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        "itemType": "book",
        "title": "Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1993: Proceedings of the Institute of Physics Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference, University of Liverpool, 14-17 September1993",
        "creators": [{
            "creatorType": "author",
            "name": "Institute of Physics (Great Britain)"
        }, {
            "creatorType": "contributor",
            "firstName": "A. J",
            "lastName": "Craven"
        }, {
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            "name": "Institute of Physics (Great Britain)"
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            "creatorType": "contributor",
            "name": "Institute of Physics (Great Britain)"
        }, {
            "creatorType": "contributor",
            "name": "Institute of Materials (Great Britain)"
        }, {
            "creatorType": "contributor",
            "name": "Royal Microscopical Society (Great Britain)"
        }, {
            "creatorType": "contributor",
            "name": "University of Liverpool"
        "abstractNote": "",
        "series": "Institute of Physics conference series",
        "seriesNumber": "no. 138",
        "volume": "",
        "numberOfVolumes": "",
        "edition": "",
        "place": "Bristol, UK",
        "publisher": "Institute of Physics Pub",
        "date": "1993",
        "numPages": "546",
        "language": "",
        "ISBN": "0750303212",
        "shortTitle": "Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1993",
        "url": "",
        "accessDate": "",
        "archive": "",
        "archiveLocation": "",
        "libraryCatalog": "cat.cisti-icist.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca Library Catalog",
        "callNumber": "QC1 I584 v. 138",
        "rights": "",
        "extra": "",
        "dateAdded": "2011-01-13T03:37:29Z",
        "dateModified": "2011-01-13T03:37:29Z",
        "tags": [{
            "tag": "Analysis",
            "type": 1
        }, {
            "tag": "Congresses",
            "type": 1
        }, {
            "tag": "Electron microscopy",
            "type": 1
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