use std::fmt::Write; use std::path::Path; use std::{env, fs}; use indoc::indoc; fn main() { update_tests(); emit_autocfg(); } const TEST_PREFIX: &str = "// autogenerated file, do not edit manually // one test is generated for each `.test` file "; /// Autogenerate an integration test for every `.test` file fn update_tests() { let root = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); let out_path = Path::new(&env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()).join(""); let suite_dir = root.join("test-suite"); let test_paths = fs::read_dir(suite_dir).unwrap(); let mut to_write = TEST_PREFIX.to_owned(); let mut all_test_names = Vec::new(); for path in test_paths { let path = path.unwrap().path(); // let path_str = path.display(); let fname = path.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(); let test_name = fname .strip_suffix(".test") .unwrap() .trim_start_matches(char::is_numeric) .trim_start_matches(['_', '-']) .replace('-', "_"); if all_test_names.contains(&test_name) { panic!("duplicate generated test name {test_name}"); } if test_name == "example" { continue; } write!( to_write, indoc! {" #[test] fn test_{test_name}() {{ let path = std::path::Path::new(env!(\"CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR\")); let path = path.join(\"test-suite/{fname}\"); let mgr = test_util::TestManager::new_from_file(path); let dict = mgr.build_dict(); mgr.check_all(&dict); }} "}, test_name = test_name, fname = fname, ) .unwrap(); all_test_names.push(test_name); } fs::write(out_path, to_write).unwrap(); } /// Add configuration that depends on rust version fn emit_autocfg() { const PROBE_BOX: &str = r#" || { let s = "foo".to_owned(); let _b: Box<[String]> = [s].as_slice().into(); } "#; let ac = autocfg::new(); // check if we have `Box<[T]>: From<&[T: Clone]>` loosened from `T: Copy` (1.71) ac.emit_expression_cfg(PROBE_BOX, "box_from_slice_has_clone_bound"); println!("cargo:rustc-check-cfg=cfg(box_from_slice_has_clone_bound)"); }