# Contributing We're excited to work on `Zink` together with you! this guide should help you get up and running with Zink development! ## Join Our Chat We chat about Zink development on telegram -- [join us][telegram]! If you're having building Zink, aren't sure why a test is failing, or have any other questions, feel free to ask on telegram. As always, you're more than welcome to [open an issue][issue] too! ## Join or Support the Team Zink is developed by [@clearloop][clearloop] with his spare time for now, really need more hands for the revolution : ) My handle on telegram is `@clearloop` as well, if you'd like to support this project or join the team, dm me plz! [clearloop]: https://github.com/clearloop [issue]: https://github.com/clearloop/zink/issues/new/choose [telegram]: https://t.me/+6oZpbwxlVD81OGQ1