**Warning**: This SDK is in active development. Please do not use for live trading
zrsclient is an effort to create a Rust based SDK over the API provided by the indian stock
broker Zerodha. We strive to actively maintain this SDK to follow changes that zerodha makes to
their APIs.
We have also included retry mechanisms to handle throttling requests on the REST API, to ease the
algorithm writer's pain of handling unnecessary panics from recoverable errors.
## Example
use zrsclient::connect::KiteConnect
use zrsclient::config::ZrsClientConfig
use serde_json::{Value as JsonValue};
// Create a config struct with proper authorization keys
let config = ZrsClientConfig {
api_key : Some("API_KEY"),
access_token : Some("ACCESS_TOKEN"),
base_url : None
// Create a KiteConnect client with config struct
let kite = KiteConnect::new(config);
// Set a count on how many times you want zrsclient to retry before panicking.
// If you set the retry count to 0 the client will not perform any retries on recoverable failures.
let retry_count_from_recoverable_errors = 10;
let data: Value = kite.holdings(retry_count_from_recoverable_errors);
# Running Integration Tests
To run integration tests which are immutable run the following command
cargo test immutable -- --ignored
# Running Tests with Statistics
run the following command to install the nightly compiler
rustup install nightly
run the following command to set nightly as default compiler
rustup default nightly
To run unit and integration tests which are immutable and get metrics
cargo test -- -Z unstable-options --report-time