Multiline Link using HTML br tags: input: | First "link":/test/ and now a second link with newline in it: "line 1 line 2":/test/. Even "Telephone links":tel:123123123 expect: |
First link and now a second link with newline in it: line 1
line 2. Even Telephone
Left and “Right”:
Left and “middle”: and “Right”:
“Left”: and Right
“Left”: and “middle”: and Right
“Left”: and “Right”:
Right said Fred - no space: input: | Right said Fred" Right said Fred": Right said Fred":/ "Right said Fred":/ expect: |Right said Fred”
Right said Fred”:
Right said Fred”:/
Right said Fred - spaces: input: | Right said Fred " Right said Fred ": Right said Fred ":/ "Right said Fred ":/ expect: |Right said Fred “
Right said Fred “:
Right said Fred “:/
Fred said: input : | Fred said, ":We'll just have to leave it standing on the landing:". expect: |Fred said, “:We’ll just have to leave it standing on the landing:”.
False link: input : | Hello :"world"! expect: |Hello :“world”!
Under and over: input: | Under and :"over": Under and :"over": the wall. Under and :"over":/ the wall. Under and "over":/ the wall. expect: |Under and :“over”:
Under and :“over”: the wall.
Under and :over the wall.
Under and over the wall.
Link and image encoding : input: | !! !<&"encoding.png! "Requires encoding": "Entity is merely part of text": "In path component": expect: | URLs as non-links : notes: Straight URL text sequences should not be converted to a hyperlink. input: | "" " a website)" expect: |
“ a website)”
Quoted double-quote in links: input: | The use of the character ""' in textile. "The use of the character " in textile":help.html..! ""The use of the character " in textile"":help.html..! ""The use of the character """ in textile"":help.html..! "The use of the character """ in textile":help.html..! "The use of the character '"' in textile":help.html..! ""The use of the character '"' in textile"":help.html..! "The use of the character {"} in textile":help.html..! ""The use of the character {"} in textile"":help.html..! "The use of the character ["] in textile":help.html..! ""The use of the character ["] in textile"":help.html..! "The use of the character (") in textile":help.html..! ""The use of the character (") in textile"":help.html..! "The use of the character «"» in textile":help.html..! ""The use of the character «"» in textile"":help.html..! "The use of the character »"« in textile":help.html..! "The use of the character ‹"› in textile":help.html..! "The use of the character ›"‹ in textile":help.html..! "The use of the character „"“ in textile":help.html..! "The use of the character ‚"‘ in textile":help.html..! "The use of the character ‘"’ in textile":help.html..! "The use of the character ”"“ in textile":help.html..! "'The use of the character " in textile'":help.html..! expect: |The use of the character “”’ in textile.
The use of the character “ in textile..!
“The use of the character “ in textile”..!
“The use of the character “"” in textile”..!
The use of the character “"” in textile..!
The use of the character ‘"’ in textile..!
“The use of the character ‘"’ in textile”..!
The use of the character {"} in textile..!
“The use of the character {"} in textile”..!
The use of the character ["] in textile..!
“The use of the character ["] in textile”..!
The use of the character (") in textile..!
“The use of the character (") in textile”..!
The use of the character «"» in textile..!
“The use of the character «"» in textile”..!
The use of the character »"« in textile..!
The use of the character ‹"› in textile..!
The use of the character ›"‹ in textile..!
The use of the character „"“ in textile..!
The use of the character ‚"‘ in textile..!
The use of the character ‘"’ in textile..!
The use of the character ”"“ in textile..!
‘The use of the character “ in textile’..!
Encoded spaces: input : | "Wiked space snakes": "Wiked space snakes":/ "Wiked space snakes" expect: | Redcloth Links: input: | "testing": "Link":/foo.html, me "Link":/foo.html! me "Link":/foo.html; me "Link":/foo.html. "(just in case you were wondering)": "(myclass) (just in case you were wondering)": "It is (very) fortunate that this works": "link text":#1 "link text":#a "link text":#a1 "link text":#a10 "link text":?1 "link text":?a "link text":?a1 "link text":?a10 "link text":?q[]=1 "link text":?q[]=a "link text":?q[]=a1 "link text":?q[]=a10 "link text":index.html "link text":index.html#1 "link text":index.html#a "link text":index.html#a1 "link text":index.html#a10 "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": This is a "link": This is a "link": This is a "link": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link & text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text": This is a "link": This is a "link": This is a "link": "link & text": (This is a "link": but this is not. "(link) text(link title)": "(link)text (link title)": "(link) text (link title)": "Dive Into XML": "Lab Exercises":../lab/exercises/exercises.html. Go to "discuss": to discuss. * "rubylang": expect: |“testing”:
Link, me
Link! me
Link; me
(just in case you were wondering)
(just in case you were wondering)
It is (very) fortunate that this works
This is a link
This is a link.
This is a link.
This is a link
This is a link.
This is a link.
(This is a link) but this is not.
Go to discuss to discuss.
Links in tables: input: | | "abc":url | | "abc":url| |"abc":url | |"abc":url| |"abc":url|"def":url2| |"(class)abc(title)":url|"[en-GB]def[inition]":url2| |""福島駅"":福島駅_(大阪府)/?q[]=x.| |["(class)[de] "A def[inition]" (title)":../uri?q[x]=123#fr]| expect: |abc |
abc |
abc |
abc |
abc | def |
abc | def[inition] |
“福島駅”. |
“A def[inition]” |
Here is my link with some other…
In a sentence my link. And another link, you may not like!
In a sentence my link.
…blah blah on github blah…
…blah blahon githubblah…
…blah blah (for more details look on github) blah blah…
[Here] is a link, and another link, to the same site.
Unicode links: input: | "Übermensch":Übermensch "$":Übermensch "福島駅":link5 this is a test -- no trailing slash. "äöüÄÖÜßçéáóúèàòùÉÁÓÚÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂûÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ without trailing slash":link3 "äöüÄÖÜßçéáóúèàòùÉÁÓÚÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂûÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ without trailing slash":ä/öüÄÖÜßç/éáóúè/àòùÉÁÓÚ/ÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂû/ÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ "福島駅":link6 this is a test -- with a trailing slash. "福島駅":福島駅_(大阪府), what do you think? "福島駅":福島駅_(大阪府)/?q[]=x. "äöüÄÖÜßçéáóúèàòùÉÁÓÚÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂûÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ with trailing slash":link4 "äöüÄÖÜßçéáóúèàòùÉÁÓÚÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂûÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ with trailing slash":ä/öüÄÖÜßç/éáóúè/àòùÉÁÓÚ/ÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂû/ÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ/ "Google":link1 or "secure google":link2 [link1] [link2] [link3]ä/öüÄÖÜßç/éáóúè/àòùÉÁÓÚ/ÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂû/ÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ [link4]ä/öüÄÖÜßç/éáóúè/àòùÉÁÓÚ/ÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂû/ÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ/ [link5]福島駅_(大阪府) [link6]福島駅_(大阪府)/ expect: |Übermensch
福島駅 this is a test — no trailing slash.
äöüÄÖÜßçéáóúèàòùÉÁÓÚÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂûÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ without trailing slash
äöüÄÖÜßçéáóúèàòùÉÁÓÚÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂûÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ without trailing slash
福島駅 this is a test — with a trailing slash.
福島駅, what do you think?
äöüÄÖÜßçéáóúèàòùÉÁÓÚÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂûÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ with trailing slash
äöüÄÖÜßçéáóúèàòùÉÁÓÚÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂûÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ with trailing slash
Non-whitelisted link schemes: input: | "I'm a bad link":parp:// expect: |“I’m a bad link”:parp://
Mixed XHTML and Textile Links: assert: skip notes: > Reported here... input: | _word_ abc "": _word_ abc expect: | word abc word abc
Links with quoted text: notes: > Single quotes link text are fine, but double quotes break the link. Use " in this case. input: | "How free markets 'address' health care(title)": "How free markets "address" health care(title)": expect: |How free markets ‘address’ health care
How free markets "address" health care
Images with links: setup: setHtmlType: xhtml input: | Here's the favicon from the TXP(Textpattern) website... ! text)!: Again, this time left aligned. !<(class#id1) text)!: And again, to the right! !>(class#id2) text)!: expect: |Here’s the favicon from the TXP website…
Again, this time left aligned.
Link in quotes: input: | "Here's a "(class#id)link(with a title)":" expect: |“Here’s a link.”
Complex links: notes: > Pulled from (or inspired by) the Redcloth link fixtures. input: | The ION coding style document found at "IONCodingStyleGuide.doc":http://perforce:8081/@md=d&cd=//&c=82E@//depot/systest/system/main/pub/doc/IONCodingStyleGuide.doc?ac=22 codifies a couple of rules to ensure reasonably consistent code and documentation of libraries in ION. Test text "(myclass)[fr-FR]{color:red} just in case you were wondering(Title!)": "He said it is "very unlikely" the "economic stimulus" works": ""Open the pod bay doors please, HAL."": Here is [^"[de] "A def[inition]" (title)":url^] if you can believe it! expect : |The ION coding style document found at IONCodingStyleGuide.doc codifies a couple of rules to ensure reasonably consistent code and documentation of libraries in ION. Test text
just in case you were wondering
He said it is “very unlikely” the “economic stimulus” works
“Open the pod bay doors please, HAL.”
Here is “A def[inition]” if you can believe it!
Restricted links: setup: setRestricted: true setLite: true setImages: false setLinkRelationShip: nofollow input: | "link text": "link text": "link text":, "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text":; "link text":| "link text":* "link text": "link text": "link text":, "link text": "link text": "link text": "link text":; "link text":| "link text":* ("link text": ("link text": (Try "this link": ("link text": go go go!) "link text":/example "link text(with title)": "(this is not a title)": Here is "a link":0, and "another link":0 to a site. [0] Here is "a link":ts, and "another link":ts to the same site. [ts] "link text(with title)": "link text(with title)": "link text(with title)" "(class#id)[de-de]$(title)": "(class#id)[en-gb]{text-transform:uppercase}Try this link(Link title)": "(linkclass#linkid)[de-de]!(imgclass#imgid)imgurl(img/link text)!(Link Title)":linkurl "(myclass) (just in case you were wondering)": expect: |(Try this link)
(link text go go go!)
Here is a link, and another link to a site.
Here is a link, and another link to the same site.
!(imgclass#imgid)imgurl(img/link text)!
(just in case you were wondering)
More Restricted links: setup: setRestricted: true setLite: true setImages: false setLinkRelationShip: nofollow input: | Relative link to "$":testit.php?testfilename=textile/basic. Relative link to "$":/testit.php?testfilename=textile/basic. Relative link to "$":http://testit.php?testfilename=textile/basic. Relative link to "$":sqrl://testit.php?testfilename=textile/basic. Link to "sqrl":sqrl://testit.php?testfilename=textile/basic. expect: |Relative link to testit.php?testfilename=textile/basic.
Relative link to /testit.php?testfilename=textile/basic.
Relative link to testit.php?testfilename=textile/basic.
Relative link to “$”:sqrl://testit.php?testfilename=textile/basic.
Link to “sqrl”:sqrl://testit.php?testfilename=textile/basic.
Unicode Links in restricted mode: setup: setRestricted: true setLite: true setImages: false setLinkRelationShip: nofollow input: | "Übermensch":Übermensch "$":Übermensch "福島駅":link5 this is a test -- no trailing slash. "äöüÄÖÜßçéáóúèàòùÉÁÓÚÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂûÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ without trailing slash":link3 "äöüÄÖÜßçéáóúèàòùÉÁÓÚÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂûÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ without trailing slash":ä/öüÄÖÜßç/éáóúè/àòùÉÁÓÚ/ÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂû/ÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ "福島駅":link6 this is a test -- with a trailing slash. "福島駅":福島駅_(大阪府), what do you think? "福島駅":福島駅_(大阪府)/?q[]=x. "äöüÄÖÜßçéáóúèàòùÉÁÓÚÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂûÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ with trailing slash":link4 "äöüÄÖÜßçéáóúèàòùÉÁÓÚÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂûÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ with trailing slash":ä/öüÄÖÜßç/éáóúè/àòùÉÁÓÚ/ÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂû/ÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ/ "Google":link1 or "secure google":link2 [link1] [link2] [link3]ä/öüÄÖÜßç/éáóúè/àòùÉÁÓÚ/ÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂû/ÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ [link4]ä/öüÄÖÜßç/éáóúè/àòùÉÁÓÚ/ÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂû/ÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ/ [link5]福島駅_(大阪府) [link6]福島駅_(大阪府)/ expect: |Übermensch
福島駅 this is a test — no trailing slash.
äöüÄÖÜßçéáóúèàòùÉÁÓÚÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂûÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ without trailing slash
äöüÄÖÜßçéáóúèàòùÉÁÓÚÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂûÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ without trailing slash
福島駅 this is a test — with a trailing slash.
福島駅, what do you think?
äöüÄÖÜßçéáóúèàòùÉÁÓÚÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂûÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ with trailing slash
äöüÄÖÜßçéáóúèàòùÉÁÓÚÈÀÒÙêÊôÔâÂûÛåÅœŒæÆøØëËïÏ with trailing slash
Unicode In title: input: | !♡ imáges)! expect: |