# Command summary * [`zoom-sync`↴](#zoom-sync) * [`zoom-sync set`↴](#zoom-sync-set) * [`zoom-sync set time`↴](#zoom-sync-set-time) * [`zoom-sync set weather`↴](#zoom-sync-set-weather) * [`zoom-sync set system`↴](#zoom-sync-set-system) * [`zoom-sync set screen`↴](#zoom-sync-set-screen) * [`zoom-sync set image`↴](#zoom-sync-set-image) * [`zoom-sync set image clear`↴](#zoom-sync-set-image-clear) * [`zoom-sync set gif`↴](#zoom-sync-set-gif) * [`zoom-sync set gif clear`↴](#zoom-sync-set-gif-clear) * [`zoom-sync set clear`↴](#zoom-sync-set-clear) ## zoom-sync Cross-platform utility for syncing zoom65v3 screen modules **Usage**: **`zoom-sync`** (\[**`-S`**=_`ARG`_\] \[**`-W`**=_`ARG`_\] \[**`-R`**=_`ARG`_\] \[**`-f`**\] \[**`--reactive`** | (**`-s`**=_`POSITION`_ | **`--up`** | **`--down`** | **`--switch`**)\] (**`--no-weather`** | \[**`--coords`** _`LAT`_ _`LON`_\] | **`-w`** _`WMO`_ _`CUR`_ _`MIN`_ _`MAX`_) (**`--no-system`** | (\[**`--cpu`**=_`LABEL`_\] | **`-c`**=_`TEMP`_) (\[**`--gpu`**=_`ID`_\] | **`-g`**=_`TEMP`_) \[**`-d`**=_`ARG`_\]) | _`COMMAND ...`_) **Screen options:** - **` --reactive`** — Enable reactive mode, playing gif when typing and image when resting. Requires root permission for reading keypresses via evdev - **`-s`**, **`--screen`**=_`POSITION`_ — Reset and move the screen to a specific position. [cpu|gpu|download|time|weather|meletrix|zoom65|image|gif|battery] - **` --up`** — Move the screen up - **` --down`** — Move the screen down - **` --switch`** — Switch the screen offset **Weather forecast options:** - **` --no-weather`** — Disable updating weather info completely ### **`--coords`** _`LAT`_ _`LON`_ - **` --coords`** — Optional coordinates to use for fetching weather data, skipping ipinfo geolocation api. - _`LAT`_ — Latitude - _`LON`_ — Longitude ### **`-w`** _`WMO`_ _`CUR`_ _`MIN`_ _`MAX`_ - **`-w`**, **`--weather`** — Manually provide weather data, skipping open-meteo weather api. All values are unitless. - _`WMO`_ — WMO Index - _`CUR`_ — Current temperature - _`MIN`_ — Minumum temperature - _`MAX`_ — Maximum temperature **System info options:** - **` --no-system`** — Disable updating system info completely - **` --cpu`**=_`LABEL`_ — Sensor label to search for [default: coretemp Package] - **`-c`**, **`--cpu-temp`**=_`TEMP`_ — Manually set CPU temperature - **` --gpu`**=_`ID`_ — GPU device id to fetch temperature data for (nvidia only) [default: 0] - **`-g`**, **`--gpu-temp`**=_`TEMP`_ — Manually set GPU temperature - **`-d`**, **`--download`**=_`ARG`_ — Manually set download speed **Available options:** - **`-S`**, **`--refresh-system`**=_`ARG`_ — Interval in seconds to refresh system data [default: 10s] - **`-W`**, **`--refresh-weather`**=_`ARG`_ — Interval in seconds to refresh weather data [default: 1h] - **`-R`**, **`--retry`**=_`ARG`_ — Retry interval for reconnecting to keyboard [default: 5s] - **`-f`**, **`--farenheit`** — Use farenheit for all fetched temperatures. May cause clamping for anything greater than 99F. No effect on any manually provided data. - **`-h`**, **`--help`** — Prints help information - **`-V`**, **`--version`** — Prints version information **Available commands:** - **`set`** — Set specific options on the keyboard. ## zoom-sync set Set specific options on the keyboard. Must not be used while zoom-sync is already running. **Usage**: **`zoom-sync`** **`set`** _`COMMAND ...`_ **Available options:** - **`-h`**, **`--help`** — Prints help information **Available commands:** - **`time`** — Sync time to system clock - **`weather`** — Set weather data - **`system`** — Set system info - **`screen`** — Change current screen - **`image`** — Upload static image - **`gif`** — Upload animated image (gif/webp/apng) - **`clear`** — Clear all media files ## zoom-sync set time Sync time to system clock **Usage**: **`zoom-sync`** **`set`** **`time`** **Available options:** - **`-h`**, **`--help`** — Prints help information ## zoom-sync set weather Set weather data **Usage**: **`zoom-sync`** **`set`** **`weather`** \[**`-f`**\] (**`--no-weather`** | \[**`--coords`** _`LAT`_ _`LON`_\] | **`-w`** _`WMO`_ _`CUR`_ _`MIN`_ _`MAX`_) **Weather forecast options:** - **` --no-weather`** — Disable updating weather info completely ### **`--coords`** _`LAT`_ _`LON`_ - **` --coords`** — Optional coordinates to use for fetching weather data, skipping ipinfo geolocation api. - _`LAT`_ — Latitude - _`LON`_ — Longitude ### **`-w`** _`WMO`_ _`CUR`_ _`MIN`_ _`MAX`_ - **`-w`**, **`--weather`** — Manually provide weather data, skipping open-meteo weather api. All values are unitless. - _`WMO`_ — WMO Index - _`CUR`_ — Current temperature - _`MIN`_ — Minumum temperature - _`MAX`_ — Maximum temperature **Available options:** - **`-f`**, **`--farenheit`** — Use farenheit for all fetched temperatures. May cause clamping for anything greater than 99F. No effect on any manually provided data. - **`-h`**, **`--help`** — Prints help information ## zoom-sync set system Set system info **Usage**: **`zoom-sync`** **`set`** **`system`** \[**`-f`**\] (\[**`--cpu`**=_`LABEL`_\] | **`-c`**=_`TEMP`_) (\[**`--gpu`**=_`ID`_\] | **`-g`**=_`TEMP`_) \[**`-d`**=_`ARG`_\] **Available options:** - **`-f`**, **`--farenheit`** — Use farenheit for all fetched temperatures. May cause clamping for anything greater than 99F. No effect on any manually provided data. - **` --cpu`**=_`LABEL`_ — Sensor label to search for [default: coretemp Package] - **`-c`**, **`--cpu-temp`**=_`TEMP`_ — Manually set CPU temperature - **` --gpu`**=_`ID`_ — GPU device id to fetch temperature data for (nvidia only) [default: 0] - **`-g`**, **`--gpu-temp`**=_`TEMP`_ — Manually set GPU temperature - **`-d`**, **`--download`**=_`ARG`_ — Manually set download speed - **`-h`**, **`--help`** — Prints help information ## zoom-sync set screen Change current screen **Usage**: **`zoom-sync`** **`set`** **`screen`** (**`-s`**=_`POSITION`_ | **`--up`** | **`--down`** | **`--switch`**) **Screen options:** - **`-s`**, **`--screen`**=_`POSITION`_ — Reset and move the screen to a specific position. [cpu|gpu|download|time|weather|meletrix|zoom65|image|gif|battery] - **` --up`** — Move the screen up - **` --down`** — Move the screen down - **` --switch`** — Switch the screen offset **Available options:** - **`-h`**, **`--help`** — Prints help information ## zoom-sync set image Upload static image **Usage**: **`zoom-sync`** **`set`** **`image`** (\[**`-n`**\] _`PATH`_ | _`COMMAND ...`_) **Available positional items:** - _`PATH`_ — Path to image to re-encode and upload **Available options:** - **`-n`**, **`--nearest`** — Use nearest neighbor interpolation when resizing, otherwise uses gaussian. - **`-h`**, **`--help`** — Prints help information **Available commands:** - **`clear`** — Delete the content, resetting back to the default. ## zoom-sync set image clear Delete the content, resetting back to the default. **Usage**: **`zoom-sync`** **`set`** **`image`** **`clear`** **Available options:** - **`-h`**, **`--help`** — Prints help information ## zoom-sync set gif Upload animated image (gif/webp/apng) **Usage**: **`zoom-sync`** **`set`** **`gif`** (\[**`-n`**\] _`PATH`_ | _`COMMAND ...`_) **Available positional items:** - _`PATH`_ — Path to image to re-encode and upload **Available options:** - **`-n`**, **`--nearest`** — Use nearest neighbor interpolation when resizing, otherwise uses gaussian. - **`-h`**, **`--help`** — Prints help information **Available commands:** - **`clear`** — Delete the content, resetting back to the default. ## zoom-sync set gif clear Delete the content, resetting back to the default. **Usage**: **`zoom-sync`** **`set`** **`gif`** **`clear`** **Available options:** - **`-h`**, **`--help`** — Prints help information ## zoom-sync set clear Clear all media files **Usage**: **`zoom-sync`** **`set`** **`clear`** **Available options:** - **`-h`**, **`--help`** — Prints help information