This is your private leaderboard for Advent of Code 2022. You can remove a user by clicking the [X] next to their name. You can use a different [Ordering], manage your [Private Leaderboards], use an [API], or switch to another [Event].
You can also get the [JSON] for this private leaderboard. Please don't make frequent automated requests to this service - avoid sending requests more often than once every 15 minutes (900
seconds). If you do this from a script, you'll have to provide your session cookie in the request; a fresh session cookie lasts for about a month. Timestamps use Unix time.
There are several different ordering methods available:
- [Local Score], which awards users on this leaderboard points much like the global leaderboard. If you add or remove users, the points will be recalculated, and the order can change. For
users, the first user to get each star gets N
points, the second gets N-1
, and the last gets 1
. This is the default.
- [Global Score], which uses scores from the global leaderboard. Ties are broken by the user's local score.
- [Stars], which uses the number of stars the user has. Ties are broken by the time the most recent star was acquired. This used to be the default.
Gold indicates the user got both stars for that day, silver means just the first star, and gray means none.