{% if not_found %}

You requested for a file that does not exist

{% endif %}


A (self hosted) pastebin for easily sharing text right from the terminal


Upload some text:

From the web

With cURL:

            $ curl -d "Hello World\!" {{domain}}
            $ curl --data-binary @path/to/file {{domain}}
With HTTPie:

            $ echo "Hello World\!" | http POST {{domain}}
            $ http POST {{domain}} < path/to/file

Get some text:

With cURL:

            $ curl {{domain}}/raw/PlainVastAirport
With HTTPie:

            $ http {{domain}}/raw/PlainVastAirport
Don't forget to add that /raw/ there or else you will get html code meant for the browser

{% if delete_after == 0 %} This instance is currently configured to keep files forever {% else %} This instance is currently configured to keep files for {{delete_after}} days {% endif %}

For server usage and hosting it yourself, check out github