# Configuration Configuration for September is done entirely through environment variables. ## `PORT` Bind September to a custom port Generally, you shouldn't touch this option if you are deploying using Docker. If no `PORT` is provided or the `PORT` could not be properly parsed as an unsigned 16-bit integer, `PORT` will default to `80`. ```dotenv PORT=1337 ``` ## `ROOT` Root Gemini capsule to proxy when not visiting a "/proxy" route If no `ROOT` is provided, `ROOT` will default to `"gemini://fuwn.me"`. ```dotenv ROOT=gemini://fuwn.me ``` ## `CSS_EXTERNAL` A comma-separated list of external CSS files to apply to the HTML response If no `CSS_EXTERNAL` value is provided, a default stylesheet of [LaTeX.css](https://latex.vercel.app/) and the styles within [`default.css`](./default.css) will be applied. ```dotenv CSS_EXTERNAL=https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mini.css/3.0.1/mini-default.min.css ``` ## `KEEP_GEMINI_EXACT` A comma-separated list of Gemini URIs to keep as is when proxying. ```dotenv # These two URIs will be kept pointing to their original Gemini URIs when # proxied instead of being replaced with their proxied equivalents. KEEP_GEMINI_EXACT=gemini://fuwn.me/something,gemini://fuwn.me/another ``` ## `HEAD` Insert any string at the end of the HTMl `` ```dotenv HEAD= ``` ## `KEEP_GEMINI_DOMAIN` Similar to `KEEP_GEMINI_EXACT`, except matches based on entire domain or domains instead of exact URIs ```dotenv KEEP_GEMINI_DOMAIN=fuwn.me,example.com ``` ## `PROXY_BY_DEFAULT` Control whether or not all Gemini URLs will be proxied Similar to `KEEP_GEMINI_EXACT` and `KEEP_GEMINI_DOMAIN`, but global This configuration value defaults to `true`. ```dotenv PROXY_BY_DEFAULT=false ``` ## `FAVICON_EXTERNAL` An external favicon file to apply to the HTML response ```dotenv FAVICON_EXTERNAL=https://example.com/favicon.ico ``` ## `PLAIN_TEXT_ROUTE` A comma-separated list of paths to treat as plain text routes These patterns do not support regular expressions, but do support the use of `*` as a wildcard. ```dotenv PLAIN_TEXT_ROUTE=/robots.txt,/license.txt,*.xml ``` ## `MATHJAX` Enable MathJax support for rendering LaTeX within `$` and `$$` delimiters This configuration value defaults to `false`. ```dotenv MATHJAX=true ``` ## `HEADER` Adds a large text header to the top of a proxy page Only available in styled routes ```dotenv HEADER="This string will show up at the top of my proxied capsule." ``` ## `EMBED_IMAGES Embed images in the HTML response if a link to an image is found A value of `1` will enable this feature, while keeping link to the image. Any non-empty value other than `1` will enable this feature, while removing the link to the image. ```dotenv EMBED_IMAGES=2 ``` ## `CONDENSE_LINKS` Condense adjacent links to a single line A value of `*` will condense all adjacent links to a single line. A comma-separated list of paths will condense adjacent links to a single line only on those paths. ### Example ```plaintext




Link | Link | Link

``` ## `PRIMARY_COLOUR` Set the primary colour of elements in the default stylesheet. This field controls the colour of items such as links and highlights. Popular choices are `var(--base0D)` for a blue, or `var(--base09)` for an amber colour. ### Examples ```plaintext PRIMARY_COLOUR=var(--base09) PRIMARY_COLOUR=red PRIMARY_COLOUR=#ff0000 ``` ## `CONDENSE_LINKS_AT_HEADING` This configuration option is similar to `CONDENSE_LINKS`, but only condenses links found under certain headings. For instance, I condense the few links I have on my index page under the "# Fuwn[.me]" heading, and I condense my quick links/navigation panel under the "## Quick Links" heading. This way, I don't accidentally condense say my entire sitemap, which could be hundreds of links long, but I do condense my quick links on every page. ```dotenv CONDENSE_LINKS_AT_HEADINGS="## Quick Links,# Fuwn[.me]" ```