//! A delightfully 90s website to store and view quotes //! This example is slightly more advanced than the pastebin one because it uses a file to save the quotes. //! In a real project you can probably use dependencies like `rusqlite` for a proper database. //! But hey, more examples cant hurt! use std::{ collections::HashMap, fs, net::Ipv4Addr, path::PathBuf, sync::RwLock, time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}, }; use afire::{ extensions::date::imp_date, internal::encoding::url, trace, trace::{set_log_level, Level}, Content, HeaderName, Method, Query, Response, Server, Status, }; struct App { path: PathBuf, quotes: RwLock>, } struct Quote { name: String, value: String, date: u64, } fn main() { set_log_level(Level::Trace); let app = App::new(PathBuf::from("quotes.txt")); app.load(); let mut server = Server::new(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST, 8080).state(app); // Route to serve the homepage (page that has add quote form) server.route(Method::GET, "/", |_| { Response::new() .text(String::new() + HEADER + HOME) .content(Content::HTML) }); // Route to handle creating new quotes. // After successful creation the user will be redirected to the new quotes page. server.stateful_route(Method::POST, "/api/new", |app, req| { let form = Query::from_query_str(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&req.body)); let name = url::decode(form.get("author").expect("No author supplied")).expect("Invalid author"); let body = url::decode(form.get("quote").expect("No quote supplied")).expect("Invalid quote"); let quote = Quote { name, value: body, date: now(), }; let mut quotes = app.quotes.write().unwrap(); let id = quotes.len(); quotes.insert(id.to_string(), quote); drop(quotes); trace!(Level::Trace, "Added new quote #{id}"); app.save(); Response::new() .status(Status::SeeOther) .header(HeaderName::Location, format!("/quote/{id}")) .text("Redirecting to quote page.") }); server.stateful_route(Method::GET, "/quote/{id}", |app, req| { let id = req.param("id").unwrap(); if id == "undefined" { return Response::new(); } let id = id.parse::().expect("ID is not a valid integer"); let quotes = app.quotes.read().unwrap(); if id >= quotes.len() { return Response::new() .status(Status::NotFound) .text(format!("No quote with the id {id} was found.")); } let quote = quotes.get(&id.to_string()).unwrap(); Response::new().content(Content::HTML).text( String::new() + HEADER + "E .replace("{QUOTE}", "e.value) .replace("{AUTHOR}", "e.name) .replace("{TIME}", &imp_date(quote.date)), ) }); server.stateful_route(Method::GET, "/quotes", |app, _req| { let mut out = String::from(HEADER); out.push_str("").content(Content::HTML) }); // Note: In a production application you may want to multithread the server with the Server::start_threaded method. server.start().unwrap(); } fn now() -> u64 { SystemTime::now() .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) .expect("Time went backwards") .as_secs() } impl App { fn new(path: PathBuf) -> Self { Self { path, quotes: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), } } fn load(&self) { if !self.path.exists() { trace!(Level::Trace, "No save file found. Skipping loading."); return; } let data = fs::read_to_string(&self.path).unwrap(); let mut quotes = self.quotes.write().unwrap(); quotes.clear(); for i in data.lines() { let (name, quote) = i.split_once(':').unwrap(); if let Some(i) = Quote::load(quote) { quotes.insert(name.to_owned(), i); continue; } trace!(Level::Error, "Error loading entry"); } trace!("Loaded {} entries", quotes.len()); } fn save(&self) { trace!(Level::Trace, "Saving quotes"); let mut out = String::new(); for i in self.quotes.read().unwrap().iter() { out.push_str(&format!("{}:{}\n", i.0, i.1.save())); } fs::write(&self.path, out).unwrap(); } } impl Quote { fn save(&self) -> String { format!( "{}:{}:{}", url::encode(&self.name), url::encode(&self.value), self.date ) } fn load(line: &str) -> Option { let mut parts = line.split(':'); let name = url::decode(parts.next()?).unwrap(); let value = url::decode(parts.next()?).unwrap(); let date = parts.next()?.parse().ok()?; Some(Self { name, value, date }) } } // Define webpage sources // In all of my real applications, the web data is put in a web/ directory and served with the ServeStatic middleware. // Im just embedding it in the code here to keep the example all contained in one file, please don't really do this. // If you want to see some examples of some real afire applications checkout the 'afire hub' at https://connorcode.com/writing/afire. const HEADER: &str = r#" New QuoteAll Quotes "#; // Note: When submitting the form it will send a POST to /api/new const HOME: &str = r#"

"#; const QUOTE: &str = r#"


