# Zip Blitz ## Motivation This program was created for a very specfic problem I had. I had a large encrypted zip file that I lost/forgot the password for. Using traditional bruteforce methods resulted in a lot of false positives. This program hopes to minimize false positives. It works by actually checking to see if a given file exists in the 'plaintext' after attempting a guess password. ## Usage ### Explicitly passing in file type `zip-blitz -z -f -t ` ### Allowing Zip Blitz to guess the file type `zip-blitz -z -f ` Let's say we had an encrypted zip file named `cats.zip` with a jpg file in it. In this example the password is `fun` and our wordlist contains `fun`. ```bash $ zip-blitz -z ./test_data/cats.zip -f kitten.jpg < ./test_data/wordlist.txt Found it: fun ``` We can also use a password generator like JohnTheRipper to provide passwords. ```bash $ ./JohnTheRipper/run/john --mask=fu?a -stdout | zip-blitz -z ./test_data/cats.zip -f kitten.jpg -t jpg Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status 95p 0:00:00:00 100.00% (2020-04-13 17:35) 1520p/s fu| Found it! -> fun ``` ## Important Notes Supports PKZIP/ZipCrypto Encryption _only_ Only a limited number of file types are supported at the moment: zip, wmv/asf/wma, jpg, xml But it's pretty easy to extend support for various file types.