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            "firstName": "Riccardo",
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            "firstName": "Leonardo",
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        "abstractNote": "It is widely accepted that, under normal conditions, the contact between allergens and the immune system via the gut results in immune tolerance. Thus, it is rather surprising that normal adults may become sensitized to foods that they have consumed a number of times without any consequence. However, the medical literature is crowded with reports suggesting that sensitization to food allergens may occur outside the intestinal tract in many instances. The present article reviews and discusses current data suggesting, either directly or indirectly, a possible initiation of food allergy in the respiratory tract or in the skin in the light of recent findings about mechanisms of tolerance and sensitization.",
        "publicationTitle": "International archives of allergy and immunology",
        "volume": "154",
        "issue": "1",
        "pages": "6-14",
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        "journalAbbreviation": "Int Arch Allergy Immunol",
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        }, {
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        }, {
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            "type": 1
        }, {
            "tag": "Gastrointestinal Tract",
            "type": 1
        }, {
            "tag": "Humans",
            "type": 1
        }, {
            "tag": "Immune Tolerance",
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        }, {
            "tag": "Plants, Edible",
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        }, {
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        "title": "Biscrolling Nanotube Sheets and Functional Guests into Yarns",
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            "firstName": "Márcio D.",
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        }, {
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        }, {
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            "firstName": "Xavier",
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            "firstName": "Raquel",
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            "firstName": "Javier",
            "lastName": "Carretero-González"
        }, {
            "creatorType": "author",
            "firstName": "Elizabeth",
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            "firstName": "Mikhail E.",
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            "creatorType": "author",
            "firstName": "Carter S.",
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            "creatorType": "author",
            "firstName": "Mohammad H.",
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            "firstName": "Vaishnavi",
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        "abstractNote": "Multifunctional applications of textiles have been limited by the inability to spin important materials into yarns. Generically applicable methods are demonstrated for producing weavable yarns comprising up to 95 weight percent of otherwise unspinnable particulate or nanofiber powders that remain highly functional. Scrolled 50-nanometer-thick carbon nanotube sheets confine these powders in the galleries of irregular scroll sacks whose observed complex structures are related to twist-dependent extension of Archimedean spirals, Fermat spirals, or spiral pairs into scrolls. The strength and electronic connectivity of a small weight fraction of scrolled carbon nanotube sheet enables yarn weaving, sewing, knotting, braiding, and charge collection. This technology is used to make yarns of superconductors, lithium-ion battery materials, graphene ribbons, catalytic nanofibers for fuel cells, and titanium dioxide for photocatalysis.",
        "publicationTitle": "Science",
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