
Warning: These commands modify your NFT and are for advanced users. Use with caution. Set commands are either irreversible or require a new update authority to reverse.

Set non-Data struct values for a NFT.

Set Secondary Sale

Set primary_sale_happened to be true, enabling secondary sale royalties. This is not reversible.

metaboss set secondary-sale --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --account <MINT_ACCOUNT>

Outputs a TxId to the command line so you can check the result.

Set Secondary Sale All

Same as set secondary-sale but takes a mint list instead of a single account file. This is not reversible.

Set Update-Authority

Set update_authority to a different public key. This is not reversible by the original update authority.

metaboss set update-authority --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --account <MINT_ACCOUNT> --new-update-authority <NEW_UPDATE_AUTHORITY>

Set Update-Authority-All

Set update_authority to a different public key for a list of NFTs. This is not reversible by the original update authority.

metaboss set update-authority-all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --mint-list <PATH_TO_MINT_ACCOUNTS> --new-update-authority <NEW_UPDATE_AUTHORITY>

The mint accounts file should be a JSON file with an array of NFT mint accounts to be updated:


Set Immutable

Set an NFT's Data struct to be immutable. This is not reversible.

metaboss set immutable --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --account <MINT_ACCOUNT>

Set Immutable-All

Set all NFTs in a list to be immutable. This is not reversible.

metaboss set immutable-all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --mint-list <PATH_TO_MINT_ACCOUNTS>

Set Token Standard

Set an asset's Token Standard to automatically be the correct type. This is not reversible.

    metaboss set token-standard [OPTIONS] --account <account>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -a, --account <account>        Mint account of corresponding metadata to update
    -k, --keypair <keypair>        Path to the update authority's keypair file
    -l, --log-level <log-level>    Log level [default: off]
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded default
    -T, --timeout <timeout>        Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]


metaboss set token-standard --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --account <MINT_ACCOUNT>

Set Token Standard-All

Set all assets in a list to be the correct Token Standard. This is not reversible.

    metaboss set token-standard-all [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --cache-file <cache-file>    Cache file
    -k, --keypair <keypair>          Path to the update authority's keypair file
    -l, --log-level <log-level>      Log level [default: off]
    -L, --mint-list <mint-list>      Mint list
    -R, --rate-limit <rate-limit>    Maximum number of requests per second [default: 10]
        --retries <retries>          Maximum retries: retry failed items up to this many times [default: 0]
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                  RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded default
    -T, --timeout <timeout>          Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]


metaboss set token-standard-all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --mint-list <PATH_TO_MINT_ACCOUNTS>