory """ fetch data from the table: "user" """ user( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [user_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [user_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: user_bool_exp ): [user!]! """ fetch data from the table: "userSecret" """ userSecret( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [userSecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [userSecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSecret_bool_exp ): [userSecret!]! """ fetch data from the table: "userSecretField" """ userSecretField( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [userSecretField_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [userSecretField_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSecretField_bool_exp ): [userSecretField!]! """ fetch data from the table: "userSecretField" using primary key columns """ userSecretField_by_pk(id: uuid!): userSecretField """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "userSecret" """ userSecret_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [userSecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [userSecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSecret_bool_exp ): userSecret_aggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "userSecret" using primary key columns """ userSecret_by_pk(id: uuid!): userSecret """ fetch data from the table: "userSubscription" """ userSubscription( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [userSubscription_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [userSubscription_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSubscription_bool_exp ): [userSubscription!]! """ fetch data from the table: "userSubscription" using primary key columns """ userSubscription_by_pk(id: uuid!): userSubscription """ fetch data from the table: "user" using primary key columns """ user_by_pk(id: uuid!): user vercelProjects(where: VercelProjectsInput!): VercelProjectsOutput! """ An array relationship """ viewPreferences( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [viewPreferences_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [viewPreferences_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: viewPreferences_bool_exp ): [viewPreferences!]! """ fetch data from the table: "viewPreferences" using primary key columns """ viewPreferences_by_pk(id: uuid!): viewPreferences viewSecretFields(secretField: ViewSecretFieldsInput!): ViewSecretFieldsOutput! } enum registrationStep_enum { """ billing information collection step """ billingInformation """ registration is complete """ complete """ email verification step """ emailVerification } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "registrationStep_enum". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input registrationStep_enum_comparison_exp { _eq: registrationStep_enum _in: [registrationStep_enum!] _is_null: Boolean _neq: registrationStep_enum _nin: [registrationStep_enum!] } input search_project_by_id_args { match: String } input search_team_by_id_args { match: String } input search_token_by_id_args { match: String } input search_usage_history_by_id_args { match: String } input search_user_by_id_args { match: String } input search_user_secret_by_id_args { match: String } scalar smallint """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "smallint". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input smallint_comparison_exp { _eq: smallint _gt: smallint _gte: smallint _in: [smallint!] _is_null: Boolean _lt: smallint _lte: smallint _neq: smallint _nin: [smallint!] } enum subscriptionIntervalEnum_enum { month year } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "subscriptionIntervalEnum_enum". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input subscriptionIntervalEnum_enum_comparison_exp { _eq: subscriptionIntervalEnum_enum _in: [subscriptionIntervalEnum_enum!] _is_null: Boolean _neq: subscriptionIntervalEnum_enum _nin: [subscriptionIntervalEnum_enum!] } enum subscriptionPlanEnum_enum { enterprise free lifetime professional } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "subscriptionPlanEnum_enum". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input subscriptionPlanEnum_enum_comparison_exp { _eq: subscriptionPlanEnum_enum _in: [subscriptionPlanEnum_enum!] _is_null: Boolean _neq: subscriptionPlanEnum_enum _nin: [subscriptionPlanEnum_enum!] } type subscription_root { """ fetch data from the table: "integrationConnect" """ integrationConnect( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [integrationConnect_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [integrationConnect_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationConnect_bool_exp ): [integrationConnect!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "integrationConnect" """ integrationConnect_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [integrationConnect_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [integrationConnect_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationConnect_bool_exp ): integrationConnect_aggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "integrationConnect" using primary key columns """ integrationConnect_by_pk(id: uuid!): integrationConnect """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "integrationConnect" """ integrationConnect_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [integrationConnect_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationConnect_bool_exp ): [integrationConnect!]! """ fetch data from the table: "integrationInstallation" """ integrationInstallation( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [integrationInstallation_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [integrationInstallation_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationInstallation_bool_exp ): [integrationInstallation!]! """ fetch data from the table: "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ integrationInstallationUserSecret( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [integrationInstallationUserSecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [integrationInstallationUserSecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationInstallationUserSecret_bool_exp ): [integrationInstallationUserSecret!]! """ fetch data from the table: "integrationInstallationUserSecret" using primary key columns """ integrationInstallationUserSecret_by_pk( id: uuid! ): integrationInstallationUserSecret """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "integrationInstallationUserSecret" """ integrationInstallationUserSecret_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [integrationInstallationUserSecret_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationInstallationUserSecret_bool_exp ): [integrationInstallationUserSecret!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "integrationInstallation" """ integrationInstallation_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [integrationInstallation_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [integrationInstallation_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationInstallation_bool_exp ): integrationInstallation_aggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "integrationInstallation" using primary key columns """ integrationInstallation_by_pk(id: uuid!): integrationInstallation """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "integrationInstallation" """ integrationInstallation_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [integrationInstallation_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationInstallation_bool_exp ): [integrationInstallation!]! """ fetch data from the table: "notification" """ notification( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [notification_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [notification_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: notification_bool_exp ): [notification!]! """ fetch data from the table: "notificationUser" """ notificationUser( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [notificationUser_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [notificationUser_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: notificationUser_bool_exp ): [notificationUser!]! """ fetch data from the table: "notificationUser" using primary key columns """ notificationUser_by_pk(id: uuid!): notificationUser """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "notificationUser" """ notificationUser_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [notificationUser_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: notificationUser_bool_exp ): [notificationUser!]! """ fetch data from the table: "notification" using primary key columns """ notification_by_pk(id: uuid!): notification """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "notification" """ notification_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [notification_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: notification_bool_exp ): [notification!]! """ fetch data from the table: "project" """ project( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [project_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [project_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: project_bool_exp ): [project!]! """ fetch data from the table: "project" using primary key columns """ project_by_pk(id: uuid!): project """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "project" """ project_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [project_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: project_bool_exp ): [project!]! """ execute function "search_project_by_id" which returns "project" """ search_project_by_id( """ input parameters for function "search_project_by_id" """ args: search_project_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [project_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [project_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: project_bool_exp ): [project!]! """ execute function "search_team_by_id" which returns "team" """ search_team_by_id( """ input parameters for function "search_team_by_id" """ args: search_team_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [team_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [team_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: team_bool_exp ): [team!]! """ execute function "search_team_by_id" and query aggregates on result of table type "team" """ search_team_by_id_aggregate( """ input parameters for function "search_team_by_id_aggregate" """ args: search_team_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [team_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [team_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: team_bool_exp ): team_aggregate! """ execute function "search_token_by_id" which returns "token" """ search_token_by_id( """ input parameters for function "search_token_by_id" """ args: search_token_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [token_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [token_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: token_bool_exp ): [token!]! """ execute function "search_usage_history_by_id" which returns "usageHistory" """ search_usage_history_by_id( """ input parameters for function "search_usage_history_by_id" """ args: search_usage_history_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistory_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistory_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistory_bool_exp ): [usageHistory!]! """ execute function "search_usage_history_by_id" and query aggregates on result of table type "usageHistory" """ search_usage_history_by_id_aggregate( """ input parameters for function "search_usage_history_by_id_aggregate" """ args: search_usage_history_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistory_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistory_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistory_bool_exp ): usageHistory_aggregate! """ execute function "search_user_by_id" which returns "user" """ search_user_by_id( """ input parameters for function "search_user_by_id" """ args: search_user_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [user_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [user_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: user_bool_exp ): [user!]! """ execute function "search_user_secret_by_id" which returns "userSecret" """ search_user_secret_by_id( """ input parameters for function "search_user_secret_by_id" """ args: search_user_secret_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [userSecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [userSecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSecret_bool_exp ): [userSecret!]! """ execute function "search_user_secret_by_id" and query aggregates on result of table type "userSecret" """ search_user_secret_by_id_aggregate( """ input parameters for function "search_user_secret_by_id_aggregate" """ args: search_user_secret_by_id_args! """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [userSecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [userSecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSecret_bool_exp ): userSecret_aggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "team" """ team( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [team_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [team_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: team_bool_exp ): [team!]! """ fetch data from the table: "teamInvitation" """ teamInvitation( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [teamInvitation_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [teamInvitation_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: teamInvitation_bool_exp ): [teamInvitation!]! """ fetch data from the table: "teamInvitation" using primary key columns """ teamInvitation_by_pk(id: uuid!): teamInvitation """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "teamInvitation" """ teamInvitation_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [teamInvitation_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: teamInvitation_bool_exp ): [teamInvitation!]! """ fetch data from the table: "teamUser" """ teamUser( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [teamUser_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [teamUser_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: teamUser_bool_exp ): [teamUser!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "teamUser" """ teamUser_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [teamUser_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [teamUser_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: teamUser_bool_exp ): teamUser_aggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "teamUser" using primary key columns """ teamUser_by_pk(id: uuid!): teamUser """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "teamUser" """ teamUser_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [teamUser_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: teamUser_bool_exp ): [teamUser!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "team" """ team_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [team_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [team_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: team_bool_exp ): team_aggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "team" using primary key columns """ team_by_pk(id: uuid!): team """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "team" """ team_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [team_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: team_bool_exp ): [team!]! """ fetch data from the table: "token" """ token( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [token_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [token_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: token_bool_exp ): [token!]! """ fetch data from the table: "token" using primary key columns """ token_by_pk(id: uuid!): token """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "token" """ token_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [token_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: token_bool_exp ): [token!]! """ fetch data from the table: "usageHistory" """ usageHistory( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistory_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistory_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistory_bool_exp ): [usageHistory!]! """ fetch data from the table: "usageHistorySecret" """ usageHistorySecret( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistorySecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistorySecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistorySecret_bool_exp ): [usageHistorySecret!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "usageHistorySecret" """ usageHistorySecret_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistorySecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistorySecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistorySecret_bool_exp ): usageHistorySecret_aggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "usageHistorySecret" using primary key columns """ usageHistorySecret_by_pk(id: uuid!): usageHistorySecret """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "usageHistorySecret" """ usageHistorySecret_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [usageHistorySecret_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistorySecret_bool_exp ): [usageHistorySecret!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "usageHistory" """ usageHistory_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistory_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistory_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistory_bool_exp ): usageHistory_aggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "usageHistory" using primary key columns """ usageHistory_by_pk(id: uuid!): usageHistory """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "usageHistory" """ usageHistory_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [usageHistory_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistory_bool_exp ): [usageHistory!]! """ fetch data from the table: "user" """ user( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [user_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [user_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: user_bool_exp ): [user!]! """ fetch data from the table: "userSecret" """ userSecret( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [userSecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [userSecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSecret_bool_exp ): [userSecret!]! """ fetch data from the table: "userSecretField" """ userSecretField( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [userSecretField_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [userSecretField_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSecretField_bool_exp ): [userSecretField!]! """ fetch data from the table: "userSecretField" using primary key columns """ userSecretField_by_pk(id: uuid!): userSecretField """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "userSecretField" """ userSecretField_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [userSecretField_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSecretField_bool_exp ): [userSecretField!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "userSecret" """ userSecret_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [userSecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [userSecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSecret_bool_exp ): userSecret_aggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "userSecret" using primary key columns """ userSecret_by_pk(id: uuid!): userSecret """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "userSecret" """ userSecret_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [userSecret_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSecret_bool_exp ): [userSecret!]! """ fetch data from the table: "userSubscription" """ userSubscription( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [userSubscription_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [userSubscription_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSubscription_bool_exp ): [userSubscription!]! """ fetch data from the table: "userSubscription" using primary key columns """ userSubscription_by_pk(id: uuid!): userSubscription """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "userSubscription" """ userSubscription_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [userSubscription_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSubscription_bool_exp ): [userSubscription!]! """ fetch data from the table: "user" using primary key columns """ user_by_pk(id: uuid!): user """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "user" """ user_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [user_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: user_bool_exp ): [user!]! """ An array relationship """ viewPreferences( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [viewPreferences_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [viewPreferences_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: viewPreferences_bool_exp ): [viewPreferences!]! """ fetch data from the table: "viewPreferences" using primary key columns """ viewPreferences_by_pk(id: uuid!): viewPreferences """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "viewPreferences" """ viewPreferences_stream( """ maximum number of rows returned in a single batch """ batch_size: Int! """ cursor to stream the results returned by the query """ cursor: [viewPreferences_stream_cursor_input]! """ filter the rows returned """ where: viewPreferences_bool_exp ): [viewPreferences!]! } """ columns and relationships of "team" """ type team { createdAt: timestamptz! description: String id: uuid! """ An array relationship """ invitations( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [teamInvitation_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [teamInvitation_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: teamInvitation_bool_exp ): [teamInvitation!]! lastUpdatedAt: timestamptz """ An array relationship """ members( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [teamUser_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [teamUser_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: teamUser_bool_exp ): [teamUser!]! """ An aggregate relationship """ members_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [teamUser_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [teamUser_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: teamUser_bool_exp ): teamUser_aggregate! name: String! """ An object relationship """ owner: user! ownerUserId: uuid! """ An array relationship """ projects( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [project_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [project_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: project_bool_exp ): [project!]! updatedAt: timestamptz! } """ columns and relationships of "teamInvitation" """ type teamInvitation { createdAt: timestamptz! email: String! expiredAt: timestamptz! id: uuid! invitedBy: uuid! """ An object relationship """ invitedUser: user """ An object relationship """ ownerTeam: user! """ An object relationship """ team: team! teamId: uuid! teamName: String! updatedAt: timestamptz! } """ order by aggregate values of table "teamInvitation" """ input teamInvitation_aggregate_order_by { count: order_by max: teamInvitation_max_order_by min: teamInvitation_min_order_by } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "teamInvitation". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input teamInvitation_bool_exp { _and: [teamInvitation_bool_exp!] _not: teamInvitation_bool_exp _or: [teamInvitation_bool_exp!] createdAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp email: String_comparison_exp expiredAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp id: uuid_comparison_exp invitedBy: uuid_comparison_exp invitedUser: user_bool_exp ownerTeam: user_bool_exp team: team_bool_exp teamId: uuid_comparison_exp teamName: String_comparison_exp updatedAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp } """ unique or primary key constraints on table "teamInvitation" """ enum teamInvitation_constraint { """ unique or primary key constraint on columns "id" """ teamInvitation_pkey } """ input type for inserting data into table "teamInvitation" """ input teamInvitation_insert_input { email: String expiredAt: timestamptz invitedBy: uuid teamId: uuid teamName: String } """ order by max() on columns of table "teamInvitation" """ input teamInvitation_max_order_by { createdAt: order_by email: order_by expiredAt: order_by id: order_by invitedBy: order_by teamId: order_by teamName: order_by updatedAt: order_by } """ order by min() on columns of table "teamInvitation" """ input teamInvitation_min_order_by { createdAt: order_by email: order_by expiredAt: order_by id: order_by invitedBy: order_by teamId: order_by teamName: order_by updatedAt: order_by } """ response of any mutation on the table "teamInvitation" """ type teamInvitation_mutation_response { """ number of rows affected by the mutation """ affected_rows: Int! """ data from the rows affected by the mutation """ returning: [teamInvitation!]! } """ on_conflict condition type for table "teamInvitation" """ input teamInvitation_on_conflict { constraint: teamInvitation_constraint! update_columns: [teamInvitation_update_column!]! = [] where: teamInvitation_bool_exp } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "teamInvitation". """ input teamInvitation_order_by { createdAt: order_by email: order_by expiredAt: order_by id: order_by invitedBy: order_by invitedUser: user_order_by ownerTeam: user_order_by team: team_order_by teamId: order_by teamName: order_by updatedAt: order_by } """ select columns of table "teamInvitation" """ enum teamInvitation_select_column { """ column name """ createdAt """ column name """ email """ column name """ expiredAt """ column name """ id """ column name """ invitedBy """ column name """ teamId """ column name """ teamName """ column name """ updatedAt } """ Streaming cursor of the table "teamInvitation" """ input teamInvitation_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: teamInvitation_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input teamInvitation_stream_cursor_value_input { createdAt: timestamptz email: String expiredAt: timestamptz id: uuid invitedBy: uuid teamId: uuid teamName: String updatedAt: timestamptz } """ placeholder for update columns of table "teamInvitation" (current role has no relevant permissions) """ enum teamInvitation_update_column { """ placeholder (do not use) """ _PLACEHOLDER } """ columns and relationships of "teamUser" """ type teamUser { createdAt: timestamptz! id: uuid! """ An object relationship """ member: user! """ An object relationship """ team: team! teamId: uuid! updatedAt: timestamptz! userId: uuid! } """ aggregated selection of "teamUser" """ type teamUser_aggregate { aggregate: teamUser_aggregate_fields nodes: [teamUser!]! } input teamUser_aggregate_bool_exp { count: teamUser_aggregate_bool_exp_count } input teamUser_aggregate_bool_exp_count { arguments: [teamUser_select_column!] distinct: Boolean filter: teamUser_bool_exp predicate: Int_comparison_exp! } """ aggregate fields of "teamUser" """ type teamUser_aggregate_fields { count(columns: [teamUser_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: teamUser_max_fields min: teamUser_min_fields } """ order by aggregate values of table "teamUser" """ input teamUser_aggregate_order_by { count: order_by max: teamUser_max_order_by min: teamUser_min_order_by } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "teamUser". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input teamUser_bool_exp { _and: [teamUser_bool_exp!] _not: teamUser_bool_exp _or: [teamUser_bool_exp!] createdAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp id: uuid_comparison_exp member: user_bool_exp team: team_bool_exp teamId: uuid_comparison_exp updatedAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp userId: uuid_comparison_exp } """ unique or primary key constraints on table "teamUser" """ enum teamUser_constraint { """ unique or primary key constraint on columns "id" """ teamUser_pkey } """ input type for inserting data into table "teamUser" """ input teamUser_insert_input { createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid teamId: uuid updatedAt: timestamptz userId: uuid } """ aggregate max on columns """ type teamUser_max_fields { createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid teamId: uuid updatedAt: timestamptz userId: uuid } """ order by max() on columns of table "teamUser" """ input teamUser_max_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by teamId: order_by updatedAt: order_by userId: order_by } """ aggregate min on columns """ type teamUser_min_fields { createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid teamId: uuid updatedAt: timestamptz userId: uuid } """ order by min() on columns of table "teamUser" """ input teamUser_min_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by teamId: order_by updatedAt: order_by userId: order_by } """ response of any mutation on the table "teamUser" """ type teamUser_mutation_response { """ number of rows affected by the mutation """ affected_rows: Int! """ data from the rows affected by the mutation """ returning: [teamUser!]! } """ on_conflict condition type for table "teamUser" """ input teamUser_on_conflict { constraint: teamUser_constraint! update_columns: [teamUser_update_column!]! = [] where: teamUser_bool_exp } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "teamUser". """ input teamUser_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by member: user_order_by team: team_order_by teamId: order_by updatedAt: order_by userId: order_by } """ primary key columns input for table: teamUser """ input teamUser_pk_columns_input { id: uuid! } """ select columns of table "teamUser" """ enum teamUser_select_column { """ column name """ createdAt """ column name """ id """ column name """ teamId """ column name """ updatedAt """ column name """ userId } """ input type for updating data in table "teamUser" """ input teamUser_set_input { createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid teamId: uuid updatedAt: timestamptz userId: uuid } """ Streaming cursor of the table "teamUser" """ input teamUser_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: teamUser_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input teamUser_stream_cursor_value_input { createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid teamId: uuid updatedAt: timestamptz userId: uuid } """ update columns of table "teamUser" """ enum teamUser_update_column { """ column name """ createdAt """ column name """ id """ column name """ teamId """ column name """ updatedAt """ column name """ userId } input teamUser_updates { """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: teamUser_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: teamUser_bool_exp! } type team_aggregate { aggregate: team_aggregate_fields nodes: [team!]! } """ aggregate fields of "team" """ type team_aggregate_fields { count(columns: [team_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: team_max_fields min: team_min_fields } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "team". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input team_bool_exp { _and: [team_bool_exp!] _not: team_bool_exp _or: [team_bool_exp!] createdAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp description: String_comparison_exp id: uuid_comparison_exp invitations: teamInvitation_bool_exp lastUpdatedAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp members: teamUser_bool_exp members_aggregate: teamUser_aggregate_bool_exp name: String_comparison_exp owner: user_bool_exp ownerUserId: uuid_comparison_exp projects: project_bool_exp updatedAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp } """ aggregate max on columns """ type team_max_fields { createdAt: timestamptz description: String id: uuid lastUpdatedAt: timestamptz name: String ownerUserId: uuid updatedAt: timestamptz } """ aggregate min on columns """ type team_min_fields { createdAt: timestamptz description: String id: uuid lastUpdatedAt: timestamptz name: String ownerUserId: uuid updatedAt: timestamptz } """ response of any mutation on the table "team" """ type team_mutation_response { """ number of rows affected by the mutation """ affected_rows: Int! """ data from the rows affected by the mutation """ returning: [team!]! } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "team". """ input team_order_by { createdAt: order_by description: order_by id: order_by invitations_aggregate: teamInvitation_aggregate_order_by lastUpdatedAt: order_by members_aggregate: teamUser_aggregate_order_by name: order_by owner: user_order_by ownerUserId: order_by projects_aggregate: project_aggregate_order_by updatedAt: order_by } """ primary key columns input for table: team """ input team_pk_columns_input { id: uuid! } """ select columns of table "team" """ enum team_select_column { """ column name """ createdAt """ column name """ description """ column name """ id """ column name """ lastUpdatedAt """ column name """ name """ column name """ ownerUserId """ column name """ updatedAt } """ input type for updating data in table "team" """ input team_set_input { description: String name: String } """ Streaming cursor of the table "team" """ input team_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: team_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input team_stream_cursor_value_input { createdAt: timestamptz description: String id: uuid lastUpdatedAt: timestamptz name: String ownerUserId: uuid updatedAt: timestamptz } input team_updates { """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: team_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: team_bool_exp! } scalar timestamp """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "timestamp". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input timestamp_comparison_exp { _eq: timestamp _gt: timestamp _gte: timestamp _in: [timestamp!] _is_null: Boolean _lt: timestamp _lte: timestamp _neq: timestamp _nin: [timestamp!] } scalar timestamptz """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "timestamptz". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input timestamptz_comparison_exp { _eq: timestamptz _gt: timestamptz _gte: timestamptz _in: [timestamptz!] _is_null: Boolean _lt: timestamptz _lte: timestamptz _neq: timestamptz _nin: [timestamptz!] } """ Table for storing user project tokens. """ type token { created_at: timestamptz! expiresAt: timestamptz id: uuid! name: String! """ An object relationship """ project: project! projectId: uuid! updated_at: timestamptz! } """ order by aggregate values of table "token" """ input token_aggregate_order_by { count: order_by max: token_max_order_by min: token_min_order_by } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "token". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input token_bool_exp { _and: [token_bool_exp!] _not: token_bool_exp _or: [token_bool_exp!] created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp expiresAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp id: uuid_comparison_exp name: String_comparison_exp project: project_bool_exp projectId: uuid_comparison_exp updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp } """ order by max() on columns of table "token" """ input token_max_order_by { created_at: order_by expiresAt: order_by id: order_by name: order_by projectId: order_by updated_at: order_by } """ order by min() on columns of table "token" """ input token_min_order_by { created_at: order_by expiresAt: order_by id: order_by name: order_by projectId: order_by updated_at: order_by } """ response of any mutation on the table "token" """ type token_mutation_response { """ number of rows affected by the mutation """ affected_rows: Int! """ data from the rows affected by the mutation """ returning: [token!]! } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "token". """ input token_order_by { created_at: order_by expiresAt: order_by id: order_by name: order_by project: project_order_by projectId: order_by updated_at: order_by } """ primary key columns input for table: token """ input token_pk_columns_input { id: uuid! } """ select columns of table "token" """ enum token_select_column { """ column name """ created_at """ column name """ expiresAt """ column name """ id """ column name """ name """ column name """ projectId """ column name """ updated_at } """ input type for updating data in table "token" """ input token_set_input { name: String } """ Streaming cursor of the table "token" """ input token_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: token_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input token_stream_cursor_value_input { created_at: timestamptz expiresAt: timestamptz id: uuid name: String projectId: uuid updated_at: timestamptz } input token_updates { """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: token_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: token_bool_exp! } """ columns and relationships of "usageHistory" """ type usageHistory { callerName: String createdAt: timestamptz! id: uuid! """ An object relationship """ project: project! projectId: uuid! remoteIp: String """ An array relationship """ secrets( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistorySecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistorySecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistorySecret_bool_exp ): [usageHistorySecret!]! """ An aggregate relationship """ secrets_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistorySecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistorySecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistorySecret_bool_exp ): usageHistorySecret_aggregate! updatedAt: timestamptz! } """ columns and relationships of "usageHistorySecret" """ type usageHistorySecret { createdAt: timestamptz! id: uuid! updatedAt: timestamptz! """ An object relationship """ usageHistory: usageHistory! usageHistoryId: uuid! """ An object relationship """ userSecret: userSecret userSecretId: uuid } """ aggregated selection of "usageHistorySecret" """ type usageHistorySecret_aggregate { aggregate: usageHistorySecret_aggregate_fields nodes: [usageHistorySecret!]! } input usageHistorySecret_aggregate_bool_exp { count: usageHistorySecret_aggregate_bool_exp_count } input usageHistorySecret_aggregate_bool_exp_count { arguments: [usageHistorySecret_select_column!] distinct: Boolean filter: usageHistorySecret_bool_exp predicate: Int_comparison_exp! } """ aggregate fields of "usageHistorySecret" """ type usageHistorySecret_aggregate_fields { count(columns: [usageHistorySecret_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: usageHistorySecret_max_fields min: usageHistorySecret_min_fields } """ order by aggregate values of table "usageHistorySecret" """ input usageHistorySecret_aggregate_order_by { count: order_by max: usageHistorySecret_max_order_by min: usageHistorySecret_min_order_by } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "usageHistorySecret". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input usageHistorySecret_bool_exp { _and: [usageHistorySecret_bool_exp!] _not: usageHistorySecret_bool_exp _or: [usageHistorySecret_bool_exp!] createdAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp id: uuid_comparison_exp updatedAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp usageHistory: usageHistory_bool_exp usageHistoryId: uuid_comparison_exp userSecret: userSecret_bool_exp userSecretId: uuid_comparison_exp } """ aggregate max on columns """ type usageHistorySecret_max_fields { createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid updatedAt: timestamptz usageHistoryId: uuid userSecretId: uuid } """ order by max() on columns of table "usageHistorySecret" """ input usageHistorySecret_max_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by updatedAt: order_by usageHistoryId: order_by userSecretId: order_by } """ aggregate min on columns """ type usageHistorySecret_min_fields { createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid updatedAt: timestamptz usageHistoryId: uuid userSecretId: uuid } """ order by min() on columns of table "usageHistorySecret" """ input usageHistorySecret_min_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by updatedAt: order_by usageHistoryId: order_by userSecretId: order_by } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "usageHistorySecret". """ input usageHistorySecret_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by updatedAt: order_by usageHistory: usageHistory_order_by usageHistoryId: order_by userSecret: userSecret_order_by userSecretId: order_by } """ select columns of table "usageHistorySecret" """ enum usageHistorySecret_select_column { """ column name """ createdAt """ column name """ id """ column name """ updatedAt """ column name """ usageHistoryId """ column name """ userSecretId } """ Streaming cursor of the table "usageHistorySecret" """ input usageHistorySecret_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: usageHistorySecret_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input usageHistorySecret_stream_cursor_value_input { createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid updatedAt: timestamptz usageHistoryId: uuid userSecretId: uuid } """ aggregated selection of "usageHistory" """ type usageHistory_aggregate { aggregate: usageHistory_aggregate_fields nodes: [usageHistory!]! } input usageHistory_aggregate_bool_exp { count: usageHistory_aggregate_bool_exp_count } input usageHistory_aggregate_bool_exp_count { arguments: [usageHistory_select_column!] distinct: Boolean filter: usageHistory_bool_exp predicate: Int_comparison_exp! } """ aggregate fields of "usageHistory" """ type usageHistory_aggregate_fields { count(columns: [usageHistory_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: usageHistory_max_fields min: usageHistory_min_fields } """ order by aggregate values of table "usageHistory" """ input usageHistory_aggregate_order_by { count: order_by max: usageHistory_max_order_by min: usageHistory_min_order_by } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "usageHistory". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input usageHistory_bool_exp { _and: [usageHistory_bool_exp!] _not: usageHistory_bool_exp _or: [usageHistory_bool_exp!] callerName: String_comparison_exp createdAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp id: uuid_comparison_exp project: project_bool_exp projectId: uuid_comparison_exp remoteIp: String_comparison_exp secrets: usageHistorySecret_bool_exp secrets_aggregate: usageHistorySecret_aggregate_bool_exp updatedAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp } """ aggregate max on columns """ type usageHistory_max_fields { callerName: String createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid projectId: uuid remoteIp: String updatedAt: timestamptz } """ order by max() on columns of table "usageHistory" """ input usageHistory_max_order_by { callerName: order_by createdAt: order_by id: order_by projectId: order_by remoteIp: order_by updatedAt: order_by } """ aggregate min on columns """ type usageHistory_min_fields { callerName: String createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid projectId: uuid remoteIp: String updatedAt: timestamptz } """ order by min() on columns of table "usageHistory" """ input usageHistory_min_order_by { callerName: order_by createdAt: order_by id: order_by projectId: order_by remoteIp: order_by updatedAt: order_by } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "usageHistory". """ input usageHistory_order_by { callerName: order_by createdAt: order_by id: order_by project: project_order_by projectId: order_by remoteIp: order_by secrets_aggregate: usageHistorySecret_aggregate_order_by updatedAt: order_by } """ select columns of table "usageHistory" """ enum usageHistory_select_column { """ column name """ callerName """ column name """ createdAt """ column name """ id """ column name """ projectId """ column name """ remoteIp """ column name """ updatedAt } """ Streaming cursor of the table "usageHistory" """ input usageHistory_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: usageHistory_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input usageHistory_stream_cursor_value_input { callerName: String createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid projectId: uuid remoteIp: String updatedAt: timestamptz } """ columns and relationships of "user" """ type user { activeTeamId: uuid avatarUrl: String createdAt: timestamptz! email: String! """ A computed field which return the hasPassword boolean value """ hasPassword: Boolean id: uuid! """ An array relationship """ invitation( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [teamInvitation_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [teamInvitation_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: teamInvitation_bool_exp ): [teamInvitation!]! name: String! """ An array relationship """ notificationUsers( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [notificationUser_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [notificationUser_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: notificationUser_bool_exp ): [notificationUser!]! """ An array relationship """ notifications( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [notification_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [notification_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: notification_bool_exp ): [notification!]! registrationStep: registrationStep_enum """ An array relationship """ teams( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [teamUser_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [teamUser_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: teamUser_bool_exp ): [teamUser!]! """ An aggregate relationship """ teams_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [teamUser_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [teamUser_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: teamUser_bool_exp ): teamUser_aggregate! updatedAt: timestamptz! """ An object relationship """ userSubscription: userSubscription """ An object relationship """ user_activeTeam: team """ An array relationship """ user_teamInvitation( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [teamInvitation_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [teamInvitation_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: teamInvitation_bool_exp ): [teamInvitation!]! """ An array relationship """ viewPreferences( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [viewPreferences_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [viewPreferences_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: viewPreferences_bool_exp ): [viewPreferences!]! } """ columns and relationships of "userSecret" """ type userSecret { createdAt: timestamptz! """ An array relationship """ fields( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [userSecretField_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [userSecretField_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: userSecretField_bool_exp ): [userSecretField!]! id: uuid! """ An array relationship """ installations( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [integrationInstallationUserSecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [integrationInstallationUserSecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: integrationInstallationUserSecret_bool_exp ): [integrationInstallationUserSecret!]! name: String! note: String! """ An object relationship """ project: project! projectId: uuid! slug: String! updatedAt: timestamptz! """ An array relationship """ userSecret_usageHistorySecrets( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistorySecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistorySecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistorySecret_bool_exp ): [usageHistorySecret!]! """ An aggregate relationship """ userSecret_usageHistorySecrets_aggregate( """ distinct select on columns """ distinct_on: [usageHistorySecret_select_column!] """ limit the number of rows returned """ limit: Int """ skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by """ offset: Int """ sort the rows by one or more columns """ order_by: [usageHistorySecret_order_by!] """ filter the rows returned """ where: usageHistorySecret_bool_exp ): usageHistorySecret_aggregate! vendor: vendorEnum_enum! } """ columns and relationships of "userSecretField" """ type userSecretField { createdAt: timestamptz! id: uuid! name: String! slug: String! updatedAt: timestamptz! """ An object relationship """ userSecret: userSecret! userSecretId: uuid! value: String! } """ order by aggregate values of table "userSecretField" """ input userSecretField_aggregate_order_by { count: order_by max: userSecretField_max_order_by min: userSecretField_min_order_by } """ input type for inserting array relation for remote table "userSecretField" """ input userSecretField_arr_rel_insert_input { data: [userSecretField_insert_input!]! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: userSecretField_on_conflict } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "userSecretField". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input userSecretField_bool_exp { _and: [userSecretField_bool_exp!] _not: userSecretField_bool_exp _or: [userSecretField_bool_exp!] createdAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp id: uuid_comparison_exp name: String_comparison_exp slug: String_comparison_exp updatedAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp userSecret: userSecret_bool_exp userSecretId: uuid_comparison_exp value: String_comparison_exp } """ unique or primary key constraints on table "userSecretField" """ enum userSecretField_constraint { """ unique or primary key constraint on columns "id" """ userSecretField_pkey } """ input type for inserting data into table "userSecretField" """ input userSecretField_insert_input { name: String slug: String userSecret: userSecret_obj_rel_insert_input userSecretId: uuid value: String } """ order by max() on columns of table "userSecretField" """ input userSecretField_max_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by name: order_by slug: order_by updatedAt: order_by userSecretId: order_by value: order_by } """ order by min() on columns of table "userSecretField" """ input userSecretField_min_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by name: order_by slug: order_by updatedAt: order_by userSecretId: order_by value: order_by } """ response of any mutation on the table "userSecretField" """ type userSecretField_mutation_response { """ number of rows affected by the mutation """ affected_rows: Int! """ data from the rows affected by the mutation """ returning: [userSecretField!]! } """ on_conflict condition type for table "userSecretField" """ input userSecretField_on_conflict { constraint: userSecretField_constraint! update_columns: [userSecretField_update_column!]! = [] where: userSecretField_bool_exp } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "userSecretField". """ input userSecretField_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by name: order_by slug: order_by updatedAt: order_by userSecret: userSecret_order_by userSecretId: order_by value: order_by } """ primary key columns input for table: userSecretField """ input userSecretField_pk_columns_input { id: uuid! } """ select columns of table "userSecretField" """ enum userSecretField_select_column { """ column name """ createdAt """ column name """ id """ column name """ name """ column name """ slug """ column name """ updatedAt """ column name """ userSecretId """ column name """ value } """ input type for updating data in table "userSecretField" """ input userSecretField_set_input { name: String slug: String userSecretId: uuid value: String } """ Streaming cursor of the table "userSecretField" """ input userSecretField_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: userSecretField_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input userSecretField_stream_cursor_value_input { createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid name: String slug: String updatedAt: timestamptz userSecretId: uuid value: String } """ update columns of table "userSecretField" """ enum userSecretField_update_column { """ column name """ name """ column name """ slug """ column name """ userSecretId """ column name """ value } input userSecretField_updates { """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: userSecretField_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: userSecretField_bool_exp! } """ aggregated selection of "userSecret" """ type userSecret_aggregate { aggregate: userSecret_aggregate_fields nodes: [userSecret!]! } input userSecret_aggregate_bool_exp { count: userSecret_aggregate_bool_exp_count } input userSecret_aggregate_bool_exp_count { arguments: [userSecret_select_column!] distinct: Boolean filter: userSecret_bool_exp predicate: Int_comparison_exp! } """ aggregate fields of "userSecret" """ type userSecret_aggregate_fields { count(columns: [userSecret_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: userSecret_max_fields min: userSecret_min_fields } """ order by aggregate values of table "userSecret" """ input userSecret_aggregate_order_by { count: order_by max: userSecret_max_order_by min: userSecret_min_order_by } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "userSecret". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input userSecret_bool_exp { _and: [userSecret_bool_exp!] _not: userSecret_bool_exp _or: [userSecret_bool_exp!] createdAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp fields: userSecretField_bool_exp id: uuid_comparison_exp installations: integrationInstallationUserSecret_bool_exp name: String_comparison_exp note: String_comparison_exp project: project_bool_exp projectId: uuid_comparison_exp slug: String_comparison_exp updatedAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp userSecret_usageHistorySecrets: usageHistorySecret_bool_exp userSecret_usageHistorySecrets_aggregate: usageHistorySecret_aggregate_bool_exp vendor: vendorEnum_enum_comparison_exp } """ unique or primary key constraints on table "userSecret" """ enum userSecret_constraint { """ unique or primary key constraint on columns "id" """ userSecret_pkey } """ input type for inserting data into table "userSecret" """ input userSecret_insert_input { fields: userSecretField_arr_rel_insert_input installations: integrationInstallationUserSecret_arr_rel_insert_input name: String note: String projectId: uuid slug: String vendor: vendorEnum_enum } """ aggregate max on columns """ type userSecret_max_fields { createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid name: String note: String projectId: uuid slug: String updatedAt: timestamptz } """ order by max() on columns of table "userSecret" """ input userSecret_max_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by name: order_by note: order_by projectId: order_by slug: order_by updatedAt: order_by } """ aggregate min on columns """ type userSecret_min_fields { createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid name: String note: String projectId: uuid slug: String updatedAt: timestamptz } """ order by min() on columns of table "userSecret" """ input userSecret_min_order_by { createdAt: order_by id: order_by name: order_by note: order_by projectId: order_by slug: order_by updatedAt: order_by } """ response of any mutation on the table "userSecret" """ type userSecret_mutation_response { """ number of rows affected by the mutation """ affected_rows: Int! """ data from the rows affected by the mutation """ returning: [userSecret!]! } """ input type for inserting object relation for remote table "userSecret" """ input userSecret_obj_rel_insert_input { data: userSecret_insert_input! """ upsert condition """ on_conflict: userSecret_on_conflict } """ on_conflict condition type for table "userSecret" """ input userSecret_on_conflict { constraint: userSecret_constraint! update_columns: [userSecret_update_column!]! = [] where: userSecret_bool_exp } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "userSecret". """ input userSecret_order_by { createdAt: order_by fields_aggregate: userSecretField_aggregate_order_by id: order_by installations_aggregate: integrationInstallationUserSecret_aggregate_order_by name: order_by note: order_by project: project_order_by projectId: order_by slug: order_by updatedAt: order_by userSecret_usageHistorySecrets_aggregate: usageHistorySecret_aggregate_order_by vendor: order_by } """ primary key columns input for table: userSecret """ input userSecret_pk_columns_input { id: uuid! } """ select columns of table "userSecret" """ enum userSecret_select_column { """ column name """ createdAt """ column name """ id """ column name """ name """ column name """ note """ column name """ projectId """ column name """ slug """ column name """ updatedAt """ column name """ vendor } """ input type for updating data in table "userSecret" """ input userSecret_set_input { name: String note: String slug: String vendor: vendorEnum_enum } """ Streaming cursor of the table "userSecret" """ input userSecret_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: userSecret_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input userSecret_stream_cursor_value_input { createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid name: String note: String projectId: uuid slug: String updatedAt: timestamptz vendor: vendorEnum_enum } """ update columns of table "userSecret" """ enum userSecret_update_column { """ column name """ name """ column name """ note """ column name """ slug """ column name """ vendor } input userSecret_updates { """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: userSecret_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: userSecret_bool_exp! } """ User subscription data """ type userSubscription { availableSeats: smallint! createdAt: timestamptz! id: uuid! paidSeats: smallint! stripeCustomerId: String! subscriptionCancellationDate: timestamptz subscriptionExpirationDate: timestamptz subscriptionExpirationMessageRead: Boolean! subscriptionInterval: subscriptionIntervalEnum_enum subscriptionPlan: subscriptionPlanEnum_enum! updatedAt: timestamptz! """ An object relationship """ user: user! userId: uuid! } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "userSubscription". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input userSubscription_bool_exp { _and: [userSubscription_bool_exp!] _not: userSubscription_bool_exp _or: [userSubscription_bool_exp!] availableSeats: smallint_comparison_exp createdAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp id: uuid_comparison_exp paidSeats: smallint_comparison_exp stripeCustomerId: String_comparison_exp subscriptionCancellationDate: timestamptz_comparison_exp subscriptionExpirationDate: timestamptz_comparison_exp subscriptionExpirationMessageRead: Boolean_comparison_exp subscriptionInterval: subscriptionIntervalEnum_enum_comparison_exp subscriptionPlan: subscriptionPlanEnum_enum_comparison_exp updatedAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp user: user_bool_exp userId: uuid_comparison_exp } """ response of any mutation on the table "userSubscription" """ type userSubscription_mutation_response { """ number of rows affected by the mutation """ affected_rows: Int! """ data from the rows affected by the mutation """ returning: [userSubscription!]! } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "userSubscription". """ input userSubscription_order_by { availableSeats: order_by createdAt: order_by id: order_by paidSeats: order_by stripeCustomerId: order_by subscriptionCancellationDate: order_by subscriptionExpirationDate: order_by subscriptionExpirationMessageRead: order_by subscriptionInterval: order_by subscriptionPlan: order_by updatedAt: order_by user: user_order_by userId: order_by } """ primary key columns input for table: userSubscription """ input userSubscription_pk_columns_input { id: uuid! } """ select columns of table "userSubscription" """ enum userSubscription_select_column { """ column name """ availableSeats """ column name """ createdAt """ column name """ id """ column name """ paidSeats """ column name """ stripeCustomerId """ column name """ subscriptionCancellationDate """ column name """ subscriptionExpirationDate """ column name """ subscriptionExpirationMessageRead """ column name """ subscriptionInterval """ column name """ subscriptionPlan """ column name """ updatedAt """ column name """ userId } """ input type for updating data in table "userSubscription" """ input userSubscription_set_input { subscriptionExpirationMessageRead: Boolean } """ Streaming cursor of the table "userSubscription" """ input userSubscription_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: userSubscription_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input userSubscription_stream_cursor_value_input { availableSeats: smallint createdAt: timestamptz id: uuid paidSeats: smallint stripeCustomerId: String subscriptionCancellationDate: timestamptz subscriptionExpirationDate: timestamptz subscriptionExpirationMessageRead: Boolean subscriptionInterval: subscriptionIntervalEnum_enum subscriptionPlan: subscriptionPlanEnum_enum updatedAt: timestamptz userId: uuid } input userSubscription_updates { """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: userSubscription_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: userSubscription_bool_exp! } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "user". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input user_bool_exp { _and: [user_bool_exp!] _not: user_bool_exp _or: [user_bool_exp!] activeTeamId: uuid_comparison_exp avatarUrl: String_comparison_exp createdAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp email: String_comparison_exp hasPassword: Boolean_comparison_exp id: uuid_comparison_exp invitation: teamInvitation_bool_exp name: String_comparison_exp notificationUsers: notificationUser_bool_exp notifications: notification_bool_exp registrationStep: registrationStep_enum_comparison_exp teams: teamUser_bool_exp teams_aggregate: teamUser_aggregate_bool_exp updatedAt: timestamptz_comparison_exp userSubscription: userSubscription_bool_exp user_activeTeam: team_bool_exp user_teamInvitation: teamInvitation_bool_exp viewPreferences: viewPreferences_bool_exp } """ response of any mutation on the table "user" """ type user_mutation_response { """ number of rows affected by the mutation """ affected_rows: Int! """ data from the rows affected by the mutation """ returning: [user!]! } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "user". """ input user_order_by { activeTeamId: order_by avatarUrl: order_by createdAt: order_by email: order_by hasPassword: order_by id: order_by invitation_aggregate: teamInvitation_aggregate_order_by name: order_by notificationUsers_aggregate: notificationUser_aggregate_order_by notifications_aggregate: notification_aggregate_order_by registrationStep: order_by teams_aggregate: teamUser_aggregate_order_by updatedAt: order_by userSubscription: userSubscription_order_by user_activeTeam: team_order_by user_teamInvitation_aggregate: teamInvitation_aggregate_order_by viewPreferences_aggregate: viewPreferences_aggregate_order_by } """ primary key columns input for table: user """ input user_pk_columns_input { id: uuid! } """ select columns of table "user" """ enum user_select_column { """ column name """ activeTeamId """ column name """ avatarUrl """ column name """ createdAt """ column name """ email """ column name """ id """ column name """ name """ column name """ registrationStep """ column name """ updatedAt } """ input type for updating data in table "user" """ input user_set_input { activeTeamId: uuid avatarUrl: String name: String registrationStep: registrationStep_enum } """ Streaming cursor of the table "user" """ input user_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: user_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input user_stream_cursor_value_input { activeTeamId: uuid avatarUrl: String createdAt: timestamptz email: String id: uuid name: String registrationStep: registrationStep_enum updatedAt: timestamptz } input user_updates { """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: user_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: user_bool_exp! } scalar uuid """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "uuid". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input uuid_comparison_exp { _eq: uuid _gt: uuid _gte: uuid _in: [uuid!] _is_null: Boolean _lt: uuid _lte: uuid _neq: uuid _nin: [uuid!] } enum vendorEnum_enum { agora ansible aws azure bitbucket braintree cloudflare datadog digitalOcean docker facebook gemini gitHub gitLab google googleCloud jenkins jira kubernetes linear mailchimp mixpanel netlify openAI other paypal pulumi salesforce segment sendgrid shopify slack stripe terraform trello twilio vercel zoom } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "vendorEnum_enum". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input vendorEnum_enum_comparison_exp { _eq: vendorEnum_enum _in: [vendorEnum_enum!] _is_null: Boolean _neq: vendorEnum_enum _nin: [vendorEnum_enum!] } """ columns and relationships of "viewPreferences" """ type viewPreferences { id: uuid! isSortingReversed: Boolean! layout: String listId: listIdEnum_enum! sortedBy: String } """ order by aggregate values of table "viewPreferences" """ input viewPreferences_aggregate_order_by { count: order_by max: viewPreferences_max_order_by min: viewPreferences_min_order_by } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "viewPreferences". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input viewPreferences_bool_exp { _and: [viewPreferences_bool_exp!] _not: viewPreferences_bool_exp _or: [viewPreferences_bool_exp!] id: uuid_comparison_exp isSortingReversed: Boolean_comparison_exp layout: String_comparison_exp listId: listIdEnum_enum_comparison_exp sortedBy: String_comparison_exp } """ unique or primary key constraints on table "viewPreferences" """ enum viewPreferences_constraint { """ unique or primary key constraint on columns "id" """ viewPreferences_pkey """ unique or primary key constraint on columns "userId", "listId" """ viewPreferences_userId_listId_key } """ input type for inserting data into table "viewPreferences" """ input viewPreferences_insert_input { isSortingReversed: Boolean layout: String listId: listIdEnum_enum sortedBy: String userId: uuid } """ order by max() on columns of table "viewPreferences" """ input viewPreferences_max_order_by { id: order_by layout: order_by sortedBy: order_by } """ order by min() on columns of table "viewPreferences" """ input viewPreferences_min_order_by { id: order_by layout: order_by sortedBy: order_by } """ response of any mutation on the table "viewPreferences" """ type viewPreferences_mutation_response { """ number of rows affected by the mutation """ affected_rows: Int! """ data from the rows affected by the mutation """ returning: [viewPreferences!]! } """ on_conflict condition type for table "viewPreferences" """ input viewPreferences_on_conflict { constraint: viewPreferences_constraint! update_columns: [viewPreferences_update_column!]! = [] where: viewPreferences_bool_exp } """ Ordering options when selecting data from "viewPreferences". """ input viewPreferences_order_by { id: order_by isSortingReversed: order_by layout: order_by listId: order_by sortedBy: order_by } """ primary key columns input for table: viewPreferences """ input viewPreferences_pk_columns_input { id: uuid! } """ select columns of table "viewPreferences" """ enum viewPreferences_select_column { """ column name """ id """ column name """ isSortingReversed """ column name """ layout """ column name """ listId """ column name """ sortedBy } """ input type for updating data in table "viewPreferences" """ input viewPreferences_set_input { isSortingReversed: Boolean layout: String sortedBy: String } """ Streaming cursor of the table "viewPreferences" """ input viewPreferences_stream_cursor_input { """ Stream column input with initial value """ initial_value: viewPreferences_stream_cursor_value_input! """ cursor ordering """ ordering: cursor_ordering } """ Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start """ input viewPreferences_stream_cursor_value_input { id: uuid isSortingReversed: Boolean layout: String listId: listIdEnum_enum sortedBy: String } """ update columns of table "viewPreferences" """ enum viewPreferences_update_column { """ column name """ isSortingReversed """ column name """ layout """ column name """ sortedBy } input viewPreferences_updates { """ sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values """ _set: viewPreferences_set_input """ filter the rows which have to be updated """ where: viewPreferences_bool_exp! }