- Implement a housekeeping module that performs garbage collection in either the housekeeper binary or on the client. - clients should be able to run it in the background - consumer registration to the queue's members znode (/dir/consumers/) and publish task information and stats - consumer registration to the queue's members znode (/dir/producers/) and publish stats? - Remove usages of `zkmq::ZkPath` - standalone raft/paxos backend? - that would most likely be it's own project, that provides a distributed key/value interface for this to use - tracing - how long it takes to run processing loops? - metrics - producer: message serialization time - producer: message serialized size - producer: message enqueue time - producer: message total enqueue time - consumer: message de-serialization time - consumer: message consumption time - consumer: message filter time - consumer: time waiting for message - consumer: consumption attempts