## Welcome friend! If you like Rust and scheduling algorithms you've come to the right place :) We can talk big-O, add features or optimize hot loops. > Please contact me tijl@zinzen.me or open an issue. ## ZinZen® ZinZen® is a platform for stress-free life planning. It works by defining life goals with constraints and dependencies. An automatic scheduler then schedules tasks in a calendar to reach these goals, auto-magically updating the schedule when goals or constraints change. This repository contains the ZinZen®-scheduler. The scheduler consists of a WASM-module written in Rust that can be called from the React-based UI application. The ZinZen® UI application can be found here: [ZinZen® Github](https://github.com/tijlleenders/ZinZen) ## Getting started All documentation can be found in the folder [documentation](documentation/Readme.md). In this folder you will find a [technical know-how base](documentation/technical/Readme.md), as well as all the necessary [functional documentation](documentation/functional/Readme.md) to understand the scheduling algorithms and all the concepts introduced in the ZinZen®-scheduler. For a quick set-up guide see the [Development Setup page](documentation/technical/Development-Setup.md). ## Legal stuff ©2020-now ZinZen® This code is licensed under AGPLv3 but this license does not implicitly grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and the content of the notice/attribution file. ZinZen® supports an open and collaborative process. Registering the ZinZen® trademark is a tool to protect the ZinZen® identity and the quality perception of the ZinZen® projects.