use serde::Deserialize; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{BufWriter, Write}; use std::path::Path; use std::{collections, env}; // "Zipcode","ZipCodeType","City","State","LocationType","Lat","Long","Location","Decommisioned","TaxReturnsFiled","EstimatedPopulation","TotalWages" #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone)] struct TempRecord { #[serde(rename = "Zipcode")] zip_code: String, #[serde(rename = "ZipCodeType")] zip_code_type: String, #[serde(rename = "City")] city: String, #[serde(rename = "State")] state: String, #[serde(skip)] location_type: String, #[serde(rename = "Lat")] latitude: Option, #[serde(rename = "Long")] longitude: Option, #[serde(rename = "Location")] location: String, #[serde(rename = "Decommisioned")] is_decommissioned: String, #[serde(rename = "TaxReturnsFiled")] tax_returns_filed: Option, #[serde(rename = "EstimatedPopulation")] estimated_population: Option, #[serde(rename = "TotalWages")] total_wages: Option, } impl TempRecord { fn to_syntax(&self) -> String { let mut output = String::from("Record {"); output.push_str(&format!("zip_code: \"{}\",", self.zip_code)); output.push_str(&format!("zip_code_type: {},", self.encoded_type())); output.push_str(&format!("city: \"{}\",", titlecase::titlecase(&; output.push_str(&format!("state: \"{}\",", self.state)); output.push_str(&format!("coordinates: {},", self.coordinates())); output.push_str(&format!("is_decommissioned: {},", self.is_decommissioned)); output.push_str(&format!("tax_returns_filed: {:?},", self.tax_returns_filed)); output.push_str(&format!( "estimated_population: {:?},", self.estimated_population )); output.push_str(&format!("total_wages: {:?},", self.total_wages)); output.push('}'); output } fn encoded_type(&self) -> &'static str { match &self.zip_code_type[..] { "STANDARD" => "Type::Standard", "PO BOX" => "Type::PoBox", "UNIQUE" => "Type::Unique", "MILITARY" => "Type::Military", t => panic!("invalid ZIP code type \"{}\"", t), } } fn coordinates(&self) -> String { if let Some(ref latitude) = self.latitude { if let Some(ref longitude) = self.longitude { return format!("Some(({}_f64, {}_f64))", latitude, longitude); } } "None".into() } } fn main() { let path = Path::new(&env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap()).join(""); let mut file = BufWriter::new(File::create(&path).unwrap()); let mut zip_codes_phf = phf_codegen::Map::new(); let mut city_to_zip_codes = phf_codegen::Map::new(); let mut inserted_zip_codes = std::collections::HashSet::::new(); let mut reader = csv::ReaderBuilder::new() .has_headers(true) .from_path("./data/zip_codes.csv") .unwrap(); let mut city_hash_map = collections::HashMap::new(); for result in reader.deserialize() { let record: TempRecord = result.unwrap(); let syntax = record.to_syntax(); let zip_code = record.clone().zip_code; // Only add zip_code if we have not inserted it before if !inserted_zip_codes.contains(&zip_code) { // Add the zip code and Record to the zip codes map zip_codes_phf.entry(zip_code.clone(), &syntax.to_owned()); // Mark zip code as seen inserted_zip_codes.insert(zip_code.clone()); // Create a reverse index by city. let city = titlecase::titlecase(&record.clone().city); let state = record.clone().state; let zip_codes_set = city_hash_map .entry(format!("{}, {}", city, state)) .or_insert_with(phf_codegen::Set::new); zip_codes_set.entry(zip_code); } } for (city, records) in city_hash_map { city_to_zip_codes.entry(city, format!("{}",; } write!( &mut file, "static ZIP_CODES: phf::Map<&'static str, Record> = \n{};\n", ) .unwrap(); write!( &mut file, "static CITY_MAP: phf::Map<&'static str, phf::Set<&str>> = \n{};\n", ) .unwrap(); }