YAML Specification

Here's the keys allowed when making a yaml file for a rubric. Not all fields are required, but it's better to be specific.

Here's the YAML syntax so you can learn how to write valid YAML. This isn't the official specification, but it's the easiest guide I found.

When naming your yaml files, you can use .yml or .yaml. Honestly you can use whatever extension, I don't care, but I use .yml for mine.

Quotes around strings are usually not required.

Minimum Required

name: Minimum Rubric
  Only criterion:
    worth: 10


# Required
name: Rubric Name
# Optional
desc: A short description about your rubric
# Optional
# This is just an extra check to make sure
# all criteria add to the correct total
# If they don't, it will print an error message when running.
total: 25

# Required
# You need at least one criteria

  # Required
  # Quotes are not required
  Criterion name:

    # Optional but recommended
    # This will be inferred from the name (lowercased, whitespace => '-')
    # This is like a human readable ID.
    # Must be unique.
    # This can really be any string, but it's best to keep it short and whitespace-free
    stub: a-unique-stub

    # Required
    # Point value of the criterion
    # This is completely subjective, you give it worth
    # Can be negative
    worth: 15

    # Optional
    # Controls the order the criteria are run
    # Lowest first
    # Can be negative
    index: 5

    # Optional
    desc: More information about this criterion

    # Optional
    # Printed to the console when a criterion passes or fails
    # Defaults to these values
    messages: ["passed", "failed"]

    # Optional
    # if this is true, criterion cannot be printed
    # Defaults to false
    hide: false

  # Here's all the fields without the comments
  Second criterion:
    stub: second-criterion
    worth: 10
    index: 1
    desc: Here's some more about this criterion
    messages: ["passed", "failed"]
    hide: false