[package] name = "zeroable" description = "Provides a derive for `bytemuck::Zeroable`" version = "0.2.0" authors = ["rodrimati1992 "] edition = "2018" license="MIT/Apache-2.0" readme="../readme.md" repository="https://github.com/rodrimati1992/zeroable_crates" keywords = ["no-std"] categories = [ "no-std" ] include = [ "Cargo.toml", "src/**/*.rs", "../readme.md", "../APACHE_license", "../MIT_license" ] [badges] travis-ci = { repository = "rodrimati1992/zeroable_crates/" } [features] # For improved debugging, # prints the type name of `T` in `AssertZeroable`'s ' Debug implementation. print_type=[] # Internal feature to enable tests that require Rust nightly. nightly_testing=["nightly_docs","testing"] # Internal feature for tests testing=[] # This enables doctests that require nightly, # otherwise they are ignored by the test runner (they appear as ignored in the docs). nightly_docs=["bytemuck/extern_crate_alloc"] [dependencies] bytemuck="1.0" zeroable_derive={version="0.2.0",path="../zeroable_derive"}