# zkwork_aleo_protocol Zk.Work Aleo Protocol is a set of ore pool protocols designed by 6Block for Aleo mining. This library is an open source implementation of the ZK. Work Aleo Protocol. ## specs ### roles 1. zk.work aleo worker 2. zk.work aleo pool agent 3. zk.work pool server ### message 1. connect server **<<128,worker_type, address_type, v_major, v_minor, v_patch, name_length, name, address>>** 2. submit solution **<< 129, worker_id, job_id, prover_solution >>** 3. disconnect server **<< 130, worker_id >>** 4. ping **<< 131 >>** 5. connect server ack **<< 0, is_accept, pool_address, [worker_id], [signature] >>** 6. notify job **<< 1, job_id, target, epoch_challenge >>** 7. pool shutdown **<< 2 >>** 8. pong **<< 3 >>** ## License [![License: GPL v3](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPLv3-blue.svg)](./LICENSE.md)