use std::path::Path; use std::rc::Rc; use deno_core::anyhow::Result; use deno_core::error::JsError; use deno_core::url::Url; use deno_core::{op2, OpState}; use deno_fetch::FetchPermissions; use deno_web::TimersPermission; use crate::Reporter; /// Hard-coded permissions pub struct ZinniaPermissions; impl TimersPermission for ZinniaPermissions { fn allow_hrtime(&mut self) -> bool { // Disable high-resolution time management. // // Quoting from // > A high-precision timer makes it easier to observe side channels in the SSCA // > vulnerability. If your product offers high-precision timers that can be accessed by // > untrusted JavaScript or WebAssembly code, consider making these timers more coarse or // > adding jitter to them. false } } impl FetchPermissions for ZinniaPermissions { fn check_net_url(&mut self, _url: &Url, _api_name: &str) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) } fn check_read(&mut self, _p: &Path, _api_name: &str) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) } } deno_core::extension!( zinnia_runtime, ops = [ op_job_completed, op_info_activity, op_error_activity, op_zinnia_log, op_format_test_error ], esm_entry_point = "ext:zinnia_runtime/99_main.js", esm = [ dir "js", "06_util.js", "90_zinnia_apis.js", "98_global_scope.js", "internals.js", "fetch.js", "test.js", "vendored/asserts.bundle.js", "99_main.js", ], options = { reporter: Rc, }, state = |state, options| { state.put(ZinniaPermissions {}); state.put(Rc::clone(&options.reporter)); } ); type StoredReporter = Rc; #[op2(fast)] fn op_job_completed(state: &mut OpState) { let reporter = state.borrow::(); reporter.job_completed(); } #[op2(fast)] fn op_info_activity(state: &mut OpState, #[string] msg: &str) { let reporter = state.borrow::(); reporter.info_activity(msg); } #[op2(fast)] fn op_error_activity(state: &mut OpState, #[string] msg: &str) { let reporter = state.borrow::(); reporter.error_activity(msg); } #[op2(fast)] fn op_zinnia_log(state: &mut OpState, #[string] msg: &str, #[smi] level: i32) { let reporter = state.borrow::(); reporter.log(level.into(), msg); } #[op2] #[string] fn op_format_test_error(#[serde] error: JsError) -> String { crate::vendored::cli_tools::format_test_error(&error) }