
Actions are the leaves of the tree. They require some implementation to be executed.

Action types

There are three types of actions available at that moment:

  • Sync actions: the actions that block the flow until the action get done.

  • Async action: initiate the calculation at the different thread and return running immediately.

  • Remote action: send the blocking request (http) to the remote host.

  • For heavy actions, preferably to use async actions.


Impl for sync actions

fn main() {
pub trait Impl {
    fn tick(&self, args: RtArgs, ctx: TreeContextRef) -> Tick;

ImplAsync for async actions

fn main() {
pub trait ImplAsync: Sync + Send {
    fn tick(&self, args: RtArgs, ctx: TreeContextRef) -> Tick;

Where args are the given arguments from the tree definition and invocation and ctx is a reference of the invocation context with bb and tracer


The actions are intentionally stateless thus they can't mutate. Therefore, it is better off to use blackboard to keep some data between the calls.

How to register action

fn main() {
fn simple_delay() {
    let mut forester_builder = fb("decorators/simple_delay");

    forester_builder.register_sync_action("store", StoreData);

Async actions

The async actions are executed in the multithreading environment and return the running tick result instantly. It does not block the execution of the tree and can be used in parallel nodes, etc.

On the other hand, every time when the tree is reloaded, the tick number is increased that can exceed the limit on ticks if the system has it. Therefore, it needs to take into account (when forester runs with the limit of ticks.)

Remote actions

The remote actions are the actions that send the request to the remote host and wait for the response. For now, it is only http requests with json body and json response.

The remote actions can have access to the blackboard and the tracer if the http-server is running (see http-server).

The remote actions should implement ImplRemote trait:


fn main() {
pub trait ImplRemote: Sync + Send {
    fn tick(&self, args: RtArgs, ctx: TreeRemoteContextRef) -> Tick;

Where args are the given arguments from the tree definition and invocation and ctx has the information about the http_server:

fn main() {
pub struct TreeRemoteContextRef<'a> {
    pub curr_ts: Timestamp, // current timestamp
    pub port: u16,          // port of the http server, to access the blackboard and tracer
    pub env: &'a mut RtEnv, // runtime env to execute the http request

The default implementation of the tick method is available in forester_rs::runtime::action::builtin::remote::RemoteHttpAction:

fn main() {
pub struct RemoteHttpAction {
    url: String,
    serv_ip: Option<String>,

it accepts the url and the ip of the http server (if it is not localhost, which is a default parameter).

The message is the following:

fn main() {
pub struct RemoteActionRequest {
    pub tick: usize,            // current tick
    pub args: Vec<RtArgument>,  // arguments from the tree
    pub serv_url: String,       // url of the http server to get access to the blackboard and tracer

The response is the following a TickResult.

How to implement the client side, please see remote action lib.

Default actions

By default, there are several implementations for http and interactions with bb are available in

fn main() {
use forester_rs::runtime::action::builtin::*;