# THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY CARGO # # When uploading crates to the registry Cargo will automatically # "normalize" Cargo.toml files for maximal compatibility # with all versions of Cargo and also rewrite `path` dependencies # to registry (e.g., crates.io) dependencies. # # If you are reading this file be aware that the original Cargo.toml # will likely look very different (and much more reasonable). # See Cargo.toml.orig for the original contents. [package] edition = "2021" name = "zuicon-mdl2" version = "0.2.1" authors = ["Xu Shaohua "] build = "build.rs" publish = true description = "Wrapper of fluentui icons for yew framework" homepage = "https://github.com/RustVis/zu" documentation = "https://docs.rs/zuicon-mdl2" readme = "README.md" keywords = [ "web", "webasm", "icons", ] categories = [ "gui", "wasm", "web-programming", ] license = "LGPL-3.0" repository = "https://github.com/RustVis/zu" [dependencies.yew] version = "0.20.0" [build-dependencies.inflections] version = "1.1.1" [build-dependencies.zu-util] version = "0.3.3" features = ["icon"] [features] Accept = [] AcceptMedium = [] AccessLogo = [] AccessibiltyChecker = [] AccountActivity = [] AccountBrowser = [] AccountManagement = [] Accounts = [] ActionCenter = [] ActivateOrders = [] ActivityFeed = [] Add = [] AddBookmark = [] AddEvent = [] AddFavorite = [] AddFavoriteFill = [] AddFriend = [] AddGroup = [] AddHome = [] AddIn = [] AddLink = [] AddNotes = [] AddOnlineMeeting = [] AddPhone = [] AddReaction = [] AddSpaceAfter = [] AddSpaceBefore = [] AddTo = [] AddToShoppingList = [] AddWork = [] AirTickets = [] Airplane = [] AirplaneSolid = [] AlarmClock = [] Album = [] AlbumRemove = [] AlertSettings = [] AlertSolid = [] AlignCenter = [] AlignHorizontalCenter = [] AlignHorizontalLeft = [] AlignHorizontalRight = [] AlignJustify = [] AlignLeft = [] AlignRight = [] AlignVerticalBottom = [] AlignVerticalCenter = [] AlignVerticalTop = [] AllApps = [] AllAppsMirrored = [] AllCurrency = [] AltText = [] AmazonWebServicesLogo = [] AnalyticsQuery = [] AnalyticsReport = [] AnalyticsView = [] AnchorLock = [] AndroidLogo = [] Annotation = [] ApacheIvyLogo32 = [] ApacheMavenLogo = [] Archive = [] ArchiveUndo = [] AreaChart = [] ArrangeBringForward = [] ArrangeBringToFront = [] ArrangeByFrom = [] ArrangeSendBackward = [] ArrangeSendToBack = [] Arrivals = [] ArrowDownRight8 = [] ArrowDownRightMirrored8 = [] ArrowTallDownLeft = [] ArrowTallDownRight = [] ArrowTallUpLeft = [] ArrowTallUpRight = [] ArrowUpRight = [] ArrowUpRight8 = [] ArrowUpRightMirrored8 = [] Articles = [] Ascending = [] AspectRatio = [] AssessmentGroup = [] AssessmentGroupTemplate = [] AssetLibrary = [] Assign = [] AssignPolicy = [] Asterisk = [] AsteriskSolid = [] Attach = [] AustralianRules = [] AutoDeploySettings = [] AutoEnhanceOff = [] AutoEnhanceOn = [] AutoFillTemplate = [] AutoFitContents = [] AutoFitWindow = [] AutoHeight = [] AutoRacing = [] AutomateFlow = [] AwayStatus = [] Back = [] BackToWindow = [] BackgroundColor = [] Backlog = [] BacklogBoard = [] BacklogList = [] Badge = [] Balloons = [] Bank = [] BankSolid = [] BarChart4 = [] BarChartHorizontal = [] BarChartVertical = [] BarChartVerticalEdit = [] BarChartVerticalFill = [] BarChartVerticalFilter = [] BarChartVerticalFilterSolid = [] Baseball = [] BeerMug = [] Bidashboard = [] BidiLtr = [] BidiRtl = [] BirthdayCake = [] BitbucketLogo32 = [] BlobStorage = [] BlockContact = [] Blocked = [] Blocked12 = [] Blocked2 = [] Blocked2solid = [] BlockedSite = [] BlockedSiteSolid12 = [] BlockedSolid = [] Blog = [] BlowingSnow = [] Blur = [] Boards = [] Bold = [] BookAnswers = [] BookmarkReport = [] Bookmarks = [] BookmarksMirrored = [] BorderDash = [] BorderDot = [] BoxAdditionSolid = [] BoxCheckmarkSolid = [] BoxLogo = [] BoxMultiplySolid = [] BoxPlaySolid = [] BoxSubtractSolid = [] BranchCommit = [] BranchCompare = [] BranchFork = [] BranchFork2 = [] BranchLocked = [] BranchMerge = [] BranchPullRequest = [] BranchSearch = [] BranchShelveset = [] Breadcrumb = [] Breakfast = [] Brightness = [] Broom = [] BrowserScreenShot = [] BrowserTab = [] BrowserTabScreenshot = [] Brunch = [] Brush = [] BucketColor = [] BucketColorFill = [] BufferTimeAfter = [] BufferTimeBefore = [] BufferTimeBoth = [] Bug = [] BugBlock = [] BugSolid = [] BugSync = [] Build = [] BuildDefinition = [] BuildIssue = [] BuildQueue = [] BuildQueueNew = [] BulkUpload = [] BulletedList = [] BulletedList2 = [] BulletedList2mirrored = [] BulletedListBullet = [] BulletedListBulletMirrored = [] BulletedListMirrored = [] BulletedListText = [] BulletedListTextMirrored = [] BulletedTreeList = [] Bullseye = [] BullseyeTarget = [] BullseyeTargetEdit = [] Bus = [] BusSolid = [] BusinessHoursSign = [] ButtonControl = [] Cafe = [] Cake = [] Calculator = [] CalculatorAddition = [] CalculatorDelta = [] CalculatorEqualTo = [] CalculatorGroup = [] CalculatorMultiply = [] CalculatorNotEqualTo = [] CalculatorPercentage = [] CalculatorSubtract = [] Calendar = [] CalendarAgenda = [] CalendarDay = [] CalendarMirrored = [] CalendarReply = [] CalendarSettings = [] CalendarSettingsMirrored = [] CalendarWeek = [] CalendarWorkWeek = [] CalendarYear = [] Calories = [] CaloriesAdd = [] Camera = [] CampaignTemplate = [] Cancel = [] CannedChat = [] Car = [] CaretBottomLeftCenter8 = [] CaretBottomLeftSolid8 = [] CaretBottomRightCenter8 = [] CaretBottomRightSolid8 = [] CaretDown8 = [] CaretDownSolid8 = [] CaretHollow = [] CaretHollowMirrored = [] CaretLeft8 = [] CaretLeftSolid8 = [] CaretRight = [] CaretRight8 = [] CaretRightSolid8 = [] CaretSolid = [] CaretSolid16 = [] CaretSolidDown = [] CaretSolidLeft = [] CaretSolidMirrored = [] CaretSolidRight = [] CaretSolidUp = [] CaretTopLeftCenter8 = [] CaretTopLeftSolid8 = [] CaretTopRightCenter8 = [] CaretTopRightSolid8 = [] CaretUp8 = [] CaretUpSolid8 = [] Cat = [] CellPhone = [] Certificate = [] CertifiedDatabase = [] ChangeEntitlements = [] Chart = [] ChartSeries = [] ChartTemplate = [] ChartXangle = [] ChartYangle = [] Chat = [] ChatBot = [] ChatInviteFriend = [] ChatSolid = [] CheckList = [] CheckListCheck = [] CheckListCheckMirrored = [] CheckListText = [] CheckListTextMirrored = [] CheckMark = [] Checkbox = [] CheckboxComposite = [] CheckboxCompositeReversed = [] CheckboxFill = [] CheckboxIndeterminate = [] CheckedOutByOther12 = [] CheckedOutByYou12 = [] ChevronDown = [] ChevronDownEnd6 = [] ChevronDownMed = [] ChevronDownSmall = [] ChevronFold10 = [] ChevronLeft = [] ChevronLeftEnd6 = [] ChevronLeftMed = [] ChevronLeftSmall = [] ChevronRight = [] ChevronRightEnd6 = [] ChevronRightMed = [] ChevronRightSmall = [] ChevronUnfold10 = [] ChevronUp = [] ChevronUpEnd6 = [] ChevronUpMed = [] ChevronUpSmall = [] Childof = [] Chopsticks = [] ChromeBack = [] ChromeBackMirrored = [] ChromeClose = [] ChromeFullScreen = [] ChromeMinimize = [] ChromeRestore = [] ChronosLogo = [] CircleAddition = [] CircleAdditionSolid = [] CircleFill = [] CircleHalfFull = [] CirclePause = [] CirclePauseSolid = [] CirclePlus = [] CircleRing = [] CircleShape = [] CircleShapeSolid = [] CircleStop = [] CircleStopSolid = [] CityNext = [] CityNext2 = [] Clear = [] ClearFilter = [] ClearFormatting = [] ClearFormattingA = [] ClearFormattingEraser = [] ClearNight = [] ClearSelection = [] ClearSelectionMirrored = [] ClipboardList = [] ClipboardListMirrored = [] ClipboardSolid = [] Clock = [] CloneToDesktop = [] ClosePane = [] ClosePaneMirrored = [] ClosedCaption = [] CloudWeather = [] Cloudy = [] Cocktails = [] Code = [] CodeEdit = [] Coffee = [] CoffeeScript = [] CollapseContent = [] CollapseContentSingle = [] CollapseMenu = [] CollegeFootball = [] CollegeHoops = [] Color = [] ColorSolid = [] Column = [] ColumnLeftTwoThirds = [] ColumnLeftTwoThirdsEdit = [] ColumnOptions = [] ColumnRightTwoThirds = [] ColumnRightTwoThirdsEdit = [] ColumnVerticalSection = [] ColumnVerticalSectionEdit = [] Combine = [] Combobox = [] CommandPrompt = [] Comment = [] CommentActive = [] CommentAdd = [] CommentNext = [] CommentPrevious = [] CommentSolid = [] CommentUrgent = [] Commitments = [] CommonDataServiceCds = [] Communications = [] CompanyDirectory = [] CompanyDirectoryMirrored = [] Compare = [] CompareUneven = [] CompassNw = [] Completed = [] CompletedSolid = [] ComplianceAudit = [] ConfigurationSolid = [] ConnectContacts = [] ConnectVirtualMachine = [] ConstructionCone = [] ConstructionConeSolid = [] Contact = [] ContactCard = [] ContactCardSettings = [] ContactCardSettingsMirrored = [] ContactHeart = [] ContactInfo = [] ContactLink = [] ContactList = [] ContactLock = [] ContentFeed = [] ContentSettings = [] ContextMenu = [] Contrast = [] Copy = [] CopyEdit = [] Cotton = [] Coupon = [] CplusPlus = [] CplusPlusLanguage = [] CreateMailRule = [] Cricket = [] Crmprocesses = [] Crmreport = [] Crmservices = [] Crop = [] Crown = [] CrownSolid = [] Css = [] CubeShape = [] CubeShapeSolid = [] Currency = [] CustomList = [] CustomListMirrored = [] CustomizeToolbar = [] Cut = [] Cycling = [] DashboardAdd = [] DataConnectionLibrary = [] DataManagementSettings = [] Database = [] DatabaseSync = [] DatabaseView = [] Dataflows = [] DataflowsLink = [] DateTime = [] DateTime12 = [] DateTime2 = [] DateTimeMirrored = [] DeactivateOrders = [] Decimals = [] DecisionSolid = [] DeclineCall = [] DecreaseIndent = [] DecreaseIndentArrow = [] DecreaseIndentArrowMirrored = [] DecreaseIndentLegacy = [] DecreaseIndentMirrored = [] DecreaseIndentText = [] DecreaseIndentTextMirrored = [] DefaultRatio = [] DefectSolid = [] Delete = [] DeleteColumns = [] DeleteRows = [] DeleteRowsMirrored = [] DeleteTable = [] DeliveryTruck = [] DependencyAdd = [] DependencyRemove = [] Deploy = [] Descending = [] Design = [] DesktopScreenshot = [] DeveloperTools = [] DeviceBug = [] DeviceOff = [] DeviceRun = [] Devices2 = [] Devices3 = [] Devices4 = [] Diagnostic = [] DiagnosticDataBarTooltip = [] Dialpad = [] Diamond = [] DiamondSolid = [] Dictionary = [] DictionaryRemove = [] DietPlanNotebook = [] DiffInline = [] DiffSideBySide = [] DisableUpdates = [] DisconnectVirtualMachine = [] Dislike = [] DislikeSolid = [] DistributeDown = [] DocLibrary = [] DockLeft = [] DockLeftMirrored = [] DockRight = [] DockerLogo = [] Document = [] DocumentApproval = [] DocumentManagement = [] DocumentReply = [] DocumentSearch = [] DocumentSet = [] Documentation = [] Dom = [] DonutChart = [] Door = [] DoubleBookmark = [] DoubleChevronDown = [] DoubleChevronDown12 = [] DoubleChevronDown8 = [] DoubleChevronLeft = [] DoubleChevronLeft12 = [] DoubleChevronLeft8 = [] DoubleChevronLeftMed = [] DoubleChevronLeftMedMirrored = [] DoubleChevronRight = [] DoubleChevronRight12 = [] DoubleChevronRight8 = [] DoubleChevronUp = [] DoubleChevronUp12 = [] DoubleChevronUp8 = [] DoubleColumn = [] DoubleColumnEdit = [] DoubleDownArrow = [] Down = [] Download = [] DownloadDocument = [] DragObject = [] DrillDown = [] DrillDownSolid = [] DrillExpand = [] DrillShow = [] DrillThrough = [] DriverOff = [] Drm = [] Drop = [] DropShape = [] DropShapeSolid = [] DropboxLogo = [] Dropdown = [] DuplicateRow = [] Duststorm = [] EDiscovery = [] EatDrink = [] Edit = [] EditContact = [] EditCreate = [] EditMail = [] EditMirrored = [] EditNote = [] EditPhoto = [] EditSolid12 = [] EditSolidMirrored12 = [] EditStyle = [] Education = [] EgnyteLogo = [] Ellipse = [] Embed = [] Emi = [] Emoji = [] Emoji2 = [] EmojiDisappointed = [] EmojiNeutral = [] EmojiTabSymbols = [] EmptyRecycleBin = [] Encryption = [] EndPointSolid = [] EngineeringGroup = [] EntitlementPolicy = [] EntitlementRedemption = [] EntryDecline = [] EntryView = [] Equalizer = [] EraseTool = [] Error = [] ErrorBadge = [] Event = [] Event12 = [] EventAccepted = [] EventDate = [] EventDateMissed12 = [] EventDeclined = [] EventInfo = [] EventTentative = [] EventTentativeMirrored = [] EventToDoLogo = [] ExerciseTracker = [] ExpandMenu = [] ExploreContent = [] ExploreContentSingle = [] ExploreData = [] Export = [] ExportMirrored = [] ExternalBuild = [] ExternalGit = [] ExternalTfvc = [] ExternalXaml = [] EyeShadow = [] Eyedropper = [] F12devTools = [] FacebookLogo = [] Family = [] FangBody = [] FastForward = [] FastForwardEightX = [] FastForwardFourX = [] FastForwardOneFiveX = [] FastForwardOneX = [] FastForwardPointFiveX = [] FastForwardTwoX = [] FastMode = [] Favicon = [] FavoriteList = [] FavoriteStar = [] FavoriteStarFill = [] Fax = [] Feedback = [] FeedbackRequestMirroredSolid = [] FeedbackRequestSolid = [] FeedbackResponseSolid = [] Ferry = [] FerrySolid = [] FieldChanged = [] FieldEmpty = [] FieldFilled = [] FieldNotChanged = [] FieldReadOnly = [] FieldRequired = [] FileAspx = [] FileBug = [] FileCode = [] FileComment = [] FileCss = [] FileHtml = [] FileImage = [] FileJava = [] FileLess = [] FileOff = [] FilePdb = [] FileRequest = [] FileSass = [] FileSql = [] FileSymlink = [] FileSystem = [] FileTemplate = [] FileYml = [] Filter = [] FilterAscending = [] FilterDescending = [] FilterSettings = [] FilterSolid = [] Filters = [] FiltersSolid = [] Financial = [] FinancialMirroredSolid = [] FinancialSolid = [] Fingerprint = [] FitPage = [] FitWidth = [] FiveTileGrid = [] FixedAssetManagement = [] FixedColumnWidth = [] Flag = [] FlameSolid = [] FlashAuto = [] FlashOff = [] Flashlight = [] FlickDown = [] FlickLeft = [] FlickRight = [] FlickUp = [] Flow = [] FlowChart = [] Flower = [] FocalPoint = [] Focus = [] FocusView = [] Fog = [] Folder = [] FolderFill = [] FolderHorizontal = [] FolderList = [] FolderListMirrored = [] FolderOpen = [] FolderQuery = [] FolderSearch = [] FollowUser = [] Font = [] FontColor = [] FontColorA = [] FontColorSwatch = [] FontDecrease = [] FontIncrease = [] FontSize = [] FontSize2 = [] Footer = [] FormLibrary = [] FormLibraryMirrored = [] FormatPainter = [] Forum = [] Forward = [] ForwardEvent = [] Freezing = [] Frigid = [] FrontCamera = [] FullCircleMask = [] FullHistory = [] FullScreen = [] FullView = [] FullWidth = [] FullWidthEdit = [] FunctionalManagerDashboard = [] FunnelChart = [] Game = [] Gather = [] Generate = [] GenericScan = [] GenericScanFilled = [] Gif = [] GiftBoxSolid = [] GiftCard = [] Giftbox = [] GiftboxOpen = [] GitFork = [] GitGraph = [] GitHubLogo = [] GitLogo = [] Glasses = [] Glimmer = [] GlobalNavButton = [] GlobalNavButtonActive = [] Globe = [] Globe2 = [] GlobeFavorite = [] Go = [] GoMirrored = [] GoToDashboard = [] Golf = [] GoogleDriveLogo = [] GoogleDriveLogoBottomBlue = [] GoogleDriveLogoLeftGreen = [] GoogleDriveLogoRightYellow = [] GotoToday = [] GradleLogo32 = [] GreetingCard = [] GridViewLarge = [] GridViewMedium = [] GridViewSmall = [] GripperBarHorizontal = [] GripperBarVertical = [] GripperDotsVertical = [] GripperTool = [] Group = [] GroupList = [] GroupObject = [] GroupedAscending = [] GroupedDescending = [] GroupedList = [] Guid = [] Guitar = [] HailDay = [] HailNight = [] HalfAlpha = [] HalfCircle = [] HandsFree = [] Handwriting = [] HardDrive = [] HardDriveGroup = [] HardDriveLock = [] HardDriveUnlock = [] Header = [] Header1 = [] Header2 = [] Header3 = [] Header4 = [] Headset = [] HeadsetSolid = [] Health = [] HealthRefresh = [] HealthSolid = [] Heart = [] HeartBroken = [] HeartFill = [] Help = [] HelpMirrored = [] HexaditeInvestigation = [] HexaditeInvestigationCancel = [] HexaditeInvestigationSemiAuto = [] Hexagon = [] Hide = [] Hide2 = [] Hide3 = [] Highlight = [] HighlightMappedShapes = [] HintText = [] HistoricalWeather = [] History = [] Home = [] HomeDropdown = [] HomeGroup = [] HomeSolid = [] HomeVerify = [] HorizontalDistributeCenter = [] HorizontalTabKey = [] Hospital = [] Hotel = [] HourGlass = [] IOsappStoreLogo = [] Idbadge = [] IgnoreConversation = [] ImageCrosshair = [] ImageDiff = [] ImageInAr = [] ImagePixel = [] ImageSearch = [] Import = [] ImportAllMirrored = [] ImportMirrored = [] Important = [] Inbox = [] InboxCheck = [] IncidentTriangle = [] IncomingCall = [] IncreaseIndent = [] IncreaseIndentArrow = [] IncreaseIndentArrowMirrored = [] IncreaseIndentHanging = [] IncreaseIndentHangingMirrored = [] IncreaseIndentLegacy = [] IncreaseIndentMirrored = [] IncreaseIndentText = [] IncreaseIndentTextMirrored = [] IndentFirstLine = [] Info = [] Info2 = [] InfoSolid = [] InformationBarriers = [] InkingTool = [] InputAddress = [] Insert = [] InsertColumnsLeft = [] InsertColumnsRight = [] InsertRowsAbove = [] InsertRowsBelow = [] InsertSignatureLine = [] InsertTextBox = [] Insights = [] InstallToDrive = [] Installation = [] InternalInvestigation = [] InternetSharing = [] Iot = [] Irmforward = [] IrmforwardMirrored = [] Irmreply = [] IrmreplyMirrored = [] IssueSolid = [] IssueTracking = [] IssueTrackingMirrored = [] Italic = [] JavaLogo = [] JavaScriptLanguage = [] JenkinsLogo = [] JoinOnlineMeeting = [] Js = [] KeubernetesLogo = [] KeyPhraseExtraction = [] KeyboardClassic = [] KnowledgeArticle = [] Label = [] LadybugSolid = [] Lamp = [] LandscapeOrientation = [] LaptopSecure = [] LaptopSelected = [] LargeGrid = [] LearningTools = [] Leave = [] LeaveUser = [] Library = [] Lifesaver = [] LifesaverLock = [] Light = [] LightWeight = [] Lightbulb = [] LightningBolt = [] LightningBoltSolid = [] Like = [] LikeSolid = [] Line = [] LineChart = [] LineSpacing = [] LineStyle = [] LineThickness = [] Link = [] Link12 = [] LinkedDatabase = [] LinuxLogo32 = [] List = [] ListMirrored = [] LiveSite = [] LocaleLanguage = [] Location = [] LocationCircle = [] LocationDot = [] LocationFill = [] LocationOutline = [] Lock = [] Lock12 = [] LockShare = [] LockSolid = [] LogRemove = [] LookupEntities = [] LowerBrightness = [] MachineLearning = [] Mail = [] MailAlert = [] MailAttached = [] MailCheck = [] MailFill = [] MailForward = [] MailForwardMirrored = [] MailLowImportance = [] MailOptions = [] MailPause = [] MailReminder = [] MailRepeat = [] MailReply = [] MailReplyAll = [] MailReplyAllMirrored = [] MailReplyMirrored = [] MailSchedule = [] MailSolid = [] MailTentative = [] MailTentativeMirrored = [] MailUndelivered = [] ManagerSelfService = [] Manufacturing = [] MapDirections = [] MapLayers = [] MapPin = [] MapPin12 = [] MapPinSolid = [] MarkAsProtected = [] MarkDownLanguage = [] Market = [] MarketDown = [] MasterDatabase = [] MaximumValue = [] Medal = [] MedalSolid = [] Media = [] MediaAdd = [] Medical = [] Megaphone = [] MegaphoneSolid = [] Memo = [] Merge = [] MergeDuplicate = [] Message = [] MessageFill = [] MessageFriendRequest = [] MicOff = [] MicOff2 = [] Microphone = [] MiniContract = [] MiniContractMirrored = [] MiniExpand = [] MiniExpandMirrored = [] MiniLink = [] MinimumValue = [] MiracastLogoLarge = [] MobileAngled = [] MobileReport = [] MobileSelected = [] ModelingView = [] Money = [] More = [] MoreSports = [] MoreVertical = [] MountainClimbing = [] MoveIcon = [] MoveToFolder = [] Movers = [] MultiSelect = [] MultiSelectMirrored = [] MusicInCollection = [] MusicInCollectionFill = [] MusicNote = [] MuteChat = [] MyMoviesTv = [] MyNetwork = [] Nav2dmapView = [] NavigateBack = [] NavigateBackMirrored = [] NavigateExternalInline = [] NavigateForward = [] NavigateForwardMirrored = [] NavigationFlipper = [] NetworkTower = [] NewAnalyticsQuery = [] NewFolder = [] NewMail = [] NewTeamProject = [] News = [] NewsSearch = [] Next = [] NonprofitLogo32 = [] NormalWeight = [] NotExecuted = [] NotImpactedSolid = [] NoteForward = [] NotePinned = [] NoteReply = [] Npmlogo = [] Number = [] NumberField = [] NumberSequence = [] NumberSymbol = [] NumberedList = [] NumberedListMirrored = [] NumberedListNumber = [] NumberedListNumberMirrored = [] NumberedListText = [] NumberedListTextMirrored = [] Octagon = [] Oem = [] OfficeChat = [] OfficeChatSolid = [] OfflineStorage = [] OfflineStorageSolid = [] Onboarding = [] OpenEnrollment = [] OpenFile = [] OpenFolderHorizontal = [] OpenInNewTab = [] OpenInNewWindow = [] OpenPane = [] OpenPaneMirrored = [] OpenSource = [] OpenWith = [] OpenWithMirrored = [] Org = [] Orientation = [] Orientation2 = [] OutOfOffice = [] Package = [] Packages = [] Padding = [] PaddingBottom = [] PaddingLeft = [] PaddingRight = [] PaddingTop = [] Page = [] PageAdd = [] PageArrowRight = [] PageCheckedOut = [] PageCheckedin = [] PageData = [] PageEdit = [] PageHeader = [] PageHeaderEdit = [] PageLeft = [] PageLink = [] PageList = [] PageListFilter = [] PageListMirroredSolid = [] PageListSolid = [] PageLock = [] PageRemove = [] PageRight = [] PageShared = [] PageSolid = [] PanoIndicator = [] Parachute = [] ParachuteSolid = [] Parameter = [] 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PlayResume = [] PlayReverse = [] PlayReverseResume = [] PlaySolid = [] PlaybackRate1x = [] PlayerSettings = [] Plug = [] PlugConnected = [] PlugDisconnected = [] PlugSolid = [] Poi = [] Poisolid = [] PollResults = [] PostUpdate = [] PowerButton = [] Precipitation = [] PresenceChickletVideo = [] Presentation = [] Presentation12 = [] Preview = [] PreviewLink = [] Previous = [] PrimaryCalendar = [] Print = [] PrintfaxPrinterFile = [] ProFootball = [] ProHockey = [] ProcessMetaTask = [] Processing = [] ProcessingCancel = [] ProcessingPause = [] ProcessingRun = [] Product = [] ProductCatalog = [] ProductList = [] ProductRelease = [] ProductVariant = [] ProductionFloorManagement = [] ProfileSearch = [] ProgressLoopInner = [] ProgressLoopOuter = [] ProgressRingDots = [] PromotedDatabase = [] ProtectRestrict = [] ProtectedDocument = [] ProvisioningPackage = [] PublicCalendar = [] PublicContactCard = [] PublicContactCardMirrored = [] PublicEmail = [] PublicFolder = [] PublishContent = [] PublishCourse = [] Puzzle = [] Py = [] PythonLanguage = [] PythonLogoBlue = [] PythonLogoYellow = [] QandA = [] QandAmirror = [] Qrcode = [] QuadColumn = [] Quantity = [] QuarterCircle = [] QueryList = [] Questionnaire = [] QuestionnaireMirrored = [] QuickNote = [] QuickNoteSolid = [] R = [] RadioBtnOff = [] RadioBtnOn = [] RadioBullet = [] Rain = [] RainShowersDay = [] RainShowersNight = [] RainSnow = [] RawSource = [] ReactLogo = [] Read = [] ReadOutLoud = [] ReadingMode = [] ReadingModeSolid = [] RealEstate = [] ReceiptCheck = [] ReceiptForward = [] ReceiptReply = [] ReceiptTentative = [] ReceiptTentativeMirrored = [] ReceiptUndelivered = [] Recent = [] Record2 = [] RecruitmentManagement = [] RectangleShape = [] RectangleShapeSolid = [] RectangularClipping = [] RecurringEvent = [] RecurringTask = [] RedEye = [] RedEye12 = [] Redeploy = [] Redo = [] Refresh = [] RegistryEditor = [] Relationship = [] ReleaseDefinition = [] ReleaseGate = [] ReleaseGateCheck = [] ReleaseGateError = [] ReminderGroup = [] ReminderPerson = [] ReminderTime = [] Remote = [] Remove = [] RemoveContent = [] RemoveEvent = [] RemoveFilter = [] RemoveFromShoppingList = [] RemoveFromTrash = [] RemoveLink = [] RemoveLinkChain = [] RemoveLinkX = [] RemoveOccurrence = [] Rename = [] RenewalCurrent = [] RenewalFuture = [] ReopenPages = [] Repair = [] RepeatAll = [] RepeatHeaderRows = [] RepeatOne = [] Reply = [] ReplyAll = [] ReplyAllAlt = [] ReplyAllMirrored = [] ReplyAlt = [] ReplyMirrored = [] Repo = [] RepoSolid = [] ReportAdd = [] ReportDocument = [] ReportHacked = [] ReportLibrary = [] ReportLibraryMirrored = [] ReportLock = [] ReportWarning = [] Rerun = [] ReservationOrders = [] Reset = [] ResetDevice = [] ResponsesMenu = [] ReturnKey = [] ReturnToSession = [] RevToggleKey = [] ReviewRequestMirroredSolid = [] ReviewRequestSolid = [] ReviewResponseSolid = [] ReviewSolid = [] Rewind = [] RewindEightX = [] RewindFourX = [] RewindOneFiveX = [] RewindOneX = [] RewindPointFiveX = [] RewindTwoX = [] Ribbon = [] RibbonSolid = [] RightDoubleQuote = [] RightTriangle = [] Ringer = [] RingerOff = [] RingerRemove = [] RingerSolid = [] Robot = [] Rocket = [] Room = [] Rotate = [] Rotate90clockwise = [] Rotate90counterClockwise = [] RowsChild = [] RowsGroup = [] RubyGemsLogo = [] Rugby = [] Running = [] RustLanguageLogo = [] Sad = [] SadSolid = [] Save = [] SaveAll = [] SaveAndClose = [] SaveAs = [] SaveTemplate = [] SaveToMobile = [] Savings = [] ScaleUp = [] ScaleVolume = [] ScatterChart = [] ScheduleEventAction = [] ScopeTemplate = [] ScreenCast = [] ScreenTime = [] Script = [] ScrollUpDown = [] Sdcard = [] Search = [] SearchAndApps = [] SearchBookmark = [] SearchCalendar = [] SearchData = [] SearchIssue = [] SearchIssueMirrored = [] SearchNearby = [] SecondaryNav = [] Section = [] Sections = [] SecurityGroup = [] SeeDo = [] SelectAll = [] Sell = [] SemiboldWeight = [] Send = [] SendMirrored = [] SentimentAnalysis = [] Separator = [] Server = [] ServerEnviroment = [] ServerProcesses = [] ServiceOff = [] SetAction = [] SetsFlag = [] Settings = [] ShakeDevice = [] ShapeSolid = [] Shapes = [] Share = [] SharedDatabase = [] ShareiOs = [] Shirt = [] Shop = [] ShopServer = [] ShoppingCart = [] ShoppingCartSolid = [] ShowGrid = [] ShowResults = [] ShowResultsMirrored = [] ShowTimeAs = [] SidePanel = [] SidePanelMirrored = [] SignOut = [] Signin = [] SingleBookmark = [] SingleBookmarkSolid = [] SingleColumn = [] SingleColumnEdit = [] Sipmove = [] SiteScan = [] SixPointStar = [] SizeLegacy = [] SkiResorts = [] SkipBack10 = [] SkipForward30 = [] SkypeArrow = [] SkypeCheck = [] SkypeClock = [] SkypeMinus = [] Slider = [] SliderHandleSize = [] SliderThumb = [] Slideshow = [] SmartGlassRemote = [] SnapToGrid = [] Snooze = [] Snow = [] SnowShowerDay = [] SnowShowerNight = [] Snowflake = [] Soccer = [] Sort = [] SortDown = [] SortLines = [] SortLinesAscending = [] SortUp = [] Source = [] Spacer = [] Speakers = [] SpecialEvent = [] SpeedHigh = [] Spelling = [] Split = [] SplitObject = [] Sprint = [] SqlanalyticsPool = [] Squalls = [] SquareShape = [] SquareShapeSolid = [] Stack = [] StackColumnChart = [] StackIndicator = [] StackedBarChart = [] StackedColumnChart2 = [] StackedColumnChart2fill = [] StackedLineChart = [] Starburst = [] StarburstSolid = [] StatusCircleBlock = [] StatusCircleBlock2 = [] StatusCircleCheckmark = [] StatusCircleErrorX = [] StatusCircleExclamation = [] StatusCircleInfo = [] StatusCircleInner = [] StatusCircleOuter = [] StatusCircleQuestionMark = [] StatusCircleRing = [] StatusCircleSync = [] StatusErrorFull = [] StatusTriangle = [] StatusTriangleExclamation = [] StatusTriangleInner = [] StatusTriangleOuter = [] Step = [] StepInsert = [] StepShared = [] StepSharedAdd = [] StepSharedInsert = [] StockDown = [] StockUp = [] Stop = [] StopSolid = [] Stopwatch = [] StorageAcount = [] StorageOptical = [] Storyboard = [] Streaming = [] StreamingOff = [] Street = [] StreetsideSplitMinimize = [] Strikethrough = [] Subscribe = [] Subscript = [] SubstitutionsIn = [] Suitcase = [] SunAdd = [] SunQuestionMark = [] Sunny = [] Superscript = [] SurveyQuestions = [] Svnlogo = [] SwiftLogo = [] Switch = [] SwitchUser = [] SwitcherStartEnd = [] Sync = [] SyncFolder = [] SyncOccurence = [] SyncStatus = [] SyncStatusSolid = [] SyncToPc = [] System = [] Tab = [] TabCenter = [] TabOneColumn = [] TabThreeColumn = [] TabTwoColumn = [] Table = [] TableBrandedColumn = [] TableBrandedRow = [] TableComputed = [] TableFirstColumn = [] TableGroup = [] TableHeaderRow = [] TableLastColumn = [] TableLink = [] TableTotalRow = [] Tablet = [] TabletMode = [] TabletSelected = [] Tag = [] TagGroup = [] TagSolid = [] TagUnknown = [] TagUnknown12 = [] TagUnknown12mirror = [] TagUnknownMirror = [] TaskGroup = [] TaskGroupMirrored = [] TaskList = [] TaskManager = [] TaskManagerMirrored = [] TaskSolid = [] Taskboard = [] Taxi = [] TeamFavorite = [] Teamwork = [] Teeth = [] Telemarketer = [] TemporaryUser = [] Tennis = [] TestAutoSolid = [] TestBeaker = [] TestBeakerSolid = [] TestCase = [] TestExploreSolid = [] TestImpactSolid = [] TestParameter = [] TestPlan = [] TestStep = [] TestSuite = [] TestUserSolid = [] TextAlignBottom = [] TextAlignMiddle = [] TextAlignTop = [] TextBox = [] TextCallout = [] TextDocument = [] TextDocumentEdit = [] TextDocumentSettings = [] TextDocumentShared = [] TextField = [] TextOverflow = [] TextParagraphOption = [] TextRecognition = [] TextRotate270degrees = [] TextRotate90degrees = [] TextRotateHorizontal = [] TextRotation = [] ThisPc = [] ThreeQuarterCircle = [] ThumbnailView = [] ThumbnailViewMirrored = [] Thunderstorms = [] Ticket = [] Tiles = [] Tiles2 = [] TimeEntry = [] TimePicker = [] TimeSheet = [] Timeline = [] TimelineDelivery = [] TimelineMatrixView = [] TimelineProgress = [] Timer = [] ToggleBorder = [] ToggleFilled = [] ToggleLeft = [] ToggleRight = [] ToggleThumb = [] Toll = [] Toolbox = [] Total = [] Touch = [] TouchPointer = [] Trackers = [] TrackersMirrored = [] Train = [] TrainSolid = [] TransferCall = [] Transition = [] TransitionEffect = [] TransitionPop = [] TransitionPush = [] Translate = [] Trending12 = [] TriangleDown12 = [] TriangleLeft12 = [] TriangleRight12 = [] TriangleShape = [] TriangleShapeSolid = [] TriangleSolid = [] TriangleSolidDown12 = [] TriangleSolidLeft12 = [] TriangleSolidRight12 = [] TriangleSolidUp12 = [] TriangleUp12 = [] TriggerApproval = [] TriggerAuto = [] TriggerUser = [] Trim = [] TrimEnd = [] TrimStart = [] TripleColumn = [] TripleColumnEdit = [] TripleColumnWide = [] Trophy = [] Trophy2 = [] Trophy2solid = [] TurnRight = [] Tvmonitor = [] TvmonitorSelected = [] TwelvePointStar = [] TwitterLogo = [] Umbrella = [] UnSetColor = [] Underline = [] Undo = [] Uneditable = [] Uneditable2 = [] Uneditable2mirrored = [] UneditableMirrored = [] UneditableSolid12 = [] UneditableSolidMirrored12 = [] Unfavorite = [] UngroupObject = [] Unknown = [] UnknownCall = [] UnknownMirrored = [] UnknownMirroredSolid = [] UnknownSolid = [] Unlock = [] UnlockSolid = [] Unpin = [] UnpublishContent = [] UnstackSelected = [] Unsubscribe = [] UnsyncFolder = [] UnsyncOccurence = [] Untag = [] Up = [] UpdateRestore = [] UpgradeAnalysis = [] Upload = [] Urlblock = [] Usb = [] UserEvent = [] UserFollowed = [] UserGauge = [] UserOptional = [] UserPause = [] UserRemove = [] UserSync = [] UserWarning = [] Vacation = [] Vaccination = [] Variable = [] Variable2 = [] VariableGroup = [] Vb = [] VennDiagram = [] VerifiedBrand = [] VerifiedBrandSolid = [] VersionControlPush = [] VerticalDistributeCenter = [] Video = [] Video360generic = [] VideoLightOff = [] VideoOff = [] VideoOff2 = [] VideoSearch = [] VideoSolid = [] View = [] ViewAll = [] ViewAll2 = [] ViewDashboard = [] ViewInAr = [] ViewList = [] ViewListGroup = [] ViewListTree = [] ViewOriginal = [] VisuallyImpaired = [] VisualsFolder = [] VisualsStore = [] VivaEngage = [] VoicemailForward = [] VoicemailIrm = [] VoicemailReply = [] Volume0 = [] Volume1 = [] Volume2 = [] Volume3 = [] VolumeDisabled = [] Waffle = [] WaitlistConfirm = [] WaitlistConfirmMirrored = [] Warning = [] Warning12 = [] WarningSolid = [] WavingHand = [] WebComponents = [] WebEnvironment = [] WebPublish = [] WebTemplate = [] Webcam2 = [] Webcam2off = [] Website = [] Weights = [] Wheelchair = [] WifiEthernet = [] WifiWarning4 = [] WindDirection = [] WindowEdit = [] Wines = [] WipePhone = [] Work = [] WorkFlow = [] WorkItem = [] WorkItemAlert = [] WorkItemBar = [] WorkItemBarSolid = [] WorkItemBug = [] WorkforceManagement = [] World = [] WorldClock = [] XamarinLogo = [] XboxController = [] ZipFolder = [] Zoom = [] ZoomIn = [] ZoomOut = [] ZoomToFit = [] default = []